The Bet

Kaliyuga A dark age where many went homeless due to wars, Where the rich lived happily while others suffered, in this world deserts grew, people were infected with one disease or another where floods were constant due to the trees being cut  and  air  was thin and  the night's were dark the stars vanished only the moon and the north star were left under it a sage named hanuman. 

'Deep in thought, he teared up … holding a locket in memory

Of his lord and his family. He said "Lord ram it has been so long  since I last saw you in the dawapar yuga… it has been Four lakh years."

 Crack! . he turned around picking up his mace. His eyes teared up looking at Lord Vishnu and maa Lakshmi   standing in front of him and he fell at their feet. "I am so happy to see you…in this place…is it time for you to come into this world again."

" I am here for you hanuman, to tell you that I have a responsibility for you and I am sorry for leaving you in this chaotic world … I miss you just as much."

" Lord you don't need to worry I have always followed you and I always will"

"I am grateful for a friend and follower like you."

"What was the responsibility you were talking about my lord?

"Hanuman the responsibility of being a teacher and a defender for mankind and there is a bet which is part of your responsibility."

"what is the bet my lord?".

"Hanuman why don't I show you.. rather than telling you"

Then lord Vishnu took them in a place beyond time they walked in and lord hanuman touched a rock which was stuck or frozen in mid-air lord Vishnu called him and said rather than enjoying the surrounding see it is a infinite dark space…suddenly lord hanuman slipped and fell of while listening to lord Vishnu,he flew up luckily his powers saved him here.

"Hanuman we are here a place where each memory of mine in the history of time and space is here including the creation of reality… here it is the memory of the entire story." 

Then suddenly the environment from a dark space turned into a throne room,there were two princes standing like frozen statues .

"Hanuman … they say you don't know where time flies when your with your loved ones but you get to know your loved ones in time. same thing happened to the elder brother who gave his younger brother half the throne one of two leading kingdoms, thinking he would rule like him but his brother wanted to control the entire world but the elder brother wanted to rule in peace". As each of them went home the big brother thought his side would be in peace.The younger brother planned to kill his elder brother a plan to take his throne,he sent an letter with his most favourite general inviting his big brother for dinner the letter arrived to the elder brother's palace,the elder brother saw the letter and as he was going to agree,his female minister said this might be a trap even though he is your brother please be cautious while accepting it.Then he agreed to it saying that his brother would never do such a thing. They got ready for dinner and the elder brother reached his brothers castle on his horse carriage,he told his best friend the carriage driver to stay in there if the female ministers words were true,then he went in with his minister's. the younger brother asked the chef to poison everyone's food except his.

The chef asked what about his minister's. he said let them die 

I just need my supreme minister leave his as well and the younger brother saw the dog of his elder brother who heard the entire thing he caught it and told one of his guards to lock it up. so it wouldn't try to stop his plans knowing it's loyalty. the guard was taking him to lock it up,then he was stopped by the female minister who freed,the dog ran to the dinner hall as everyone was sitting and the dinner was readied up,the dog went and tried to stop the elder brother from eating the food but the elder brother didn't believe it since he thought he wanted the meat in the plate of the elder brother,The elder brother told his ministers to eat then the female minister grabbed the dog and was taking it away the dog bit her and then jumped the table eating the elder brother's food and ended up in pain and kept screaming the elder brother saw his dog and saw his ministers dead. Then the younger brother told that he planed this to take his brothers throne. Shocked! And angry the elder brother said he will avenge all of them the younger brother called the guards and Ordered them to attack, the elder brother the elder brother was an amazing fighter equal to Ten elite guards

The elder brother saw his female minister helping clear a path by fighting she had her hands and a well made talwar she cleared a way   both were experts in combat, the elder brother removed his sword which was sharp enough to cut a elephant leg and was a gift by a sadu to him and kept slicing any one that came in his way he saw the path was cleared to the gate they both ran towards the door and they ran outside The gate.

the carriage rushed seeing the king and the female minister with the guards running behind them the best friend quickly got them both and drove it,they got away right when the doors were closing.The elder bother once reaching the castle first arranged the preparation for war, then he and said to rally the kingdoms of the world. the female minister said I will arrange the war plans. 

the elder brother said 

"my friend you have been forever loyal to me u drove my carriage will u step in the battle field as my general". 

"How can I said the friend  and will the men follow my commands." 

"they will if I tell them cause I can trust you have been with me to every conference provided great battle plans.

"I have because I studied it a bit"

"Then you will be taking charge that's an order".  

the battle between the brothers continued till twenty years,the female minister and the friend died by the hands of  the younger brothers in these years  

with the world divided in half lord shiva and I were saving those we could from the war one day in the war we didn't see the little brother being guided by a shadow a real dark one it was commanding him,both sides faced heavy losses and as the elder brother and he little brother came face to face in the battle field went inaudible ,they both looked around everything stopped,time frozen the little brother saw a very dark figure  which was leaving an  evil aura while me and lord shiv  showed up trying to see what happened  the figure was kalipurush the dark king me and lord shiva sensed it instantly

 kalipurush wanted to make a bet to keep his rule permanent for the final kalchakra he said that his side gets to choose any demon in history and their powers,they get to have Two powers for one champion and total there will be six they will all be kids on my side four on yours".

we said "But in return they can't receive any blessings or help from the trimurti or any god we choose four but they can receive boons from all three of us and only after a few months of dedication,both sides get to choose any power from either side of history good or evil".

"kalipurush said the final stakes are the entire kalyuga and the kalchakra which will be stopped if we win".

NO! the kalckara won't be stopped but the Kaliyuga will be yours permanently and the brother's here will be our champion's. We have chosen the brothers here as our champions he chose the little brother while we chose the elder one,The little brother knowing what he heard asked that he can do anything with the powers he's been given but his brother can't use his. We told the brothers they were stuck in a void that the people and the Armies are dead that they are a ten thousand years ahead in the future. The little brother had no issue with us for this happening since he could rule the world with the power's he got…the elder brother asked that his friends should be born as the four kid's ,we agreed to this and said this will all happen at the end of the Kaliyuga and before me and kalipurush fight it out. Both kalipurush and the little brother agreed".

We made sure you had about fifty years to train the kids for the upcoming battles so hanuman you have this responsibility to train the future of this world cause the elder brother chose your powers in one of the champions all your powers including the blessings of the gods .theese four children will be special in that era the elder brother knows all of them and where they are,I will be born as a human in the future in an ancient hidden city protected by the strongest gods and lord shiva's boons but you have to handle every thing till then,be aware of your opponents they are tough.

As they were speaking a person came to pray at the temple near by. Lord Vishnu and maa lakshmi left. While leaving maa Lakshmi said "Take care of your self".

Lord Vishnu while leaving said "Go to the Himalayas you will see a special peacock feather given to the elder brother by me,

that's how you will recognize him:".

In a few minutes Hanuman reached the Himalayas

Flying above them as he went over the kailash he saw a light bright saw a golden peacock feather he knew it that was the elder brother and that there was no feather like that except the one lord Vishnu has.

Hauman said "let me test the elder brother's personality".

Transforming into an weak old man with wrinkly skin and went to test the elder brother. He saw food in the elder brother's hands.

 hanuman asked "child can you lend me some food I'm hungry and have not eaten for days". 

"But uncle this is the only food I have left but you can have it". 

lord hanuman said "What about you".

"I will have whatever I find here or meditate till I get food next time".

Lord hanuman said "You indeed are a righteous man, A good hearted person that's why lord Vishnu and lord shiv choose you". 

The elder brother said "what do you mean".

"I am hanuman!"

Lord hanuman transformed into his original form which is strong and mighty. the elder brother fell into his feet and asking is it time you were the only thing I knew was the sign  was beginning. Lord hanuman said "yes it's time". "I am here as one of the three divine teachers for them".My name is  vedant singh. "Then lord hanuman said "instead of calling me lord call me hanuman since we will be fighting a huge battle together you're a friend from now onwards".

"So what news do you have for me vedant about the kids and their locations". 

"Three of them are in pune. One of them is in your home town kiskhinda which is a hidden city,since I wont be welcomed u will have to go pick the fourth child your self ".

"Good idea and lets eat together. They halfed the roti's and ate em".

vedant said that they will meet in Pune after lord hanuman gets the fourth child,hanuman agreed.

Then Talking to himself said last I remember kiskinda was moved towards the west peak of the Himalayas which is now called the Everest in the secret caverns,plus I will also get to meet my family again.

Then lord hanuman said jai shree ram flew, towards it.