Visit to kishkinda

While he was flying, he saw a girl fighting, A beast which looked like a flying lion and was as large as a elephant.  bravely he is seeing if she could take care of herself, she was beating it with was sending shock waves with each blow it was taking and giving, then it's pack showed up she was surrounded and overpowered. Lord hanuman stepped in

'The girl said I don't need anybody's help'

One of them jumped on her and was going to kill her 

Lord hanuman charged in with his mace and hit it, it went flying the others saw his power and, still wanted to fight.

He said to the girl still thing you don't need any help.

'Fine! you can help me'

One by one lord hanuman just so he could have fun started 

Challenging them and fighting them, he dropped his mace and said It has been a long time since I have fought let me warm up by hands and then lord hanuman, started to wrestle with two of the lions he used his strength to overpower them  

The girl was fighting the two on her side very well lord hanuman while fighting shouted jai shree ram! and taking both down bare handed he stopped and let them go since he doesn't kill animals and innocent creatures. 

They got up and ran without looking back the other two ran behind them seeing that. 

Lord hanuman complimented the little girl that she is brave,

The girl asked who are you? I don't recognise you, I haven't met any outside the walls from my race.

Your race, He saw her tail and asked where is kishkinda now,

Who are you and why do you want to know? 

'I am hanuman I went out ages ago I am returning to meet my family.'

'Including my friend Angad who is the ruler of kishkinda'

'You must be joking the king your friend.'

'No I am not he is a friend who I have fought and fought with in battle.'

'Just take me there I'll show you.'

She agreed it's just near here let's walk together towards my homeland my name is Maya, its right behind that cave let's go, as they continued to walk towards a huge cave. Which was a illusion lord hanuman walked through the illusion and saw a huge wall which were the gates of kishkinda

some guards asked, 'who is it?' and she is said it's me Maya  

lord hanuman asked how is kishkinda is it doing well she

the gates opened instantly then as they went inside. He saw it was destroyed then as he entered everyone got happy and said, 'Hanuman is back!' 

Maya said, 'Who.'

Then Angad and sugriv Came with nal and veer everyone got happy and cheered for him.

Sugriv said, 'Are you all going to keep him here…or are you going to as him to eat.'

As they went inside lord hanuman saw people hurt and injured   

Or dead. Then he saw Bali the brother of sugriv he jumped to attack him but sugriv Came and stopped him saying he saved us from a threat.

Hanuman said, 'what threat?'

Sugriv said the enemy  tougher than any we have faced in the past, This was a kid but with  ten heads like Raavan and could fight like him but when we did damage on him with our weapon another one showed up as the blood dropped on the ground, Raavan was guiding him, Bali appeared on time and as he jumped on the palace he saw Raavan, guiding the kid then he went to Raavan and said your breaking our treaty,

Raavan said 'what treaty it broke when your brother invaded lanka.'

Bali then attacked Raavan and took half his power becoming equal to him since he had fought many more equal to Raavan     

Raavan using his sword clashing with Bali's mace they clashed again and again, Then Bali grabbed Raavan's sword and threw it away and then threw his mace aside and called Raavan to fight him bare handed as they continued to fight

Bali threw Raavan over the roof of the palace and it came crashing down, punching Raavan again and again ,raavan grabbed his fist and threw him towards the wall of the city the both were equal the fight came to the stamina of the two fighter's Raavan was overpowering Bali using his magic power's and then sugriv hit Raavan from behind and then Bali and sugriv overpowered Raavan to protect their kingdom.

Raavan saw towards his student to see, that is he ok but Angad

Overpowered him and tied him with his tail Angad said "To the kid the reason you lost is because u were inexperienced".

Then as they both retreated from kishkinda, then  as we were checking the resources you showed up,

 They headed towards the home of Angad they all were talking.

Lord shiva appeared from behind. 

Everyone bowed down…

Then lord shiva said, "the enemy kid Angad defeated will get stronger after proper training, the kid has the boon of Raktabeej which is he can only be killed by a female and was defeated by Maa Parvati".

Lord Hanuman said, 'these two teachers from the dark side.'

Lord shiva said, 'that the person you and them came here for is Angad's daughter maya…she will have all your powers and boons' .   

 Maya Shocked! Said This was all for Me!

Angad trying to calm her down said why don't you fight some of our elite vanara's. Now go! 

Maya left…

Lord hanuman Said, 'lord why her it could have been anyone.'

Lord shiva said, "believe in her."

With that he vanished. As lord hanuman Angad were talking, Sugriv left with Bali, Angad asked how his health was

lord Hanuman said, "it was fine just a bit rusty in fighting".

Angad asked what is going on, lord hanuman replied this is because of a bet in which two sides good and evil go all out hence she is being given all my powers but the opponents are tough and the entire Kaliyuga and the world is at stake I need to ask you for this so can I take her outside kishkinda, Angad grabbed his hands and said, "is that a question I trust you with my life". Crack!. 

maya was listening to everything from behind a pillar 

Angad called her and said what are you doing here I told you to go, she said I… 

Angad said no excuses, lord hanuman said to him remember how you were when you were her age

Angad said "I do remember.'

Lord Hanuman said, 'sometimes we forget to see from someone else's perspective aswell, she was curious

That's why.'

Angad said, 'I get It would you mind if I talk to her alone.'

Lord hanuman said, "ok I will wait here while meditating … 

They went to a beautiful garden in the city as they were walking angad said to her are you worried 

Maya said, "yes I have only been fighting for a few years how can I help."

Angad said, "where is my confident kid… remember Maya that true strength is standing up for yourself even when your mind tells you can't."

Maya said, "I know you have said that to me many times but how can I help, someone with that much power, I am a child plus I have just started to master my basic and intermediate skill's."

Angad said, 'yet you match me in physical combat, you have defeated many, you just have to believe in yourself, no matter what I will always love you just do your best'

Maya said., 'what if that is not enough, the world is at stake'

Angad said, 'what if I tell you I was just as scared when I was your age to go out and fight and I was much more careless'

Maya said, 'that's not possible your fearless and very responsible, strong and smart'. 

Angad said, 'But I grew everybody grows at their own pace, you will too so be brave represent us with all your heart a heart of a warrioress:'.

Maya said, 'just one last thing in the stories you used to tell me you said your friend could grow as big as a mountain, reach the sky in one jump is uncle hanuman that friend'.

Angad laughed said, 'yes he is'.

Maya said, 'so if I get his powers will I be able to do the same thing'.

Angad said , 'yes and no it wont be easy to get his powers even your grandfather could only contain one percent and even that was too much for him , I have faith you will in time.'

It was getting dark , the flowers of the night bloomed, they enjoyed the beautiful scenery, They both hugged and Angad said lets go rest and then maya went to her room while Angad went to hanuman and said she will join you but promise me you will take care of her lord hanuman replied, 'I will.'

Angad said 'lets go to sleep my friend, they walked till a small tent with everything and a small murti of lord ram in it as lord hanuman liked lord hanuman smiled and said good night to angad'. 

Angad was walking tensed going left to right, bali came from behind and said 'what is got you thinking so much my son .'

Angad said,' Father just thinking about my daughter fighting such a dangerous opponent.'

Bali said, 'since when did Vanara's worry about strong opponents, you fought bravely against Raavan and many more when you were young, just have faith in her' 

'but how will she handle the power of hanuman even you couldn't.' 

Bali replied, 'There must be a reason lord shiva chose her if not believe in him like I do, with all my heart.'

Angad replied 'well your saying the truth I should have more trust in her she has come close to beating me a few times.'

Bali said, 'so she is that strong well then you have nothing to worry about, she can handle her own against you then she could fight anyone.'

Then bali said, 'you have been a great ruler in my absence and I am proud of you.'

Angad said 'but still couldn't protect many from such a attack and it is not easy ruling in your place, you used to handle so much.'

Bali said, 'it wasn't easy for me too ruling takes work and heart which you have plenty.'

Angad said, 'thank you… good night father.'

The next morning Angad woke up and went to the armoury 

to improve his daughter's mace Angad looked all around he found her mace in the corner, he took the mace to the weapons master to make it better, He made it so that it would be less heavy but still have the same power. Angad went to lord hanuman and woke him up lord hanuman said. 'sorry  today we will be leaving' Angad said, 'I know'

then lord hanuman cleaned up and they both went to the palace stadium where all the vanaras used to train and fight, Lord Hanuman saw a huge pillar with mace strikes on it he asked Angad 'what it was?' Angad said 'it was a strike pillar to test maces.' then they saw sugriv and bali watching something and laughing, they went ahead they saw maya fighting two elite vanara's and beating them, bare handed she won.

Lord hanuman said, 'she is strong and brave how many elite vanara's  has she beaten till now.'

Angad replied, 'almost all except me, nal,veer and sugriv uncle' 

Lord hanuman said, 'wow!'

lord hanuman went to her and said 'you ready we will be leaving today'

maya said, 'ok but when are we going'

Angad said from the back right after I give you your present  

Maya asked, 'what present?'

'Angad said , 'this!.' 

As she saw her mace she went and hugged it did, then she saw it was lighter

She asked, 'how is it lighter, will the power now be less? She asked Angad.

Angad said 'this Is special it wont loose it's power but it will keep increasing as you fighting and will also help you fight longer try it out on the pillar.'

She went near it and winded up for huge strike, Bam!

The entire pillar cracked in half she was Shocked! 

Lord hanuman said, 'that was a strong blow.' 

Everyone else agreed, Angad said to her these were the modifications on your mace so do you like it 

Maya said 'I LOVE IT!'

Angad said, 'let's go eat food, few minutes later after eating lord hanuman said we will have to leave if we stay Raavan and his student will come back. 

Bali said, 'I will stay here to defend kishkinda, don't worry.' 

Lord hanuman and the rest went to the gates, to see her off everyone gathered and said goodbye to maya and lord hanuman as they left towards pune.