Level of 'Realism' Part III

(A/N: This chapter contains a lot of important info dumps! Enjoy!)




"So what are your in-game names?" Setsu suddenly asked me and Genki.

"Well I just use my name! Genki!" He exclaimed. He has always use the same nickname as his real life name because of ot's good meaning.

"Well I'm also doing the same.." Setsu added but then he looked at me.

"What about you?" He asked me once again.

"Miyu.." I muttered my name with a low voice. But they could catch on what I said.

"Huh.. you really used it.." Setsu remembered about what I said in the past for what I will use for my in-game name.

"So now what should we call you..?" Setsu asked again. I also have never thought about it. But because it's them..

"Whatever.." I just leave the decision to them and Setsu started thinking. After a while he came into a decision.

"We should just call you with your in-game name.." Setsu decided.

"Why is it?" Genki asked him.

"Well because of hi- *ahem* her appearance now, we couldn't let her identity leak" Setsu explained his reasonings.

"Oh! Okay! I understand!" Genki and I nodded at Setsu's explanation.

"Yosh! Let's head back to town and get started!" Genki said while pumping his fist to the air. Setsu just chuckled at him while I just stared at him. Then we just started walking back with me on the lead.




"So what should we do?" I asked the brain of our team which is Setsu. I've already told them some of the information that Toshinori-san gave me.

"Based on the game it said that we could freely do whatever we wanted.." Setsu said while thinking.

"Doesn't that means every profession is possible?" Genki asked Setsu. Regarding that I also thought it's possible after all it's a very free game with the only rules of you can't cheat.

"Well yes.." Setsu also realised the premise of this game.

"But it isn't fun to just lay around isn't it..?" I said to him.

"Wayfarer?" Genki suddenly asked to us both while smiling.

"Wayfarer it is!" Setsu decided on it.

"Wayfarer.." I also agreed with them both. After all we enjoyed adventure throughout our history of gaming. Whether it's VR or not we have always enjoyed the feeling of exploring through the unknown world of gaming. We then enjoy a good laugh after deciding what we are gonna be.

"So let's go!" Genki said and I lead them the way towards the Community Center. On the way we passed quite a few players who is just trying to look around. A few of them shot some glances at me. After all it's rare to see someone with a bright red eye color. But it didn't really bothered me. Setsu looked a little worried after all they knew that I really hate gathering attention towards myself.

"We're here.." I stopped at the same giant building I saw when I'm with Toshinori-san.

"Woah it's huge?!" Genki was amazed at the size of the building. Of course compared to modern sized buildings this is quite small but for this world standard it's quite.. huge honestly.

"Let's go in" Setsu said immediately taking the lead and entered the building first. We both followed suit behind him. When we entered the building, it was simply.. great and crowded.. In fact it was quite crowded but because of the building size there is still much space left.

"Let's go" Setsu immediately moved towards a counter that is empty. We approached the counter that is unusually empty for how crowded this place is.

"Excuse me-" "Ah yes! Good Afternoon, what is the matter?" Suddenly a lady popped out from under the counter and surprised us.

"Umm.. we would like to register.." I spoke with a low voice. But she seemed to heard it.

"Oh! Okay!" She said while going under the counter once again and when she popped up again she was holding 3 different papers on her hands.

"Please fill up this paperwork!" She handed us the papers. The paper is a simple white sheet with some writings on them. The writings on it was written in their language but we're given the ability to read it freely and to translate it automatically to our language. On the paper was written.





Preferred Weapons:

Role: ]


I simply answered the name age and gender just like the in-game info. But on the last two parts..

"Preferred Weapons huh.." I heard Setsu muttered. It's something that we considered very important.. our weapons and role in the party.

"Should we just do the usual?" Genki suggested. I agreed by suggestion and looked at Setsu. He also nodded at us. Then I started writing.


[Name: Miyu

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Preferred Weapon: Ranged Weapons (Bow and Arrow, Crossbow, etc.)

Role: Scout and Sniper]


This is usually my role in the party. As I have the best reflex, aim, and intuition among us, so I usually became the ranged damage and the main DPS in our team. Genki's role is the vanguard or the tank. His preferred weapons are usually Sword and Shield, Warhammer or just a Mace. While Setsu role is a little special. He specialize in strategy planning and in combat his role is a support type magic user. Because of Setsu's intelligence, Genki's personality and playstyle and my reflex we became an unbeatable trio in almost every game we play.

We then handed our papers at the same time towards her. She looked a little surprised at the composition of each of our roles. After all we all have our unique capabillities.

"Great! Then let me process this paperworks really quick." She took out a machine that looked like an old mini printer. She tapped down our paper on the top of the machine and a card suddenly is printed from the machine with the letters still magically engraving itself on the paper. She did this two more times and each of our cards are done. She handed our cards to us. We looked at it and was a little amazed. After all it contains not only our information but it even showed our portrait from who knows where.

"So a few things to make clear before you can do anything." She suddenly started speaking. We then turn to look at her while listening carefully.

"You may be Xenonians but don't think you could just die as much as you can and hope to be resurrected" She just stated an information that is HUGE.

'What does that mean? Is there a cap on it? A restriction and limitation perhaps?' I started to theorise a few reasons.

"But why?" But Setsu just straight up asked her.

"Each and every living beings contain what we call 'The Core'. When our kind dies our cores immediately started disintegrating and could only be saved by a high tier healing magic or other similar items. But for you Xenonians when you die your core will only chipped away. But when you dies too much in one day without letting it recovers it could let to a permanent death" She explained it in detail. It's a unique concept for this game that could be fatal if this information is not spread widely.

"I see.." Setsu began to understand the standpoint of her talk.

"Now if that is out of the way. Let me explain how the 'Way of The Farers' organisation works!" She then started to explain the basics of the works of Wayfarers.




What she just explained is just simple and generic Adventurers things in anime and novels. Basically you take a quest, submit it to them, complete the quest and gather the reward. There is a rank system for the Wayfarers which consists of:


1. Newbie (which is the lowest rank of all the rankings. It's usually showed by the copper color of the cards. Newbie ranked Wayfarers could only take the F rank commissions as the lowest and E- as the highest possible commissions.

2. Starter (The second lowest rank in the system. It's symbolise by the dirty grey color of the card. This is the average Wayfarers rankings for all of them. You could achieve this rank if you've done a E- rank 10 times. Starter ranked Wayfarers could take the commissions from F rank to C rank.)


As for the rest of it she only explained it simply as the way to achieve them is more complicated.


3. Experienced (Could accept the B ranked commissions but could not accept any other quests)

4. Expert (Could accept the A ranked commissions and could accept an AA ranked commissions if they were a party of 3 Experts ranked.)

5. Master (Could accept the S ranked to SS+ ranked commissions. Could also be sent to protect nobles or royalties. Could also be sent as an envoy for the 'Way of The Farers' organisation)

6. Grandmaster (Could accept all kinds of commissions starting from F to Ex ranked commissions. Only 1 person have been recorded throughout the history to reach the Grandmaster rank)


"And that's all for the Wayfarer's ranking system!" She finished her explanation.

Thats all of the ranks for the Wayfarers. She surprisingly told us quite the detail. Even though it felt like she has been explaining for an eternity but only around 5 minutes have pass in game. Nobody also is also lined up behind us. But before we could process all of the info we received she suddenly started explaining other things again..

"So now, I will explain how the danger system for commissions work" She then started again..




"*sigh* It felt like my brain was about to burst!" Genki sat down exhausted on one of the benches inside the Community Center.

"Well at least we finally could rest our brain now.." I said with an exhausted tone.

"She does explain important information though" Setsu added. But it doesn't change the fact that it's very long. Well from what I conclude from her explanations about commissions danger system, she stated:


- F rank ( The lowest tier commissions available. Usually was commissioned by commoners or villagers asking for helps)

- E- to E rank ( The second lowest tier of commissions. It's usually was commissioned by an Elder of a village or small merchants. Usually it's in the form of a subjugation or escort mission)

- D- to D rank ( The most common commission ever. Usually was commissioned by middle class commoners or middle class merchants. It's usually in the form of subjugation, escort, or gathering monsters materials.)

- C- to C rank (The more common commissions. It's usually were commissioned by the same people in D ranked commissions with the exception of the form of commissions. C- to C ranked commissions were in the form of special investigation or subjugation of a monster colony or infestation)

- B rank (Usually commissioned by a low ranked noble or the city's knight order. The commissions are usually in the form of an assist to subjugate a dangerous group of monsters or bandits)

- A to AA rank (Usually commissioned by a middle class noble or the city's mayor. The commissions are usually in the form of special information gathering of different things from illegal trading acts, dangerous organisation, or even a monster stampede)

- S to SS+ rank ( Usually commissioned by a high class and influential nobles or merchants and organisation. The commissions are in the form of dangerous and highly risk subjugation, escort, material gathering, or even war personnel)

- SSS to SSS+ rank ( Usually commissioned by royalties. The commissions are in the form of royalty personal escort, royalty rescue mission, highly dangerous monster stampede, or subjugating a high level threat to a Kingdom)

- Ex rank ( Usually commissioned by the Leader of Way of The Farer Organisation by the World Discussion. This commission only have one type. World Saving. Usually is issued in the face of a world ending scenarios. Only 1 has ever been issued.)


"She certainly explained it with detail.." I said remembering how long it took for her to explain all of it.

"Well it's quite important so I don't really care" Setsu shrugged like he just doesn't care. We gave him a sharp glance at his statement.

"Well of course, smarty" Genki said in a mocking tone. But Setsu didn't seem to be bothered.

"Aww.. why the silence? Are your brain too small to fit all that information?" Genki kept on annoying him. Veins started to protrude on his forehead while he is making an annoyed expression. Looking at his annoyed expression becoming worse and worse I decided to step in.

"Genki, stop.." I stopped Genki from annoying him more and he also realised it and stopped with a little chuckle.

"*sigh* Thanks.. Miyu-chan.." I heard Setsu muttered something. I immediately glanced at him with a sharp gaze.

"Must be wrong.." I muttered silently.

"So what are we gonna do now?" Setsu asked. I also haven't thought about it.

"Now then.. wanna get our equipments?" Genki asked while holding the map that the lady from behind the counter gave to us.

"'Let's Go!"' We all excitedly follow Genki to the shopping district.




"Woah it's crowded.." Genki said looking at the shopping district in front of us.

"Well what do you expect?" Setsu added.

"..." I'm a little nervous at the crowd in front of us. .

"Well let's march forward!" Genki started walking excitedly entering the district.

"Oi wait!" We both followed suit.




(A/N: If there is any error please tell me!)