The Exciting Start

"Woah!" Genki is excitedly looking around at everything. The crowd and atmosphere here feels a little..

"..suffocating" I looked around me as I saw the crowds pass by next to us. We kept our speed similar to Genki as we don't want to lose him in the crowds as it would be a nightmare.

"Genki! Don't stray too far from us!" Setsu reminded Genki. Genki nodded but he didn't seem to care a single bit..We just kept looking around until suddenly..

"Ouch.." Someone bumped into Setsu making him stumble backwards a bit and hit me causing me to fall. But the person didn't seem to notice and just walked away minding his own business. But when I looked back towards Setsu somehow he is gone..

"Eh..?" I looked around searching for him in the crowds but I couldn't seem to find him. With Setsu missing, Genki is also missing somehow..

"I hate the crowds.." I sighed and continue on my path alone as I could not just wait for them to find me.

"Let's see what I could find.."




"..?" I stared at the giant sign in front of me with nothing written on it but the door sign said 'Open'. Strangely I felt a little connection to this place and when I want to walk away I have a feeling about something in this place. So I did what any sane person would do.. I entered the shop..

"Excuse me.." I looked inside the shop. The shop looked like any normal shop in games. Multiple racks that hangs items, some shelves that displays some more items and other things. Then I looked at the counter. Behind it was a woman that looked like she is in her mid 20's. She has a long wavy blond hair. Her eyes are different colored but instead of the normal color, her right eye is grey colored and looked very lifeless while her left eye is a beautiful bright green color. She is currently polishing some leather boots.

"Hmm?" She seemed to notice me inside the shop and glanced towards me.

"Hello there, young girl" She greeted me with a wave while smiling. She seemed really polite and kind.

"Hello.." I greeted her back.

"Feel free to look around" She said and went back to polishing the leather boots she was previously doing. I looked around the shop while inspecting the items.

The shops has three rows of tall shelves with racks on the wall. I went over all of the shelves to find nothing that interest me until..

"..?" I looked at an item hanging on a rack on the wall. It's at the very back of the shop and it's the most different Item I saw from the items here. It's a bow, it's made out of purely wood with no content of metal visible on it. The wood is an unique dark redwood based off the color alone. The design of the bow is also a bit peculiar as it's not the smooth and soft limbs but the design looked as the wood is a bit hard and rough. The wood is coiling around each other like a rope but it's not thick at all instead it's very thin unusually thin.

I picked up the bow and noticed it's size. The size of the bow is huge with the full length almost as long as my height. But the bow is very light. Almost as it's made with sticks. The string is golden colored and when I tried to pulled it back it's a little heavy like a normal bow but for this size it's still very light. I noticed at both tip of the bow a small gem both colored deep red and light blue were engraved. I also noticed at where the grip is a small gem that has a unique half and half consistency. With one half being a black shining gem while the other being a white but reflective gem. When I tried to aim with the bow I felt a weird feeling inside me..

"Nostalgia..?" Yes I felt a little nostalgia when I'm aiming with this bow. I don't know why I felt that way. It could be because of how long it's been since I've drawn a bow that has a realistic feeling or something else. But deep inside me I have a feeling that I need to get this bow. I brought the bow up to the counter with the lady.

"Ah! Hello again, young girl. Found something you like?" She asked while now reading a newspaper. I lifted the bow and put it in the counter.

"This.." I showed her the bow I found.

"Hmm-" When she saw the Item I brought she suddenly froze. The newspaper she held fell down in a quick manner creating a thud.

"Hello..?" I called out to her but she didn't seem to hear me at all. I waved my hands in front of her eyes and when I poked her cheeks she finally snap back to reality.

"Ah- Yes.. Hmmm.. This bow is quite heavy can you even use it?" She asked a really weird question. I deadpanned stared at her and just lifted the bow and aimed with it in ease. She was shocked but then she widened her eyes.

"I see.. Well you want it?" She asked me again now with a smile on her face. I stared at the bow and made up my mind.

"Yes.." I nodded at her. She smiled then head towards the room at the back. She came back with a quiver with full stock of arrows in a bundle inside the quiver.

"Then because nobody wants to buy that bow and it's been there for.. a while now I will give it to you for free!" She stated. I was of course surprised. After all it was a really nice crafted bow. But because I will never refuse free items I just accepted it.

"And this is for you also" She handed me the quiver with arrows. I raised my eyebrow at her in confusion.

"Ah- That's free. I gave that to people who bought my bows" She said. I nodded and wore the quiver while holding in my excitement. She then sat back down and looked at me.

"Then.. Feel free to come back for equipment maintenance and maybe other things!" She said picking her newspaper back up and focusing back on it.

"Thank.. you!" I bowed a little then hastily exited her shop with a small smile on my face while excited.




I then wondered what I should do next. I started to wander around once more looking for more stuff and looking for Genki and Setsu. Not long after, I actually found a shop that I'm certainly intrigued in. I opened the door of the shop and the bell ringed.


"Oh! Welcome to my place!" A guy shouted from deep inside the shop. I went inside and found the guy. He is a young man with lean build. He has brown hair and a brown skin. He has bright green eyes along with a huge smile on his face. He is sitting on a machine that looked like an old school leather sewing machine. Next to him is a lot of other machines to make clothings and other piece of clothings.

"Oh hello, Little Girl." He stood up from his position. When he stood up I realised..

'How tall even are you?!' He is very very tall to say the least. Compared to Genki who was already tall he is like a telephone pole. He is as tall as a professional basketbal athlete!

"What do you want here?" He crouched down a little which insulted me a little but I just ignored it.

"I don't know.." I honestly don't even know why I entered this shop. I just found it interesting the fact that this shop was named 'Mordekai's Inscape'. He nodded then said.

"Oh! Then Feel free to look around!" went back to his work. He sounded very energetic..

For the reasons of not interrupting him any further I just went back to the front and looked around. Apparently this shop is a clothing shop. There are a lot of different clothings here. From wool clothings to even exquisite clothings.

Not long after looking around, I found an interesting piece of clothing. It's a normal dark green cloak with a full hood. It's quite big but it's not that big that it will be a hindrance. It's size also fits me quite well. So I decided to brought the piece back to him.

"Excuse me.." I called out to him. He's focusing really hard on his job. He looked really passionate about his crafts and based on the things I see inside the store his crafts are also very high in quality.

"Hmm? What is it, Little Girl?" He stopped for a while and looked at me. He immediately saw the piece I brought.

"Ohh! Good taste! It suits you very well! But the colour is a bit.." He seemed to be thinking. But not long after an imaginary lightbulb appeared besides his head.

"I got it!" He ran inside a locked room while making a few ruffling noise. The noise stopped not long after and he came out holding a similar piece of hood.

"This is better!" He handed the piece to me. Now instead of a dark green colored hood, he handed me a dark grey that also covers my whole body. Like the dark green one it's easy to use and is very comfortable. I tried putting it on and immediately liked it.

"How is it?" He asked with a giant proud smile.

"Un. It's amazing.." I could understand his pride in his work. It's certainly is amazing. But now the real talk is..

"How much is it?" He predicted my mind. I nodded and he started thinking. He seemed to came up with something.

"That piece should really cost around 4500 Avarus.." He said and I widened my eyes. I only have 3000 Avarus with no more things.

"But! I will reduce the cost of it to around... 2500 Avarus.. IF! You could do me a favour" He proposed a interesting deal. I gestured him to continue.

"Because I haven't met someone with a perfect body like yours.. Could you help me became my model for my clothings?" He said his deal. Now his deal is very good especially for my situation now and it won't necessarily impact me a lot so..

"I agree then.." I accepted his deal and he looked very happy.

"Hahahaha! You made business in the right place! My name is Mordekai Irving! Pleasure to work with you from now on!" He laughed heartily while offering his hand for a handshake.

"My name is Miyu.. Please treat me well.." I accepted his handshake and handed him the money for the payment. Not long after we broke the handshake as to not create an awkward atmosphere. He then handed me back my change which is 500 Avarus or 5 dark grey coins.

"Now then I should go back to my work. Be careful out there!" He said before focusing back on his job. He looked very serious so I didn't bother him any further and just left.

"What a good day.."




After that little shopping I made my way back to try and locate both Genki and Setsu. But before I could walk further I heard something.

"OI! KUU- MIYU-CHAN!" I heard someone screaming my name in the middle of the crowds. Based on the voice I already knew who he is. But how he called me is a little annoying.

"*sigh*.. So loud.." I sighed and quickly went through the crowds to approach them. Not long I finally saw them, both Genki and Setsu. Just like me they each have their own unique weapons on them.

Genki has a giant shield that is as tall as him in length and almost 2 times wider than him. The shield has a distinct white and yellow colour combination with a weird pattern on it. He is currently hanging his shield on his back.

Meanwhile Setsu has a staff that fits his stature. The tip of the staff is shaped like a flower and in the middle of it is a aquamarine colored round crystal that is reflecting the lights of its surroundings making it looked glowing. But the most important thing about him is.. He has glasses?!

"Yo.." I quickly snuck up behind them professionally and surprised them.




"I'm sorry okay?!" I ignored Genki. Right after I surprised them Genki suddenly moved backwards causing the shield he hanged on his back to hit me on the face. This game have a realistic pain system so when you got hit like that the pain will be equivalent to getting hit on the face with a frying pan.

"I mean it's kinda your fault in a way.." Setsu said. Well it's kinda true but I won't admit it.

"Well whatever.." I sighed in defeat.

"Where do you guys get your weapons from?" Genki asked us. He seemed curious at our weapons.

"Mine? I bought it from a shop that sold magic things. He said it's a great staff and I bought it for 3000 Avarus.." He said. That meant he used all of his money to buy this staff. I'm gonna say it's a pretty good trade..

"What about yours, Miyu-chan?" Setsu asked me.

"First of all don't call me with a -chan!" I glared at him. He flinched a little but didn't seem to worry even a little.

"I got this bow from a what I think is a Hunter's Shop? The lady gave it to me for free because nobody wanted to buy it for a long time now.." I showed them the bow in full view.

"Woah isn't that heavy?" Genki asked. It seems that the bow size is large even for him.

"No.. it felt light for me..?" I answered him.

"Can I try holding it?" Genki approached me and asked.

"Sure.." I handed the bow towards him but suddenly..

"Shit! It's heavy!" He can't even held it on his hand and immediately dropped it to the ground.

"Heavy..?" I picked it back up just fine. I'm very confused as to what he meant.

"It's certainly heavy.. I could see that Genki didn't lie.." Setsu added.

"Well I don't know.. But how did you get your shield, Genki?" I asked Genki. I'm genuinely curious as to how he got his shield.

"Hmm? Just like you both I bought it for all my money. It's just a normal shield with a cool colouring on it nothing more.." He told us. Well it's certainly disappointing.. But..

"Now we are ready to get our first commission, isn't it?" Setsu said while smiling and fixing his glasses.


"Yeah!" We both agreed with Setsu.

"So now.. shall we go for a commission?" Setsu asked us while holding his staff with a excited look.

"Lets Go!" Genki excitedly pumped his fist to the air. I smiled and nodded. Today.. our first true experience on this world will truly start!