The Understanding of 'Legacy'

"Damn.. this thing is huge.." We looked at the giant board in front of us. The board is so wide it's panning across the entire room. This is the commission board. Just like it's name it's the place where commissions were put up with a paper.

There are in total 3 different boards in the building. The biggest and the most packed one is the first board that we are looking at right now. It contains the commissions ranging from F rank to B rank with the most common being D to C ranked commissions. This board has it's own room because of how huge it actually is. There are even ladders to take the one on the top.

The two other were put in a special room as it's commissions were highly secretive and only people who have achieved Expert rank or above could even access it.

But looking back at the giant board in front of us we are completely confused on what commission to take.

"Are you lads new here?" We heard someone talked from behind us. We all turned around and saw a man in his 30's. He has rough skin with a tanned colored skin. His body is covered in heavy muscles as he is carrying a heavy looking crates on his shoulder.




We all answered respectively with our styles of talking. The man stared at us then laughed.

"Hahaha! You lads are in a 'Party'?" He asked us. A 'Party' is a term used by a group of people to finish commissions then splitting the rewards equally. We already registered ourselves as a 'Party' with no official name yet as we could only make an official name when we reached Expert rank. We all nodded to him and he smiled brightly.

"Good! Good! I can tell you lads have good coordination and teamwork" He said while nodding completely undisturbed at the fact he was carrying a heavy crate on his shoulder.

"I can see you lads have trouble in searching for commissions" He walked up to the board then began skimming through the packed commissions on the board. He then stopped at a certain commission paper, ripped it out from the wall and handed it to us.

"This should do for the level of your party" We looked at the commission with anticipation.

"Goblin subjugation.."

"In the west part of the forest"

"12 of them" We read the info on the paper with detail to understand what the man gave to us. Not long after we determined that it's sufficient for us and we decided to take it for our first commission. We looked back towards the man but he was already gone. So we shrugged it off and brought it to the counter.

"Thank you.. random man.." I thanked him silently then followed them towards the counter.




"Ah! Hello again, lads!" We once again found the same man from before. But this time he was behind the counter.

"Set on taking the commissions, lads?" We handed him the paper. He read the details of it while asking us.

'"Of course"' We answered him simultaneously.

"Haha you lads have great energy! Give me each of your cards to me!" He asked for the cards that are given to us earlier. We handed him the cards and he took out something akin to a stamp. He stamped the commission's paper making a weird code that I guess function similarly to a barcode.

He then took each of our cards and pressed it on the paper. Suddenly the commission's paper started to burn. But instead of burning like by fire it's burning by.. nothing. Not long after the paper turned into nothing completely and the man handed us back our cards.

"Here, lads. Be careful out there. The location of the commission is as stated at the west part of the forest. The rewards are 1200 Avarus. Any questions?" He asked us. We looked at each other both Genki and Setsu shook their heads but I have a certain question.

"How will you know we completed the commission..?" I asked him for the commission's confirmation kinda thing.

"Oh! Just bring their 'Physical Cores' to us. They should stand out after you killed them But just in case they glowed a dim light and usually have a unique colour. So anymore questions?" He explained the concept pretty simply. We shook our heads and he smiled.

"Well, lads! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Yasa the Leader of Miden's 'Way Of The Farers' Branch Organisation. Nice to meet you lads!" He smiled and gave us a thumbs up.




"You guys liked the 'Title' system..?" I asked them their thoughts about the 'Title'.

"Well it's certainly useful as they said the Titles could bring many benefit." Setsu answered.

"Yeah! It's also more interesting that there are unique Titles that only 1 person could get." Genki added.

"Oh yeah speaking of titles, your thoughts about the system?" Setsu asked me.

"While it's certainly interesting.. It's gonna be harder than usual.." I spoke my true feeling. I thought that the system will be a little too harsh on some noobs. But to go the length on not spoiling a lot of contents they kept it disclosed.

"If I'm right, the health is based on real life endurance. If your head was pierced by an arrow you will automatically die. But if your legs were decapitated you will only lose some mobility." Setsu explained. Well we already kinda knew as we read the information together.

"But the mana one is.." Setsu looked a little confused.

"Troublesome.." I continued his sentence.

"Do you even know any spells right now?" Genki asked Setsu. He realised it now and widened his eyes.

"No.." He let out a sigh.

"Based on their stats and power system I speculated I actually need to learn it manually.." Setsu smiled bitterly.

"Well that will be hard for all of us isn't it..?" Genki laughed bitterly.

"*sigh*.. This is going to be a little hard.." I said while gazing up to the bright cloudy sky. The bitter mood didn't last long as we changed our topic into something else while we just kept on walking until we reached our destination.

"Maybe some other times we should go out in real life?" Genki suggested.

"Sure" Setsu agreed quickly while I only groaned. But for now we will enjoy what time to chat we have before realising just how hard the fight will be..




"Hop!" I lifted a heavy box with one hand while the other carrying another heavy box. I started walking to the storage area of the building to store the boxes and just repeat the process until all done. But before I could walk away I heard somebody called me..

"Umm.. Yasa-san?" A lady that I recognised as one of our employees that managed the commissions acceptance files.

"Is there any problem, Kei-chan?" I asked her with a big smile on my face.

"Umm.. Why are you going out of your way just to help them?" She asked me a weird question. I presume it's about the three lads from before.

"Hmm.. I don't really have much reasons but let's say.. I see potential in them! Hahahaha" I laughed while walking away carrying the two heavy boxes. Kei-chan look confused but I just ignored her.

'The world will shook once again!' I excitedly thought while releasing a huge smile on my face.




<3rd PoV>

A short man with white long hair that is kept in a ponytail and deep yellow eyes could be seen working on a piece of equipment. His beard was tied into a single batch to not hinder his work. He worked with precision, skill, and the guidance of his passion. All of that could be seen in all of his prized crafts.

"Hahahaha! It's been a while!" He suddenly laughed while still processing the equipment he was doing.

"For more than 120 years! It finally has a Master!" He laughed passionately.

"The most prized of my crafts.. go wreck havoc and make them know! Just what you truly capable of!" He grinned widely.

"The world shall shook once again!" He declared loudly while laughing before going back to his work.




<3rd PoV, Another Place>

"Such genius! Such incredible mind!" A sound of a young boy reverberates throughout the place. The young boy looked like a normal boy with short het rough onyx black hair while having a pair of beautiful deep purple eyes. The young boy also is floating in the air breaking the rules of physics.

"Such a inconspicuous way of thinking. The potential he has!" The young boy laughed heartily.

"The last time it appeared should be.." A book suddenly appeared in front of him. He flipped through the pages while reading them in a speed incomprehensible to a normal human being.

"There! 3000 years ago! And that's me!" He once again laughed while holding his stomach.

"Could he be my successor?" He asked himself.

"Well he could!" He nodded to himself.

"Go wild! Go big! Satisfy your curiosity! Unbox the mystery of this world! And once again shook the whole world!" He laughed while all the books and items in the room started floating with him alongside the uplifting mood.




<3rd PoV, Another Place>

"Is it truly you..?" A woman with blonde hair caressed a group or even could be called a family picture photo frame.

"Is it truly you who promises to came back..?" She gazed up to the ceiling.

"Is it truly you who gave up your life to protect us all..?" Her eyes started to shine as her vision turned blurry.

"Is it truly you who we..wants to embrace once more? To tell that we loved you.. even until now? To tell your stories to the whole world..?" Tears started to stream down her face from her eyes and dropping to the ground silently. But even if she is crying she still is letting out a gentle smile that nobody could match.

"Because if it's truly you.. this world shall shook once again.. more than ever" She closed her eyes embracing the atmosphere of summer.




<3rd PoV, Another Place>

"Miyu eh..?" A frail looking old man is currently looking upwards towards a statue of a person.

"What a nostalgic name.." He smiled bitterly while sighing.

"If that is you who came back.." He looked up to the bright and cloudy summer sky.

"You shall shook this old yet beautiful world.. once again" He smiled while enjoying the summer skies then after that completely blending in within the crowds.


