What A Drag..

"This is the place right?" We looked around the place. This is the west part of the forest.

The town of Miden is surrounded by thick forests. So to compromise the problem with the wild animals they build walls around the place.

Fun fact, The forest is split into four parts including the west, east, north, and south each with a path going quite deep inside the forest. I could feel the difference of the west part with the place where I first spawned in which is apparently the northern part according to Setsu.

The air in the northern part is a little cold with sky high trees, causing the plants to not really packed together and with enough sunlight to get in. The northern part is home to carnivorous type animals and some omnivorous animals with a few native fruit trees. In the northern part there is a lake that is filled with fishes and other marine animals called Yutaka.

The southern part is a packed area of trees and other plants. The southern part is rich in flora with different type of mushrooms, trees, and rarely any animals. The southern part of the forest is warm and with the addition of a natural hot spring ponds and streams. The main source of the spring water is called Hofuna.

The eastern part is another unique place with high humidity but less packed than the southern part. The trees in the eastern part are short but thick with really thin leaves. On the floor of the forest are different types of flowers that have a mutualism symbiosis with the trees that they attached themselves on. The eastern part of the forest are also really high compared to the other parts making the place filled with steep and unexpected hills. The animals here are mostly insects and birds that could reach different sizes from small to really huge. In the eastern part there is a giant hill with the name of Bunri with a river flowing in the middle of it to throughout the whole eastern part of the forest which is also called Bunri river. This hill and river splits the eastern part of the forest into two parts with different fauna and flora but the same climate.

The last part of the forest the western part. This part of the forest is the most dangerous but docile one as well. This place is hot and humid. The trees are dense and is filled with different species of them as well. To call it this part of the forest is simply a really large rain forest with a lot of natural structures such as caves. This part has the most diversity than any other parts. But this place is known for it's poisonous insects, animals, and even plants. But they only could be found deep inside the western part. In this part of the forest there are multiple bodies of waters like rivers and streams but the most notable one is an underground waterfall located deep inside the forest called Himitsu.

When I first heard about the information I thought that there is no way that the whole entire forest could be that big.. but I was wrong. The whole entire forest was called the Tayo-sei forest. This forest is so large the size of it is even larger than the largest forest on earth which is the Amazon forest which spans around 5,500,000 Km². But according to Setsu's information from when we are separated, the Tayo-sei forest spans around 12,780,000 Km². That is more than 2x the Amazon forest! This forest is also apparently sacred and is responsible for balancing the world's climate.

He said to travel out from the middle of the forest which is Miden to the outside world you need to travel for more than 800 days in walking speed. But then I asked him how the hell they communicated with the outside world then?

So apparently they have a special way of transportation here. A gate. Just like the basic ol' teleportation gate. They could reach the outside world in to time making the city of Miden basically a transport city.

But that's enough for the fact about the forest. The author is already tired writing and fact checking a few stuff. Now let's get back to the main events.




"It's hot.." I complained about the heat coming out from this place. For some reason the devs really need to bring the temperatures to a realistic level where we could felt the heat.

"Just.. bear.. with.. it" Setsu said while sweat streams down his forehead like a waterfall. Genki is the only one between us who could move normally.

"What are you guys talking about? I felt fine!" Genki seemed really enthusiastic. He seemed to be sweating profusely but he still moved fine.

"'Ugh.."' We groaned together.

"But where are the enemies?" Genki asked. He's right we have been walking for a while but we haven't seen any enemies.

"'Graaah!"' Then just like a miracle the sounds of groaning could be heard. We looked over to the source of sound and saw.. goblins. A lot of them..

"Oi! Oi! This isn't 12 goblins" Genki said the obvious.

"Stupid! You think we can't see that?!" Setsu was a little angry.

"*sigh* You both.. what a drag.." I looked at the enemies in front of me. Based on their looks, they are the typical fantasy setting goblins, the green little humanoids, that pillage, raid, and steal. In total the amount of goblins around us are around 30. But we are in an open area so they might be more at the back.

"Spears, swords, daggers, archers, and clubs..." I listed their weapons.

"Yes. Have a chance to be poisoned too" Setsu joined in.

"No openings to run or use tactics" Genki added.

"There is no time! Get into position now!" Setsu shouted.

"'Graaah!!!"' And with that shout the fight began.

"*sigh* what a drag.." I sighed lazily while drawing my bow.

"Bear with it" I looked back at Genki and Setsu just smiling.

"Kuu- Miyu took out the archers first! Genki protect us!" Setsu immediately took the lead.

"Okay! Okay! Let's do this!" Genki sounded excited and raised his shield then stomped it to the ground.

"Understood.." I release the tension and an arrow flew in high speed towards the first goblin archer.

"One" I counted and draw another arrow.

"'Grah!"' Three goblins leaped to me from my side and two attacked Setsu.

"Huft!" I leaped sideways then shot my arrow hitting another archer.

"Two" I looked at my side as the three goblins tried to get up. I took one of my arrows and used it as a dagger and stabbed it through the goblin's head.

"Three" The other two successfully got up and rushed towards me with their weapons. They swung down their weapons but I dodged them and threw the arrow at one of the goblin's throat killing it instantly then I immediately reached in, grabbed the arrow from the goblin and stabbed it through the other one.

"Four" "Five" I looked towards Genki and saw him being overwhelmed by six goblins sticking on his shield and Setsu struggling to kill two goblins by impaling them with his staff. I wanted to help them but taking down the archers is a better choice for now.

I once again draw my bow and shot two arrows at the same time. Both the arrows hit each one goblin archer on the eye killing them.

"Six" "Seven" I then scouted around and located the last archer. I quickly shot it down before it could do anything.

"Eight" I then now focused back towards Setsu and Genki. Setsu has killed two of the goblins attacking him and Genki has crushed 3 with his shield and successfully rid of the ones sticking on his shield.

"That's thirteen" I re-grouped with them to help them out.

"Archers done.." I reported back to Setsu. He nodded at that and looked at Genki. Genki noticed Setsu's gaze and nodded. We have played together so much we understood what each gazes meant.

"Okay! Okay! Stupid goblins came here!" Genki slammed his shield on the ground and immediately charged in. The goblins were visibly startled by our strategy.

"*sigh*.. What an energetic person.." I sighed lazily and took out two arrows. I quickly shot both of them hitting the two goblins that is behind Genki.

"Fourteen" "Fifteen" Genki didn't even flinch. That just shows how much trust we build to each other.

"Smash them with your shield!" Setsu shouted to Genki. Genki nodded and charged in once again but with more speed.

"ORAA!" He charged piling up goblins in front of his shield then smashing them to the ground. Goblin's blood has drenched the place in red alongside Genki's shield and body. In total Genki crushed around 5 of them

"That's twenty" I counted and Genki headed back to us for a regroup to asses more of the situation.

"Nice job.." I said to Genki and he gave me a thumbs up. But as I looked into the distance I saw something horrifying.

"Oi! Oi! What's that again?!" Setsu also seemed to saw it. It's not even concealed.

"That's a horde.." I saw the amount of them coming here. But instead of anger I saw them running with.. fear.

"Setsu.." I called out to Setsu but he already thought of it first.

"Run! We can't fight that much yet!" We immediately retreated but were stopped by another horde of goblins on our back.

"Shit! We're surrounded!" Genki said in panic. Sweat is now dropping more rapidly from our body as the heat and the tension of the situation getting more intense.




"Hmm.." I looked at the paperwork in front of me. Stacks upon stacks of papers from this region is compiled here.

"*sigh* Why did I agree to become the Leader again?" I once again questioned my decision. It's not that I hate this job, it's just.. tedious.

"Maybe I should get some days of-" Suddenly someone burst through my door to the room.

"Ohh, Kei-chan! Is there a problem?" I asked her as she catches her breath.

"An emergency!" She stated. Hearing that I instantly got into serious mode.

"What is it? Give me the papers and details!" I asked her to gave me the details of the emergency she was holding. She immediately gave me the papers and as I read it she started explaining.

"Two days ago, an E- rank commission was issued out to subjugate a group of goblin wanderers. In quantity there are 12 of them." She started explaining. I remembered about the quest she was talking about. I gave them out the one party of Wayfarers that just is starting out. But as I read the papers, I startes to truly understand the emergency.

"But only 12 goblins were a misinformation! Just now a guild employee just came back from daily forest investigation and saw a full horde of goblins!" She explained the suppose emergency. A horde of goblins is a normal thing but it's still dangerous for that party but they should be able to retreat properly.

"So what's the immediate emergency?" I asked her as I flipped through the papers when I saw a true disaster..

"How?!" I was blatantly shocked.

"Isn't it supposed to be deep inside the western forest?!" I immediately asked her. She was a little surprised at my outburst.

"Well we also don't know the cause of the situation. But what we know is that the goblins were running from it.." She explained professionally.

"Shit! This is bad! If it's heading outside the western region the balance would be disrupted!" I said while slamming my palm to the table.

"So what should we do, Yasa-san?" She asked me. I calm myself and ransacked my brain.

'This is bad! It's a monster that could even make an Experienced wayfarers run away in fear! What should we do?!' I thought all of that in a single second. But I decided on something.

"I'll go myself" I said to Kei-chan. She was surprised at my decision.

"But Yasa-san-" I stopped her before she could say anything more.

"There is no one available who could match that monster right now" I said to her. She also realised it but she is still hesitant.

"Don't worry! Even if I haven't fought in a while.. I'm still a.. Master ranked after all" I said while grinning at her.


