The Worth of Victory

"There are too much of them!" Genki said in worry. We are certainly in a lot of trouble as the number of goblins in front of us may exceed 100 or even more. But what's troubling us even more is..

"And there is that thing..." I pointed to an intimidating goblin with a much bigger stature and a huge different in strength compared to a normal goblin.

"Oi! Oi! That is not something we could probably beat!" Genki is now even more worried. Even if this is just a game, pain is truly a real experience here. That's why this game is actually a little frowned upon at first.

"Certainly don't want to lose to goblins either" Setsu also said like he's reading my mind. The goblins looked terrified of the giant goblin on the back based on their reaction.

"How many arrows you got left?" Setsu asked me. I looked at my quiver to check my arrows.

"Around 20.." I told him a number.

"Good save them. Just use your arrows or even the weapons from the goblins to kill them." Setsu explained what he need to tell us. It's expected for him to think of it this far so we just nodded at him.

"Good I have a plan. Just back me up!" He said and immediately ran towards a goblins and completely smashed it's head with his staff.

"Okay! Okay! Let's do this!" Genki rushed forward in a dash using his shield.

"'Grahh!"' The screams of goblins echoed throughout the battlefield. I didn't slack as I grabbed a weapon from a dead goblin and threw it at a goblin that was sneaking behind them while defending myself.

Both Genki and Setsu kept pushing forward as I defended their back and keep on their pace. We were approaching the giant goblin slowly but surely. We know that the giant goblin is not even close for us to beat. But at least we will try our best.

We kept on pushing forward while killing or avoiding as much goblin as possible. A ton of goblins have been building up in front if the shield. Right now the giant goblin has already inside my range if fire.

"Kuu- Miyu! Fire an arrow towards it's eye!" Setsu suddenly said. I then realised what he wanted to do.

"Crazy son of a damn!" I shot forward an arrow towards the giant goblin who was slaughtering it's own kin.

The giant goblin noticed the arrow but it was too late as the arrow had already been in front of him.

"GRAAAAAHHHH!" The giant goblin screamed in pain while covering his eye with his hands. We didn't pay heed to his screaming and defended our position as we had stopped pushing forward.

"Good! Now it's time for us to defend.." Setsu said while we looked at the obviously angered giant goblin.

"Why do you have to always use the craziest strategy?" Genki said a little worried.

"As long as it works!" Setsu said while dodging a sudden arrow coming from the goblins.




"Tch! Small fries move away!" I swung my axe across the enemies splitting them in half. I looked at my frontline as more and more goblins kept on coming.

"Honestly how much of them are there?" I kept on wondering.

"Graaah!" I heard a goblin behind me lunging towards me.

"Tch! Annoying!" I kicked it away and sliced it right in the middle. I kept on pushing in the horde as more and more of then came. But then I heard a loud scream.

"GRAAAAHHHHH!" It's certainly a goblin scream. But not a normal one and by the reports I'm very much sure that it is a..

"Crazed Goblin Champion!" Goblins may be one of the lowest ranked monsters in term of strength. But they definitely covered that in numbers. A goblin horde this big could even be the fall of a town.

"It sounds like the Champion is wounded" I based this off from the scream of pain. Then I remembered the newbies that I helped earlier.

"?! It may be them!" I rushed forward while swinging my giant axe around creating a path filled with corpses of goblins.




"How long should we hold this position for?!" I heard Genki complained. I agree even though it's not our real physical bodies it's still exhausting to fight like this continuously. And to fight like this in our first day..

"I felt that the next days are gonna get even worse.." I muttered to myself while stabbing a goblin in front of us. We are exhausted, wounded, and are completely drenched in blood.

The ground then started to shake a little. We looked towards the giant goblin and saw it dashing towards us.

"Here he comes!" Setsu said. We nodded and separated from each other. The plan that Setsu made was simple.

"First we anger the giant goblin. On a simple way shoot it's eyes. I think that should work."

"Then we let it rampage through the other goblins while we dodge it's attack by splitting apart and kept on aggravating it." I must say it's a pretty simple yet effective plan. It has a lot of things that could go wrong, but with our experience? All of that are easy.

"Come here, you freak!" I heard Genki shouted which gained the giant goblin's attention towards him.

"GRAAHHH!" The giant goblin charged in while holding his giant club.


The giant goblin does three consecutive strikes with his club. The devastating effect of the attack left a small crater on the ground and a lot of cloud dust rising.

"What amazing physical power.." I thought while dodging the goblins attack on me.

'But isn't that giant goblin their leader?' I wondered. But I let my guard down as a goblin successfully snuck up towards me.

"Gah!" The goblin hit me with a club on the liver. I endured the pain and quickly grabbed it's head and thew it towards it's own kin.

"'Grahhh!"' They all stumble backwards giving me time to focus back. I looked back at the giant goblin and saw that it's close on me. I calmly drew my bow and shot an arrow towards it's neck.

"GRAAAAHHHH! The arrow pierced it's neck but the wound was very shallow.

'Even the neck has a thick skin.. How can we do this?' I thought as I looked at the giant goblin. It is now facing this way and is getting ready to swing down it's giant club.

'That's bad!' I could feel the danger the swing is radiating.

"Kuuji! Dodge!" I heard Setsu shouted.

"Easy for you to say!" I said while sweats were dripping down my face.

"Graaaaahhh!" The giant goblin swung down in full force causing the ground to crack towards me.

"This is bad!" I muttered. I immediately dodged to the side as a crack on the ground approached me.

"'Graaahh"' The goblins that were on the spot got either thrown away or fell inside the crack.

"Setsu how long do we have to do this?!" Genki shouted to Setsu.

"I don't know either! Until we could find an opportunity!" He said as he dodged another goblin lunging at him. Then Setsu suddenly widened his eyes while looking at me.

"Oi! Kuuji! Behind you!" I looked behind me and realised I messed up real bad.

"!!" I let my guard down. The giant goblin suddenly is already behind me.

"Graaaah!" He swung horizontally.

'I can't dodge this!' I reflexively still tried to dodge but I'm still in the range of the swing.

'Damn.. first death? Not so bad I think..' I thought as I accept my first death in this game. But..


"Still too soon to give up, lads!" I heard a familiar voice talking beside me. I looked at the owner of the voice and saw..

"..Who are you again?" I have forgotten his name by accident..

"Keukh! My name is Yasa.." He reintroduced himself.

"Oh yeah.. hello, Yasa-san" I greeted him awkwardly. I scratched the back of my head while looking at him.

"*sigh* Well let's do the greetings later.. for now" He turned towards the giant goblin with a stern look.

"You have disturbed the balance of the western forest.." He pointed his unbelievably large war axe towards the goblin.

"So by the [Judgement] of God of Balance.. You shall be exterminated!" His axe suddenly glowed a bright golden color.

"May you rest in peace.." He said before swinging his axe downwards while the giant goblin just stood there stunned and afraid.

"GRAAAAAHHHHH!" The force of the swing is weak yet the effect is unimaginable.. The giant goblin was instantly turned into dust that was quickly brought away with the wind.

"'..."' All of the creatures there were silent as they were either too stunned to move or just too afraid.

"With that it's done.." He then looked back towards all of us.

"Why the stunned look?" He asked us suddenly breaking our amazement.

"Ah- Uhm.. nothing.." I said awkwardly. At that moment the goblins that were surrounding us also started to move.. or spesifically running away..

"Ah! Goblins wait!" Genki shouted as he tried to stop the goblins from running away.

"Stop! Don't chase them.." Setsu said to Genki. Genki immediately stopped and looked back towards us.

Yasa-san took a look around us and his expression turned to a surprised one. I mean we just survived a full horde of goblins and managed to kill almost around 40 percent of them. There were so many after all and the fact our position are in such a plain they could ambush us easily.

"Hahahahaha! Impressive!" Yasa-san suddenly started laughing while clapping his hands. He looked very happy for some reason.

"Well done, lads. I see a promising future in front of you. Don't die before you reached them" He started to walk away while saying something.

"Wait! What do we need to do with all of this?!" Genki asked Yasa-san.

"Ah- The employees will take care of all that. You just need to grab enough Physical Core to finish your commission." He said to us. We nodded at his explanation.

"Well then, lads. See you later!" He said while slowly walking aways while carrying his giant war axe.




"*sigh*.. Tired.." I slumped down to the ground. My legs gave out as I've already spent most of my energy dodging the enemies.

"Good job out there" I heard Setsu said from behind me. He looked exhausted while Genki was collecting the Physical Cores.

"..What do you think?" I asked Setsu. He seemed to be pondering a bit as he was staring blankly at the sky.

"Wonderful.." He said lowly.

"Could we finally have the adventure we always wanted?" Setsu suddenly asked me. I closed my eyes enjoying the wind under the boiling temperatures.

"Who.. Knows..?" I said while smiling a little.

"Hahahaha. Let's just do our best!" Setsu laughed while placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Hey!! Rather than just talking there.. Help me!!" Genki complained while looking very exhausted. We laughed at him and he sulked a little.

"Well then.. Let's help him shall we?" Setsu walked towards Genki to help him. I felt the warm wind blowing through my hairs while letting out a little smile.

"Lets see what this world has in store for.. us" I got up and walked towards both of them who are now bickering like children.