The First Death And The Plan

"...Isn't this" I felt my sweat drop when I saw the amount of it.

"'A lot..?'" Setsu and Genki both have the same reaction as me. On our hands were each 5 shining gold coins. In a numerical amount those are around 50.000 Avarus.

"Aren't these too much?" I asked the receptionist. She looked a little confused at my question which also made us confused.

"Too much? You guys are actually underpaid! A Champion horde with more than 100 goblins. You guys beaten more than 50 of them!" She stated our achievements out loud making people stared at us.

"So..?" I asked for more explanation.

"That's probably easy for an Experienced Wayfarers. But for you have only joined today! Besides the pay from the Core of the goblins were actually more than this. But we took them as compensations for our need to help. I'm sorry~" She apologised to us. We were a little confused but we just accepted it and went on our way.

"Hmm.. I wonder what Yasa-san is thinking"




"So... what are we going to do now?" I asked them.

"I need to probably log off" Setsu said. He probably needs to cook dinner for his family.

"Yeah me too. I need to help mom prepare tomorrow batch of cakes to sell" Genki also said. He always helped his mother baking cakes for them to sell. His father also opened a bakery as well.

"I see.. well then goodbye!" I said to them while waving.

"'Bye!"' They both said before logging off by turning into pixels and disappeared completely.

"Hmm.. well then I think I shall explore alone.." I said as I walked towards an arrow shop to stock more arrows for my own safety.




"Hmm... where should I go?" I'm thinking about a place to explore while alone.

"Ah.. Northern Forest?" I remembered about the northern forest. Apparently the 'Northern Forest' is a giant winter forest surrounding a giant lake in the middle of it.

"Then I shall go to Lake Yutaka.." I started walking out from the city towards the Northern Forest area while imagining what sort of place it will be.




"Tch" I shot another one down swiftly while avoiding an incoming lunge.


I heard a growl behind me and quickly ducked down avoiding another lethal blow. When I was deep inside the Northern Forest I stumbled upon a berry tree but when I approached it a pack of wolves were there resting. So when they noticed I was there they thought I was a hunter and attacked me. I tried fighting them off but there was a lot of them. So I just ran away but a few keep following me.

"What the hell?! I wasn't even trying to hunt you guys!" I complained as I shot another arrow towards the wolf that lunged me from behind. I shot the arrows at it's legs as to not kill any of them. I also make sure to avoid any vitals and main mobility body parts so I shot it only to make them limp.

Not long after I heard a loud howl and the wolves that were chasing me stopped and ran back towards the source of howl leaving me alone standing there. I then looked at the time and realised..

"They were chasing me for half an hour?!" I was surprised to see it. But then I looked at the sky and saw it was getting dark. Snow also somehow started to fall from the sky. As I don't want to stood out here in the snow as the cold could actually be felt. I decided to look around to find a shelter and found a..

"Cave..?" A natural opening from a cave near a small hill. It looked pretty big so I just went in the cave and looked around. Just as I went in the minimap suddenly turned dark and I was pretty surprised.

But the surroundings were bright, brighter than even outside. As I walked deeper into the cave, the brighter the light became. Then I saw..

"Woah.." Crystal. A lot of them. The crystal emits light that is around light blue in color. They were hanged on the ceiling aiming downwards and on the high walls in clusters. They was really beautiful.

"How come they're here though..?" I inspected the crystals. They were hard but they felt like a very very smooth glass. They were transparent in true color and has sharp pointy ends on them.

"*sigh*.. good place to sit down for a while.." I sat down on the side of the cave leaning to the walls.

"Hmm.. Let's check some things.." I pulled out my not very long time no see friend.. my status sheet.


[Name: Miyu

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Class: None => Amateur Archer

Skills: None

Magic: None

Technique: None

Strength: 5 => 6

Endurance: 3 => 5

Agility: 5 => 7

Dexterity: 8 => 9

Mind: 8

Spirit: 8

Title: - The Traveler From The Far Lands, (The true traveler who have traveled from the far far lands, Effects: Allowing to go back to the Land far far away instantaneously)

- One Deep Within, (Truly discovers something within even if yet to understand it, Effects: Unknown)

- The True Self, (Embody the true self of one, Effects: Increased learning speed and understanding of oneself)

- ??? (Unknown, Effects: Unknown)]


I looked at the changes in my status. Without saying anything I was pretty surprised.

"..That little?" The increase in my stats were very little it didn't even could be felt. But another thing also caused me to be surprised.

"Amateur Archer.." I looked at my class display. I now has a class even though it's still the most basic one.

"So real life skills could not be brought.. only the experience then.." I concluded the class system. I have quite some real life archery skills but not very advanced one. Then I take a look at the stats once again.

"So if I focus fully on training can I increase my stats faster.. I don't really know?" I mumbled to myself. I then just continue to rest in the cave while trying out a few things like how items interact with the world and other things.

*Rumble* *Rumble*

"..What again?!" I stood up quickly and observed my surroundings. The cave suddenly just rumbled really hard. I could even feel the vibration from here. But then I saw a glimpse of shine at the end of my line of sight and I already have moved from my original spot.


My reflex and instinct saved me that time and I was really grateful for it. But there is a much bigger problem here.

"What the hell is that?!" I looked at the giant creature in front of me. The cave was very huge but the creature was also huge.


Like the sound it made, the creature resembled a giant snake that has a similar colors to the crystals and some even growing on their skins. It's eyes glows a bright red while looking down at me.

"Shit!" The snake suddenly launched itself forward towards me. I quickly dodged the snake at the last moment. The snake despite missing the target still keep on charging when suddenly.


"Argh!" I was suddenly sent flying into the cave walls. I look at the direction I was hit and saw it's tail slamming me. My vision was red, my breathing is ragged, and my body could not move. The feeling of pain could be felt throughout my body. My sense of death is ringing hard yet I can't move as I'm too injured to move.

'Is this what death felt like..? Not so bad really..' I then closed my eyes and my character in game died from the unknown enemy.

'One day.. I'll come back.. the humiliation' My last thought before was forcefully logged out with a message.

[You Have Died! Time for respawn: 30 minutes]

[Forcefully Logging Out.. Success]




"..." I suddenly opened my eyes and sat up. I was sweating profusely despite my room cold temperature. I took off the ARN Gear and placed it on my table.

I then went over to the corner and reached out to my fridge in the bedroom to grab a drink.. and yes, I have a fridge in my bedroom because why not.

"..Here it is.. the grape one" I chose a soda with a strong grape flavour with it. I opened it and it made a popping noise.

I then went to my PC and turned it on. It turned on quickly and I just opened the the usual threads I opened for just informations.


[User Code#5564]

>Is Tale Of The Unbound hype worth?

[User Code#4398]

>I think yes. They done the game great honestly.

[User Code#6978]

>Same. The systems great. The premise is good. Really recommended.

[User Code#5564]

>I see. I should try it out I think.


A short and quick exchange but a friendly one. That's what I love from these threads. It's anonymous, friendly and informative. But spesifically Tale of The Unbound restricted any flow of in game info out in these threads. So information in the game must spread IN the game itself creating it's own chain of information. Kinda unusual if you ask me but pretty much didn't cause harm so I'm pretty meh about it.

"Seems like a lot of people have started playing.." I looked at the numbers on their website on the player count.

Just now it already reached 5 million players in Japan alone. The starter town is truly huge to actually accommodate this much people.

"Hmmm..." As I thought about it suddenly my phone notifications rang.


[Genki: Guys want to hang out tomorrow? There is the convention!]

[Setsu: But what about Kuuji?]

[Kuuji:If you guys want to go I will also follow.. I guess]

[Setsu: Are you fine about it?]

[Genki: Yeah! Yeah! Don't need to push yourself]

[Kuuji: ...I'm fine]

[Genki: Yosh! Tomorrow at 12 P.M lets meet up at the usual place! Bye!]

[Setsu: What an enthusiastic person.. I will see you later Kuuji]

[Kuuji: See you later]


"..." Well there is my plans for tomorrow. I'm certainly quite interested in the conventions but.. what clothes should I use?

But just as I was thinking suddenly I heard someone shouted.

"Kuuji! Let's eat dinner!"

"I'm coming!" I shouted back. It must be my big sister. I will think about the clothes problem later.. foods come first.




(A/N: Sorry for not uploading for a long time. I have no time to write because of school activities. Hope you guys understand!)