The Real Meet Up Deal! Part I

"Kuuji? Can you just tell me about it?" I looked at Kuuji who was obviously thinking hard about something. It's been around 25 minutes since he- she looked like this.

"Kuuji..?" I tried to call out to her again. But she obviously was too deep into her thought that even she only is eating correctly because of muscle memories.

"Kuuji! If you don't answer me I'll force you to only eat that super sweet foods for the whole week!" I started to get a little annoyed and when I threatened her with her most hated types of foods which is the sweet stuffs, she always answers.

"Hmm..?" She looked at me with her emotionless eyes that yet held unimaginable rationality, curiosity, and maturity.

"What is it..?" She asked me while tilting her head a little. She looked very cute and if it's not because of my calm composure I would have rushed in to hug her already.

"Why do you have a very difficult face there?" I asked her. Then she finally realised it.

"Is it really obvious..?" She asked me with a little frown on her face.

"Everything about you is obvious in my eyes, Kuuji" I said to her while chuckling a little. She was my only closest relative back then and until now. So when I must first move away from her to continue my college and work I was very sad and so I knew about almost everything about her.

"*sigh*.. I was just.. thinking about tomorrow.." She muttered but I clearly heard it. She slowly grabbed her favorite dessert while still thinking.

"Let me guess.." I thought about all things that she could possibly do tomorrow.

'Ah! It's that probably!' I thought of something plausible.

"Do you have a plan to go out tomorrow..?" I slowly asked. I seem to hit the right answer as she almost accidentally drop the spoon in her hand.

"How..?" She asked with a perplexed face.

"Of course, you are my one and only most beautiful sister!" I picked her up and hugged her like a doll. Back then Kuuji was probably as tall or even taller than me. But now.. she was cute in height. She is not that short but not that tall. In one consideration she is what people called a 'loli'. But it's not really, she probably has the height of a.. middle schooler.

She resisted my hug as she pushed my face away. But I just played with her and put on a fake sad face.

"*sob* Do you hate your big sister now..?" I asked with a sad tone. She was surprised at my reaction and quickly stopped resisting. And so I hugged her more tightly, I could feel her face heating up and her cheeks going red but it only makes her looks cuter.

After a while, I finally released her and placed her back on her chair while she was pouting a little.

"Then what is the problem? Is it because of your looks now? I had thought you had told them already?" I was a little confused at what she had problem with.

"Clothes.." She muttered something. I could not hear her clearly enough so I just asked again.

"What?" I asked again slowly.

"Clothes.." She answered with another mutter but this time.. I could hear her.

"Oh.. That's what you've been worrying about!" I chuckled. I had forgotten she didn't have any clothings that she could use now.

"Well dont worry, let your Nee-san handle this!" I said with a big smile.




(Next Day)

I had just gone to sleep right after I told Nee-san my problem about clothing and she said she will deal with it. But somehow.. I felt like danger is oncoming upon me..

"I'll ignore it for now.." I said while hopping down from bed. One of the most problematic thing after I turned like this isn't actually clothes. But.. my height. I became quite short, probably as tall as a 12 years old.

"Good grief.." I slowly walked towards the bathroom to wash my face. When I looked in the mirror I found a cute girl staring back at me. She has black hair and crimson red eyes. This girl is of course me, I had not really gotten use when I saw my face in the mirror.

"Kuuji! Come down! Let's eat your breakfast! It's already 8 A.M!" Suddenly I hear Nee-san calling me from downstairs for breakfast.

"On my way *yawn*" I said to her while yawning. After washing my face and drying it up with a towel, I went downstairs and was meet with a pleasant smell of an omelette. I peaked over towards the table and saw two plates of Omurice.

"Good morning, sweetheart" I looked at Nee-san who was preparing some tea.

"Muu.. Don't call me that!" I looked away and pouted.

"Hahaha, come here sit down, let's eat" She said while pointing at the chair near her. I sat down and she also followed suit.

"Then let's eat" She said and digged in.

"Thank you for the food" I thanked her first then digged in as well. I first cut the omelette open revealing the runny insides that spreads out. I then slowly took a bite from the rice because of how hot it still is.

"Mhmm" I made a satisfied voice. Nee-san's cooking was always great as she had learn from her past working place where she worked as a restaurant server.

"Hahaha, glad you liked it, Kuuji" Nee-san chuckled while patting my head. It felt good so I just let her be.

"Oh yeah.. Nee-san" I wanted to tell her about something.

"I think it's better if you call me Miyu instead of Kuuji.." I said to her. But she only looked confused.

"But why? It's fine isn't it?" She asked me.

"Well.. yes, but it's better not to as if you call me Kuuji some people will recognize me." I explained to her. She only nodded in response indicating that she understood.

"Then why Miyu..?" She asked me. I thought she knew everything about me..?

"It's just my game name.." I simply said while shoving another spoonful of rice inside my mouth.

"I see.. then Miyu-chan. I already got the clothes you asked for" I nodded. Yesterday when she said to leave it to her, I said to get me a dark colored shirt and jeans. I don't want to use a skirt.. or a dress in that matter.

"I'll show you later.. Oh yeah what time are you leaving?" She suddenly asked.

"Around.. mid day" I said while remembering the exact time.

"Great, then we have time!" She said with excitement but it causes me to shiver.

'I have a bad.. no really bad feeling about this..' I thought but I just continue to eat with a blank face while hoping what later will comes will not be deadly..




"Sir! We had found her!" A young man in suit came in running while holding sheets of data.

"Really?! You guys had found her! Great!" Another man but this time older around the age of 50 said in excitement. He took the paper out of the young man's hand and read it quickly.

"You are not mistaken, this is clearly her!" The old man was very happy about what the data showed him.

"Indeed, sir! I will have never thought that she will really be back" The young man while not as much still felt really excited.

"Indeed, but let's just hope that.. 'they' haven't found her first" The old man suddenly said with a serious voice.

"We could only pray, sir.. We could only pray.."




"*sigh* I see, Master.. you both chose that very path" I sighed while looking at the scenery in front of me while I'm watering my plants. The scenery of the infinite skies while the eternal moonlight shined upon me with the infinite gazes of stars.

"Even if the world will tremble upon you, Even if the world will shun you, Even if the world will hunt you down.. I will always be by both of your sides" I sighed while looking down from the edge.

"Protect them as always.. World Tree" I said while giving some water towards the spectacularly huge tree that held this mansion up. The World Tree trembles slightly and I chuckled.

"That child's information has really been useful" I looked up and see the moon was shining more brightly than ever while smiling.