The Real Meet Up Deal!! Part II

*Disclaimer! This Chapter uses some Biblical figures in a good way! So don't get offended with it!*

"... What did I told you to get?" I asked my very own lovely Big Sister with a cold gaze and eyes. My gaze were as cold as the arctic. In a simple term I was a little on a 'little' annoyed.

"A dark coloured shirt and jeans.." She said while wimping down.

"But I promise you, this would be a great! Just try to wear it!" She said while shoving the dresses she bought. There were a couple pairs of pajamas, underwear and dress..

"How about no?" I said to her in disgust. She looked hurt when I said that to her and clutched her heart.

"B-B-But.." She looked up with tears in her eyes ready to flow at any moment. I was surprised at it and immediately felt bad.

"*sigh* Okay.." I reluctantly agrees to let her dress me up in the dress she thought will look good at me.


"There done!" She said after she finished drying my hair and combing them. I stared in the at the mirror and saw a beautiful girl with short black hair and bright red eyes that is shining like rubies.

She wore a simple dress yet it was elegant. It was a simple frilly black and red dress. It reaches out until my neck and had a few frilly bands on my shoulder and arms as well. And I must say.. she wasn't wrong. I looked good in it, too good to be exact. It almost looked like it was spesifically made for me.. I gazed at my Big Sister sharply but she didn't seem to understand it and only tilted her head in confusion.

'It seems like she didn't really know it..' I sighed inwardly. All in all I actually looked really good so I just forgave her.

"There see! It looks perfect on you!" She said while giving me a thumbs up. I only deadpanned at her while she was smiling to herself.

"Anyways.." I looked at the clock and saw that both the arrows are almost pointing the number 12.

"I think I need to go.." I said to my Big Sister. She immediately snapped back to reality.

"Huh? Oh right" She then realised what time is it already. She then looked at me with a gentle smile. A smile befitting of a Big Sister.

"Be careful out there, Miyu-chan. Especially now that you are a girl there are lots of things to worry about" She lectured me about my safety. She looked really concerned for me and she also knew that she couldn't really go with me as well. She had a job to finish after all.

"Don't worry about me.. I could defend myself enough.." I said easing her worries.

"I see.. I trust you" She said while smiling.

I then grabbed my phone and my small fanny bag. I grabbed my wallet and placed it inside the bag.

"Ah before you go. Don't go out using the shoe you wore before. Wear this" She handed me two pair of things. A pair of black stockings that could probably stretched out until my thighs and the other one was a pair of shoes. This shoe was a woman shoe but not a heels. It looked quite nice with it being a simple black design it fits well with me.

I simply wore both the stockings which help me with too much leg exposure and the shoes which will prevent injuries from me wearing my now oversized shoes. After I finished, I head to the front door and opened it.

Immediately the feeling of sweltering heat hit me like a truck. I actually hate the summer for the heat so in summer I usually prefer to stay in my arctic cold room. But once in a while I would go out in the morning to buy some groceries and get some exercise in.

"*sigh* It's hot.." I sighed in defeat while looking at the outside world.

"Will you be fine, do you need something for the heat..?" I heard my Big Sister asked me from behind me. Which I shook my head to.

"No.. I don't need it. Then I will go now." I said to her while stepping outside towards the sweltering heat of summer.

"Okay! Be careful! Make sure to text me when you will came back!" I heard my Big Sister's voice as I walked further and further. I did not answer her but I only waved at her back while walking.

'Well let's go there, shall we?' I thought while going in a spesific direction.


I gazed at the location I'm going to. It is not far away anymore. It will took me around 1 minute to walk from here to there. From my position I read the giant sign that is hanged on the building.

'Ayaka's Garden' Is what were written on the sign. It was a special shop for all of us, especially Genki. This place was the place where we first met each other even before our time in school.

Back then everybody was either scared of me or thought of me as a weird person. But when I visited this place with Big Sister eleven years ago.


"Kuuji-chan wait here! I am going to buy some flowers!" I looked at my big sister and nodded silently. She smiled at ran inside the shop at full speed.

'*sigh*..It's hot' I thought silently while sighing. I closed my eyes to avoid the blinding lights until..

"Hup! W-Woah! Hey watch out!" I suddenly heard a scream up above me. I quickly opened my eyes and looked upwards. There I wastes no time and stepped to the side avoiding what seems to be a child.

"Ugh.." I looked at the child and saw he is practically fine with only a few bruises. It was quite surprising as a child not even 10 years old fell from quite the high place but did not get any notable injuries. Plus he didn't cry at all..

"Are you fine?" I heard the child said. I looked at him again and already saw him standing up with literally no difficulty. I kept my surprise to myself and answered him with a blank face.

"I am fine. You should worry about yourself.." I said to him without even sparing him a glance.

"I am fine! See!" He started to show off by jumping around energetically. This child really just have too much energy to exert.

"Ouch!!!" He suddenly stopped while holding his back. It seems that he injured his back with the fall.

"Oi.. are you really fine?" I asked him again. He started to tear up while looking at me.

'Why are you looking at me..?!' I sighed annoyed at his behaviour.

"What are you doing again this time?" I heard another different voice behind me. The voice sounded quite tired it almost like he is tired of something in front of me..

"Ehh.. I done nothing at all!" The first kid defended himself while shaking his head as fast as he could.

"...*sigh* Let's get you inside" The other voice which also belongs to another kid suddenly went past me.

"Oh.. sorry for his trouble to you. I apologize for his well being. I hope you can forgive him" He deeply bowed while also forcing the first kid to bow down.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Don't be so rough, Setsu!" The first one said to the other one whose was called 'Setsu'.

"Don't be a crybaby, Genki. Take your actions to consideration!" The Setsu kid scolded the first one.

"*sigh* Again sorry. Let me introduce myself, my name is Yamada Shinsetsu, I am around 6 years old. I apologize for my friend here." The kid named Shinsetsu bowed again.

"Huh you're introducing yourself? Okay then! My name is Kujo Genki, I am also around 6 years old!" The energetic kid named Genki spoke in a cheerful manner. His name really suits him well.

But I didn't really want to get involved with them as it seems like trouble, but there is something that kept me from going away leaving them. Like a pushing force keep pushing me towards them.

"Name.. Akai Yuuji.. Age 6.." I introduced myself as simple as possible. After I said all of that they only simply deadpanned at me.

"Why?" I asked them while tilting my head in confusion. They did not say anything but laugh silmutaneously.

"..?" I became even more confused and a little annoyed.

"Why are you acting so cold!" The kid named Genki laughed while saying that.

"Hmm? Are you perhaps just wanted to look cool?" The kid Setsu said mocking my tone.

"Whatever.." I said ignoring both of them.

"Aww.. don't be that way!" The kid Genki suddenly said. But then he suddenly jolted his head in an instant.

"Right! How about you became our friend!" The kid Genki suddenly offered his hand. I was a little startled by the sudden offer. But their offer is not finished yet..

"Yeah! We could play games together!" The kid Setsu also joined in and leaned on Genki's shoulder.

"...Sure" I accepted it without giving it much of a thought. Why? Because I have a feeling that we will be the best of the best to ever exist. The best team to ever exist!

This is our story, the story of how we will conquer the world of games and how we will be remembered as a Legendary Trio! The perfect synergy to each other this is us! Yamada Shinsetsu that will later be known as The Return of King David, Kujo Genki that will be later known as The Son of Goddess Bia and myself Akai Yuuji or will be known as Incarnation of Cosmos.

Then let us began our adventure.. from zero to hero. This is our tale the Tale of The Unbound.




*Door Opens* *Kring~~*

"Ah welcome!" A woman's voice could be heard in the shop filled with different flowers. Red, blue, pink, white and all sorts of colours were displayed.

"Good afternoon.."