Messing With the Couple is a Call for Disaster

At Matthews mansion,

After more than ten hours, Secretary Harrison wasn't able to contact the team who were escorting Harper Johnson. He had spent half of the night thinking about the problem they might face if those men were caught.

In the morning, his men visited the Coastal City police agency and obtained the information.

Casper was having breakfast at the dining table with his wife when the loud and quick footsteps grabbed their attention. Gianna ignored the sound and her hand gracefully moved while having her breakfast. 

Whereas Casper looked at his secretary who couldn't hold his calm, "Chairman Matthews!?" Harrison breathed hard to catch his held breath.

Casper was aware they hadn't received the update from the Coasta. Looking at his secretary, he guessed things hadn't gone as planned. He left the spoon on the plate, grabbed the napkin, "Who!?" He dabbed on his lips as his expression turned cold and grave.