B*tches aren’t Kind

Sitting on the floor, Harper glared at Anya hatefully. Nobody ever got on his nerves as much as Anya Owen. He was ashamed at the realization that he wasn't in the state to do anything to her.

Anya signaled the cop to use the chair when she sat on her knees to face Harper. She stated in a low voice, "B*tches aren't kind." She was aware of all the curse words on his tongue. "Now, stand at the wall. Quietly." She gave a warning.

Jason was aware she uses actions instead of arguing while at work. So taming wild goose was never difficult for her. He glanced at Alvin. Jason still believed headstrong Anya Owen could be taken care of by unreasonable Alvin Matthews only.

Anya stood up swiftly and faced the Chief Justice to continue.

The Chief Justice stopped her off by lifting his hand. Many thought the Chief Justice will scold her for using violence indirectly. Well, they didn't know her actions take less time than drama.