A Linus-crazy-woman

It was the first time a man helped her dress instead of stripping her off. Krystle was berating herself in her mind when she flung her eyelids and heart pick the speed, assuming Linus hugged her from behind. Well, he put the belt on her waist.

Krystle wanted to slap her face for thinking of a hug. 

Before she could smile like a naive girl, her body stiffened when his lips grazed over her ear, "Done."

Krystle tried her best to put on a straight face when she slid her bare feet into her shoes. 

"Let's go." His husky voice didn't go unnoticed by Krystle.

She felt his cold fingers wrap around her wrist. Grabbing her overcoat and handbag, she skipped behind him and walked out.

"Lily, take my car and leave." She instructed her assistant as she followed the serious-looking Linus.