Her Solace

Linus watched Krystle who was anticipating to know about what happened in the past. She was trying hard to hide her eagerness but she was too poor at scheming and putting on an act, unlike Anya Owen who is a silent killer.

"Krystle Lewis." He slowly uttered her full name, contemplating if he should ask her or not, "Did your friend ask you to meet me to know the past?" He was a fool to assume Anya was ordinary. He wasn't going to underestimate her again.

Krystle could feel his suspicion in the tone. What was she scared of? She shrugged, "I came to you." She hated that Linus doubted her friend. "If not you, I will dig up from somewhere else." She revealed boldly.

Linus was inarticulate for a few seconds. What was he expecting? He thought she might try to make up lies or pretend to be clueless.