Her Happiness

In the study room of the Oasis mansion,

Zane sat to do his homework when Anya was taken away from her son. Alvin sat on the couch. Placing his elbow on the backrest, he leaned his head on his fist when he turned to face Anya.

Anya still had the pout. She wanted to learn a method that could yield a cent percent result on Alvin. If seduction or acting cute doesn't work on him, what else could work?

Threatening? It would infuriate Alvin. Anya shook her head in her mind to get rid of that option. 

White lotus? Her body shook at the thought of acting innocent and saccharine. When she was disgusted by it, how could she use it on Alvin?

'Sweet little girlfriend!?' Her eyes twinkled at the thought. She decided to use it, forgetting she could directly talk to him.