
As if Alvin was just teasing her, his hand reached her arm and pinned her wrist that was tempting him. His lips trailed down her jawline. Anya gasped arching her head back when he dipped his tongue into her collarbone. 

'Knock, knock, knock…'

The knocks on the door went completely unnoticed by the two who were busy indulging themselves in pleasure. 

"Momma," It was a baby adorable voice that could never go unheard by a mother.

As if it was a siren of warning. Both stiffened, holding their breath, their hearts were racing against each other, and their bodies were hot as steamed buns, unwilling to let go of each other.

"Are you in there?" Zane's voice faintly sounded from the other side of the door.

Anya slid off the couch in pure reflex. She slumped on the floor and sat there blankly. Alvin felt like icy cold water poured over him when the huge double door was slowly pushed.