
At the Collins mansion,

Since Krystle had planned to go out with Zane, Linus returned home as his mother and grandfather were eager to know about Anya and her new house.

After lunch, he kept himself busy in the study room checking some papers about his business. There was just too much to learn so he was hardly wasting any time.

"Linus!?" The low voice of his mother caused him to lift his head and look at her. Seeing her tense, "What happened, mom?"

"Chairman Matthews is here to speak with Dad." She updated him. When it is about Alvin, Elder Collins loses his cool easily while talking with Casper. Bernard had gone out so Linus was the best person to keep the old man cool.

Linus furrowed as soon as he heard Casper Matthews was there. What was that man up to? Wasn't he satisfied ruining their happy time at Anya's villa? Why was he here to put them in a sour mood?