A Bloody Battle Before Peace

Alvin gritted his teeth when Casper ended the call and Ean cursed, [What the f**k was that?] He couldn't believe a man could sneer at someone's hospitalization, [He was behind it, wasn't he? That sick selfish geezer. What is he up to now?]

Fear of losing, and aggression would make a man blind. Alvin expected something like this from Casper as soon as he heard what Anya did. Her action was truly impactful and scary. So Casper was giving them a taste of his simple actions against them. He had turned evil, he wouldn't mind doing a crime.

He hadn't expected Casper to take action so quickly. So he could only try to mend the situation, "Arrange for doctors and treatment for grandfather. Send me their location." Alvin instructed Ean and ended the call after hearing him. 

He wanted to go and see his grandfather without informing Anya. She would feel bad if she got to know her actions were affecting Collins. Then she might fear something happening to her parents.