A Caretaker

Anya sensed Alvin's arm tighten around her shoulders. So she gently rubbed his back assuming he was recalling bad memories of his childhood.

This place wasn't his happy place. She didn't want him to recall the bad memories. She hoped their small time there could replace all his awful experiences. 

Is it too much to wish for? Anya didn't know, she wanted to give it a try, "Let's go." She mused, flashing him a winsome smile.

Rob picked up a few more bags from the car trunk and followed them. Secretary Harrison had to collect the bags from him.

Casper squinted his eyes at Rob and instructed Harrison, riding on the victory against Alvin, "It's a family dinner." So Rob wasn't allowed inside. Casper went inside forgetting Harrison wasn't also his family. 

Harrison was kind of relieved to hear that. So he didn't bother going inside. He watched Rob who looked at Alvin and nodded. He didn't know what they communicated. Actually, he didn't care.