Her Redemption


Cordelia was taken aback for a moment. Although she disliked what Gianna did for Zane, Gianna was the one Cordelia selected for Casper. Gianna let Alvin stay in the mansion on Cordelia's terms. So she was proud of Gianna. 

Cordelia was displeased hearing Zane call Gianna, the next matriarch as a caretaker. Anyway, it was her mistake to forget to introduce Gianna to the kid.

Holding her patience, she shook her head, caressing his head, "No, Zane. She is your grandmother, Gianna Sallow." Giving a hard stare at Gianna to behave, she encouraged Zane, "Say hello to your grandmother."

Zane knew Gianna wasn't Alvin's mother. Alvin was living with his father and stepmom and the stepmom hates them. 

Watching Gianna, today or on the day before, Zane could feel Gianna despises them so he refused to call her grandmother. "I have met my grandmother… Janet Collins."