A Good Kick-start

Harrison: "..."

Harrison watched the butler run inside the mansion. He turned to Rob who had a sly smile on his face.

The butler just passed him the instructions of Casper that the interior of the mansion should be changed as soon as possible. It should be brighter with some pop-up colors. At the same time, it should be spacious enough for kids to play.

Harrison guessed this couldn't be Anya and Alvin. Their little master was fooling the old lady and she was ordering around, dancing little one's terms without awareness.

"What is the Second Young Master's plan?" Alvin's silence was making him go crazy. Alvin would rather ignore them like flies or get rid of them quickly. He would never waste his time so much.

Rob looked at the secretary. He indeed knew Alvin's grand plan, "There will be no fun if you know it soon."

Harrison: "..."