His Choice

At Matthews Industries,

Although nobody was allowed to enter or exit the building, Casper was allowed inside as he was the chairperson of the organization. 

Despite knowing he might not be able to exit of his own will, Casper's priority was still his company. He was ready to lose his sleep or sleep and live in the company.

"What is going on?" Casper asked one of the secretaries who was downstairs to receive him.

The secretary reported as he followed Casper, "Chairman Matthews, the internet facility has been terminated from the server room. Hence the operation of the whole headquarters is shut down. 

The managers and directors are summoned to the meeting halls and their mobile phones are seized.

The employees are panicking by interpreting as the company will go under crisis due to Alvin Matthews attacking the company." He was speaking in a breath as they entered the elevator and pressed the button.