Only Hope

Gianna couldn't bring herself to lie more that was pulling more and more questions and suspicion on her and the Matthews family. She never wanted to hurt the Matthews family but Alvin and his family. So she thought staying silent would be a better choice and avoided looking at Abbot.

Following the long silence, Abbot firmly spoke, "I will tell you." There was a threat under his tone, "You hate your second son because he was and is doing better than your first son." He stated provokingly.

Gianna clenched her teeth to control herself from growling at the man. It was true. Alvin was good at everything he did. She always tried to corrupt him by sending the wrong people to his group. But she felt her blood boil hearing a stranger call Alvin the best and her son Liam mediocre.

Abbot continued as his tone turned fierce with each line, "You hated Your Second Son because he was successful from a young age.