PROLOGUE : How it Began

"Ugh, what happen?, damn my head felt like being hit by a damn truck" said from the man as he hold his head while laying on the ground

"Because you are" answer from feminine voice that near him.

"What the? "He start get up to look where that feminine voice come from, then he saw in front of him is a long silver hair women with a fair skin, her eyes was purple and he clothe was a dress with the combination white, dark blue, and gold who is right now sitting white wooden chair.

'Damn' The first thing he thought, but he quickly recovered and realize he don't know where he is as he look his around, the place was dark, the floor is ceramic with one black and white like chess, the only source of light only in his and the women surrounding with thin white smoke.

'Where am I!?How did I get !?Am I being kidnapped!?most importantly where these music I hear come from!?' He got a little panic and look at the women in front of again who just smiling to him.

"Uhhh, I'm sorry but who are you?" He ask the first question with a confusion.

"Sorry for my late introduction, My name is Eris I'm so what you called a goddess who guide the poor soul who died young to the afterlife, and you sadly one of those young soul who died by truck accident " Say the so called Goddess as she stand up from her chair and hold both of her arm together.

"..."He silently try to absorb and what he just heard but fail to comprehend it and just stand there like a frozen statue every second felt like eternity "I'm sorry but I might misheard you what did you just say, specifically the last one" he asked again this time nervously.

"No you're are not misheard it, You die due to truck accident" Say eris with a calming tone, the guy just stand there and frozen again and almost panicking.

'...Dead...not just that I'm also died in most cliche way!?Okay just calm down me calm down, try remember before you wake up in this place me!"


At the top of the school building, there was 3 student sitting around, and one of is our MC, He have a short black, brown eyes, the height about 180cm Reito Kenjo.

"TODAY IS THE DAY SHALL GET FIRE TUNA!!!"Shout from Reito excitedly and fist his hand upward, the other two just sight look at him.

"Really, you call the two of us up here just for your barbie game?" say from one of them with a smile, his hair is green like broccoli shape, his eyes was dark blue, his height around 160 cm.

"Hush now green mineta, you clearly haven't hit your puberty that's why you like this to me" Say Reito as he sign in disappointment, the other student snickers at what Reito said.

"First my name Tomohiro and second I already have thank you very much" Said Tomohiro in irritate voice.

"No matter, if you a little higher then I might reconsidering it" Say Reito with a smug face and folding his arm together.

"I'm pretty confident with my height okay" Say Tomohiro with him start stand in straight.

"You mean confident as that one day where Ishida sacrifice his bike for your bike from that guy? "Say Reito in monotone voice.

'Now I think about again, he is also the same guy who later being hospitalized later that night, if I'm not wrong he and his gang said they messing around to a short blond guy with Manji symbol on the back black jacket but they get fuck instead and later got transfer it another school, heh well that's karma for him all right".

"W-well that just one time, " Say Tomohiro in embarrass voice, then he look the the other student" By the way Shoya have you made a move to her yet" Say Tomohiro in hurry, this make him surprise and blushing with the sudden question, he was a male with spiky black hair that comb behind that like a lion, he his eyes where dark green, his height is around 183cm.

"WA!?, to who!?" Say Ishida in hurry, this make Tomohiro and Reito look down and sight in disappointed.

"Well who else other than Nishimiya" Say Reito with a grind, this make Ishida unexpected more nervous.

"My men Shoya there must be something happen" Say Tomohiro with a smile as he pointed at him.

"Really there's nothing" Answer nervously from Ishida as he wave his hand to deny it.

"Is that so?" Ask Reito as he raise an eyebrow.

"Yes" Answer Ishida with confident.

"Are you sure?" Ask from Reito as he move a little closer to Ishida.

"Yes I'm sure" Answer Ishida with a little higher voice

"Are you really really sure nothing happen when your and Nishimiya family went out to trip last sunday ?"ask Reito this time with more specific and move a little more closer.

" Yes I A-" Ishida was about to answer but stop and start proceed what he just heard and lead frozen in place.

"... " Both Tomohiro and Reito just silent look at Ishida that was silent a moment from ending his sentence, Tomohiro was at lost to what if Ishida 'DID' something last Sunday and as for Reito he just between shock and smile at Ishida if something really 'DID' happen between them.

This silent was felt like eternity, but actually just a few second seconds had just passed.

Then the unexpected happen, Ishida suddenly blushing more redder than before like it seems remember something.

Tomohiro and Reito was notice the change on Ishida face ,Tomohiro face who look at Ishida was make a shocking expression as if the world just collapse, as for Reito he make a big smile as if he just found the death note in the school yard and ready to write someone name.

"Wha-when-How did you know they left !?" The first thing Ishida ask to Reito

"SO SOMETHING DID HAPPENT YOU LUCKY SON OF BITCH!!!" Scream Reito that almost being heard by other student in the building as he surround his arm around Ishida neck, while in the building the student just startle by the sudden big noise and continue at what they're doing.

"Wha-what!?, damn Shoya I didn't know you had in it in you!!!Congratulations!!!" Say Tomohiro as he raise his thumb, Ishida just surprise of what just happening here.

"N-nothing really happens!!!, that day Nishiyama mom and Yuzuru suddenly come my house and say they had plant to on trip my family, so they just left me alone along with Nishimiya all right!?,and how did you know they my family and Nishiyama left" Said Ishida in a hurry.

"Well of course with the power of internet my friend, I just to happen follow your brother in law Pedro and your sister, accidentally happen to saw their post have group photo along with Nishiyama mother and Yuzuru , but no you and Nishiyama in it" Answer Reito.

"But seriously Shoya, what happened no way with that nothing happen!!!"Say Tomohiro in eager to hear.



As Ishida about to find an excuse they heard school bell, Ishida took the chance quickly.

"Would you look at that, I will go to class now bye now" said Ishida as he start to left both Tomohiro and Reito in hurry and not giving them a chance to say something to him

"And there he goes when thing's just about get Interesting" Say Reito as look Ishida running way

"Well that's that then, let's go back" Say Tomohiro as he start walking.

"Yeah" answers Reito, then he realize something

'Ah, damn, I forgot to ask them gacha my account, haaa, just as I want to hurry up to get new HoF Kiana' As he thought the reason to ask both Ishida and Tomohiro to school rooftop he start walk and follow Tomohiro back to his class and sit on his own table.

The class start again and everything start like any other day.

///After School///

"Haaaa, Ishida left and said he will go get groceries for her mom which for some reason like an excuse, Tomohiro can't too, For Mishiba like most day after school walk back with Class president Kawai, as for Nishiyama she likely have meeting with Sahara" Say Reito to himself as he walk alone in the street by himself.

"Oh right" Said Reito to himself as he took out his own smartphone, as he open the lock and start search an app with a logo of a girl white hair pointing her finger like a gun and it's called 'Honkai Impact 3rd', he start open the app and rotate his phone.

The screen start go blank then the word 'Mihoyo' appear, after that it change again to a futuristic like elevator going up, as the game load up then word 'Start' Appear.

"Good thing I have update it, Now to find the place for the Ritual" Say Reito as he stop walking and start see around him.

"If I'm wrong this place near the park" Said Reito as he start walk to the location of the park.

"Would you look at that, what do we have here " Say from a voice which make Reito surprise a little, he then look behind him and who is it

"And look what I see here, well isn't it my favorite homeless kid Yuzuru" Retort Reito as he look behind him, the kid height was about 145cm,short black hair almost reach her shoulder, the eyes color was dark blue like depth ocean, wearing white sweatshirt and a red hoodie, wearing short that have the same color as the hoodie, and also have a Nikon camera D3300 with a lens attached on it.

"By the look of that creepy smile of your I guess you play that Barbie game of your" Say Yuzuru

"To be honest I don't where people thought this as Barbie game, and yes yuzuru I play this, what do you want? " Say Reito

"Nothing, I just got bored then accidentally saw you and your creepy smile like a molester that is who you are while look at the phone" Say Yuzuru as she fold both his arm together

"Ouch" Say Reito "Aren't you have much more important thing's to do?, like homework or stalk Ishida and your sister like you usually do?" Ask Reito

"No, not really, I have already give up on that now cause most of the time I see them together they all like act lovebird with their own world which is make me felt a little bad, but I still little hate that guy will take my sister " Answer Yuzuru in Grimicing voice.

"I thought little devil like you don't have a heart, I'm more surprise you even felt bad even little tho" Say Reito with a smirk on his face

"Was that a compliment? , awww thanks never thought a molester like you be so sweet, wait did I just said so sweet?, sorry I meant so shit" Retort Yuzuru a innocent tone "So where are you going? "ask Yuzuru

"Why do I need to tell you, but oh well, as you can see I'm going to the park do my sacred ritual called gacha" answer Reito as he start put his phone to his pocket then start walking again

"Is that so, then I want grape juice on nearby vending machine" Say Yuzuru as he start walk beside Reito.

"I wasn't offering, but all right if that so called brain of your can start have manner to me" say Reito.

"Sure, in you dream that is" Answer Yuzuru.

Both of them continue talk or cursing at each other until both of them reach the park, the park was quite big, the surrounding have a lot of three that give a nice atmosphere, in the middle of the park there is big children playground that band together as one, such as slide, a tunnel, net climbing, and other things.

Yuzuru was then go to the playground tunnel, while Reito got Vending machine buy drinks then also inside tunnel find Yuzuru.

"Here your juice kid" Say Reito as he hand over the the drink.

"Owh, that so nice, you actually remember" Said Yuzuru the start drink the grape juice Reito give.

"No gratitude? " Ask Reito

"no" answer Yuzuru

"And I guess that as good I can get from you then "Say Reito, Then he took out his phone again and open the apps again then press the start button, then the elevator like it seems have reach top and open the door,the right side there logo and a word say 'Attack','Valkryja','Equipment','Elf',and 'Supply'.

As for the left there 'Mission', 'Event', 'Bonuses', 'Mailbox', and 'News'.And as for the middle there a silver hair girl with a braid bund hair style, and she have Cobbler shaker attach on the right side of her hips.

'The time have come for me to get kiana to the next level' Reito think as he push the supply button and look top right the screen show blue crystal with a number about 26.000,the he put the phone down and start put both his palm Together and close his eyes hard 'with this crystal I can only beg you please don't you be an ass this time RNGesus and Ai-chan'.

Then he stop what he doing and push the expansion supply and shown a white hair girl and it seems holding a sword on the right hand.

"Damn, and I though you can't be lower than this" Said Yuzuru.

"Shut it" Said Reito as he push 10x supply, then there is a cinematic scene as a crate from above with a logo of what appear like bunny, the the crate start to open with light in and everything start to blurred a moment.Reito start tap his phone, at first he do it slowly but it's accelerate with each tap until he stop at purple light with Valkyrja logo appear on the right

'Please be it'Then show a white hair girl with a gun

'Haaah,but don't worry there still few more try,first is the begining second is the real thing'Thought Reito as he tap again ten pull.

Pink hair girl with a sword appear.

'The third might be the luck'Thought Reito himself

Blue hair girl with a buster sword appear

'Might be the fourth is my lady luck'

Golden hair girl with lance appear.

This continue until he stop when he can't do any pull,thus he make a expresion like anger to depress to calm and back again to anger.

Meanwhile yuzuru just on a verge of laughing at Reito who have hope in his eyes but gut depress again and again while also secretly took a video of it with the camera until Yuzuru can't hold start to laugh at him.

"Ah yes laught all you want brat, cause this is the only time you can see this my crush dream" Say Reito who of course notice Yuzuru laughing at him.

"I can't believe you can be so sad to a game like that Hahahaha" Say Yuzuru and start to continue to laughter while Reito growl at his lost.

Until Yuzuru stop laughing both of them talk and cursing each other like everytime both of them meet, till the sun about to set down.

"Would you see that, it's time for your night night time kid" Say Reito as he the first one who get out from the playground tunnel and start to walk away.

"Hey, wait up, I just joking" Say Yuzuru with a smile as she follow up Reito, both of them get out from a park and start walk together, everything almost dark and street pole and building start to light up.

"Still depressed can't get it" Say Yuzuru

"Who wouldn't" Answer Reito with a sight looking down.Then they stop by the traffic light, the Yuzuru start look at left and right left and right to see no vehicle and start walk forward but then her shoulder suddenly being grab and pull to the street again.

"What are you think you doing?" Ask Reito as release his hand from yuzuru.

"Cross over, what do you think ? duh" Answer Yuzuru look at reito

"'s Red" Say Reito as point the pedestrians traffic light and it snowing red.

"You gotta be joking, there's no car as you can see! "Say yuzuru as she pointed on the road, then Reito look dissapointed

"Tsk tsk tsk, Yuzuru, You see there this bad omen when you go over there by the red light there always be a truck that will hit you and killed you" Say Reito with a tone of a teacher while Yuzuru look at him in dumbfound at what just he say

"You read way to much those manga of your" Say Yuzuru.

"Hey, better carefull than being sorry" Say Reito as he look at the again to see this time was green "and there you go" Say Reito, then Yuzuru sight at him and start walking follow by him behind.


As he about start walk, he stop as he heard strange buzzing noice.


He then look at what it seems the sound look at it, it's the green light of pedestrian traffic make the sound the suddenly turn off which make the red light turn on.

"Well that just crep-"


As Reito about end his word, a loud horn suddenly be heard, this make Yuzuru and Reito suprise and see where it come from. They both saw a speeding black truck, the truck didn't show any sign of slowing down, for unknown reason Yuzuru just staring it and can be struck by it at any moment.

"You gotta be-" He stop mid sentences and start running to Yuzuru in a hurry, then Reito take Yuzuru hand and pull back the second before truck passed by where Yuzuru stand before, Reito who pull Yuzuru lost balance and fall by his back whole Yuzuru on his chest.

"You all right?" Ask reito who look at Yuzuru.

"huh? Ah!!! yeah I'm okay" Answer Yuzuru in shut voice as she just proceed what just happent then start Yuzuru what position she in and move aside.

"Well that's good to know" Say reito as he relieved what he hear.Both of them start get up and look at the other side of the road and not seeing anything "That son of bitch just left, not even bother the fact he almost kill somebody"say Reito with a growl.

"Just let's go" Say yuzuru.

Then Reito look over to Yuzuru again to see she was barely standing,seeing that reito walk to yuzuru and turn around show his back then crouch down with both his arm to the back.

"Hmm?"Yuzuru confuse at what reito doing

"Get on" say Reito

"Huh? "

"I say get on, I see you barely standing and not to mention walk later, so I will take you to your house" Say Reito, Yuzuru suprise but it's cause her leg was quite weak to walk, so she comply without arguing.

Then Reito get up with Yuzuru behind his back and start walking.It was quiet,Now the sun has set down and everything has turn dark, light pole is the only source of light to see where he is walking.

Then Yuzuru start talking.

"Hey"say yuzuru

"Hmmm? "


"What? "

"I say thank you"

"I'm sorry what are you saying again? "


"Apologies still can't make it out"

"Fuck you! "

"PFFFT...HAHAHAHAHAHA"Reito start laughing, Yuzuru who notice this not feeling angry or displeased but laughing too, the both of them laugh for quite some time until Reito stop infront short bridge.

"Well, here we are" Say Reito,Across the bridge was a nine story building with a plain color of mostly white with brown color.

"Well you can put me down now" Say Yuzuru as she release from Reito back and walk in front of Reito.

"You sure can walk?" Ask Reito with slight worry

"Don't worry, I'm pretty much okay now and thank fully my camera too" Answer Yuzuru as she smile and look at her camera.

"Well that's a relief" Say Reito

"And seriously...Thanks for what you did,tho it's can be you're fault to jinx it about the truck" Say Yuzuru who then snicker, Reito who hear this make a annoyed face.

"Hey it's not my fault for that truck suddenly appear...but don't mention it, it will bring bad taste to see boy like you laying around dead, also your mom and sister be sad too you know" Say Reito.

Yuzuru was surprised by what Reito said then Prooced to laughing.

"Hmmm?, What so funny?" Say Confuse Reito,The yuzuru stop laughing and look Reito again.

"Nah, nothing, I better be going back,by this time my mom might be worried" say Yuzuru then walk about a few feet from reito and stop "Also I'm surprise you haven't figure it out nor Ishida have told you about it"Say yuzuru with a smile

"About what? " Ask Reito

"I'm Shouko..."Yuzuru stop as she rise her right arm, the palm of her was close except pinkie finger then shake her right arm up and down two time.

Reito was look confuse at this

"What does that mean?"Ask Reito again.

"That for me to know and you to find out, Ciao" Say Yuzuru as she walk away.

Reito just stand there and look yuzuru who walk until she can be seen again.

"Well that's quite unfair" Say reito to himself and walk to the other way alone to go back home.

As he walk alone he took out the phone again and the time.

"It's 6.30...but..." Say Reito as he look left and right"There's almost no people I seen so far".

As he keep walking and see the surrounding, he have not yet found encounter a person,the road is devoid,this make him little uneasy.

Now he in Residential area, the houses light was turn on, but the place also have no sound.

'Okay, this just stupid, I been walk for an some time now but still no single person pass by or seen' Reito thought as he found this strange.

Then there suddenly a make light behind him,make his shadow in front of him.

"!?" By this sudden light, he turn around with his hand covering eyes a little to see what behind him, he barely to see but he know it's a small white pick up truck from a far.


Without any warning the truck suddenly start accelerate and move forward.

Reito realize this start running the opposite of the truck is due the road he is right now was a one way road.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK YOU CRAZY ASSHOLE STOP IT!!!" Scream Reito as he keep running from a truck keep chasing him.Little by little, the truck keep getting closer to Reito

'FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK'The only thought of Reito. he grow tired as he keep running, but if he don't he will be a gonner.

Suddenly his eyes widden, he can see in front of him a crossroad,then he smiling.

"huff huff huff...okay you asshole,it either you hit me first or I'm escape" say Reito, as he took a deep breath and ran with all his strenght.

But even so, the truck much more faster, so it's matter of time it's hit him.





'A little'


'THERE!!! '

He took a quick jump to the right as the truck was passes by him...but.



Reito then felt something struck him, then he bounce back and hit to the ground so hard,now he is just laying down with his blood start pouring out from his injuries, unmoving.

At first he felt his entire body was so hurt he can describe, but now he felt nothing, can't move his body,arm,nor his leg.

After that he felt his body so sore and tired,he wants to move his arm, body, or leg, but failed to do so.

Anytime soon he knew he will fall to his unconscious,or in other word be a dead corpse, everyday news people soon forgot, he try to fight it but it will be pointless if there no people to help him and the blood that will keep pouring out from his body.

But before that, he want to see what struck him. So he try to move his head with energy he have left just want to see what hit him, little by little his head move.

when he able to move,his eyes become wide just to saw a black truck that almost hit Yuzuru.

"You"Say Reito last word before he become unconscious.

~~~𝙁𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙀𝙣𝙙~~~

Now Reito able grasp what he just remember that he really are dead, but.

"Something the matter? " Say Eris look at Reito have been in his thoughts for a while

"YES, IT WAS NOT ACCIDENTS BUT I WAS MURDERED!!!" Scream Reito at the goddess who quickly cover her both ear.

"Please calm down,I'm sure were killed by truck accident" Say eris nervously. Reito who heard this fall depress not just died but also his dead was mistaken by the goddess in front of her.

"B-but don't worry, I have an offer for you" Say Eris who regain her composure again.

"Offer?" Say Reito confused what he just heard.

"Yes, you see there is another world who need help against the force of evil Maou(Demon King) that slaughter and do many act of wrong doing, so I will reincarnate you to that world to help them" Say Eris gracefully, this unknowingly awed at it, that is until he hear the last word

"Will you accept the offer Keito Renjo"Say the goddess.

"..." Reito didn't say the word and look down depress again, the goddess who took notice of this felt something wrong.

"Ehh?, did I say something wrong? " Say the goddess

"Yes,my name that Is...It's Reito kenjo" Say Reito in depress voice while look down.

"Eh?" The only word Eris can say, Then Eris quickly make a book appear in front of her to open inside of it.

"Uhhh sorry but to make sure again you're not Keito Renjo from Shuchiin Academy?" Ask Eris

"No, I don't even have the chance to get in that school" Answer Reito look at Eris, then the goddess look confuse again.

"Please excuse me for a minute" Say Eris as she walk a few step and face away from Reito, suddenly she make a phone suddenly appears and make a call

"Hello...this is Eris...I want to ask about the soul that sent to me,can you redirect me to someone ? " say Eris that could be heard by Reito.

"Oh hello , this is me Eris sorry to bother ,I want to ask regarding the soul that was sent to me...No no no he did nothing at all...its about his info, the name was not match from what he said" Eris keep talk to somebody to the phone, this make Reito curious as he lean forward

"What ?...his name Reito kenjo...died?,he said by truck...file say accident but he said was murdered "Say Eris, Reito who the word truck got little sad again all of sudden

" Come again?...shouldn't be here after old age?"Say eris, this make Reito suprise all of suddent


"So how did he come here?...Isekai corporation... Wrong person?,how come!?...The word Re' and 'Ke' got swap!?" Say Eris, this make Reito more surprised

'Isekai corporation...wrong person's...Swap'The thought of Reito

"Then what should I do!?...No, I can't reincarnated him just like that it's against the rule and you know it too...then? to the elder God!?, it's that okay?...okay,if something's happens it's not my fault...then redirect me thanks"This continue for quite sometimes, meanwhile Reito who hear this just can't bear it and felt he wanted to cry any moment.


"Yes sir that how it it's that all right sir?...all right, thank you,sorry to disturbing you sir"Say Eris then make her phone disappear, she then turn around to her surprise saw Reito very depress.

"So what will happent to me, am I going to heaven or hell? I think it's hell,right?"Say Reito.

"No, not yet that is, instead I will transmigrate you" Say Eris with cheerful tone.

"Transmigrate?, What's that?" Ask Reito

"Means I will put your soul to another person, except your world" Say Eris, this make Reito suprise.

"Go to another person body,But what the about soul of that body owner I will get?,I don't feel good hijack somebody then again what if i get criminal" ask Reito.

"It's all right, it's not criminal, the body you will get into is someone who tend to be who lost the will to live and that soul fate sadly already set stone to pass away due to their will, and as for the soul they pass in to the after life, sorry if this sound harsh " Say Eris with sad tone.

"Well that is quite sad" Say Reito.

"So make the body worth it okay, and don't think that you steal the body, because if you alive in that body thats mean you live for the owner body to do something,in a sense it's like a passing the torch to you" Say Eris to ensure Reito not think hard, Reito who heard this awed what just Eris said.

"Got it, Then is it the world you said before? " ask Reito

"No, each person have designated to the world they are meant to go to,So instead we will use this" Say Eris.

Then she snap her fingger,after that suddenly a giant spinner wheel appear the height was about 10 meter, the spiner wheel was being hold by golden and white metal,the arrow on spinner wheel was a metal hand that pointing something,the location was top of the wheel, the outer wheel was by gold but the middle was white, the list on the wheel was a lot that make name so small.

"Okay,but what world I will get" Say Reito as he getting nervous by the pinwheel.

"It's all right, the world that have been enlisted is something from anime, movie, and game as such" Say Eris, reito who heard this become excited all of suddent.

"Okay then" He start grab the outer wheel and for a while he take deep breath then spin it in one go with his strength.

The spin was so fast,but it lost the speed for a while, this make Reito hurt thumping hard.Then the wheel stop spinning, but he can't see what it's pointing out cause to far and the list was so small.

"Congrats the world you gonna transmigrate is..." Eris stop at the end make Reito nervous."World of Honkai!!!" Say Eris as she clap her hand to make the wheels start disappear.

"Honkai...heh, it seems I will be dead pretty much faster than before if I'm lucky" Say Reito with low tone, but this can be heard by the goddess.

"Well if it's make you feel better it's kinda between [World of Titan] and [World of Berserk]" Say Eris.

'Well that's much worse'Thought Reito.

"Don't worry, I will give you power in that world for you to survive" Say the goddes a smile.

"If that so can I get system like those rpg thing"Say Reito.

"Too cheating also I don't have the authority to it" Say Eris.

"One punch man power"


"Devil fruit"




"Talk no jutsu"

"You're not the protagonist"

"Unlimited Blade Work"

"You just want to chant It"

"Ultras instict"

"There's no such thing"

"One for all"

"Want to eat hair ?"

"The founding Titan power"

"Do you want 'moving forward' in that world? "

"So what can you give me?" Ask Reito

"Simple boost, like [Art of fighting],[Art of singing],[Body Enchantmen]" Say Eris.

"Well that's still quite a gift actually, but I don't get it why there is singing there?" Ask Reito.

"Well don't think to hard,the skill is the same as is name, but don't rely it too much like [Art of fighting], even though you gain knowledge to your mind about it, you still need train it to make it perfect" Say Eris pointing at Reito.

"Okay" Say Reto.

"Good then" Say Eris as she start clap her hand. From the left a something bright appear, and slowly the light fade away. Reito who shut his eyes start open again to look where the light fade.

What he saw is a big double door made from stone, the door have no handle with the carving of the pair wing in the middle, then it's start to open revealing a light inside.

"Just go inside and you will be sent in that world, I hope the best of you" Say Eris as she walk to the door and stop beside it.

"..." Reito didn't say a word as his face was full of excited men as he about to walk and go beyond the door, but each step he took become slower and slower, then he stop in front of it and that excitement was from his face is gone.

"Something still in your mind isn't it" Say Eris with a sad tone.

" be honest I felt this is like a go to the another world...see something you haven't the characters you love to see...and the next thing you wake up like it's nothing...but..." Say Reito as he start to be quiet again and he start tremble and clutch his fist.

"..." Eris didn't say a word.

"At first...when I can go to another world I excited...with the power you will gave me I'm happy...then I see this door...I eagerly want to go...but...just then...suddenly...I...start to remember my last life...I thought this will be easy like those seems it's not...I just want to see them friends" Say Reito as each word just waver and waver and looking down.

"I'm so sorry this must be happening to you" Say Eris as she felt sympathy to Reito.

"'s all right, I'm sorry to brought it up, I will go now" Say Reito as he start walking again to inside beyond the door, and the door start to close slowly.

"I hope you can find the happiness and without regret in that world, be strong and wise Reito kenjo, go forth on your journey and wish the best of you" Say Eris before the door fully close.

Now Eris alone in that place, clap her hand again and make the double door disappeared before she sit back.

"You can talk now, he all ready went to your world" say Eris, then suddenly a voice can be heard.

"Good act Goddess Eris, to think you will try the spinning wheel, that was my favorite, thank you. You know, it's rare to see a young soul like him didn't have the motivation to go another world" Say the unknown voice.

"Because he are not meant to be here in the first place, unlike the other young soul, also most of all the time we just transport them immediately after choosing their power so they don't think to deep like Reito did" Say Eris.

"Well why not beam him up?" ask the unknown voice.

"You know well too, your and this world domain is different, that door is the only way he can get there safely, and you don't seems to be mad at the company give you the wrong soul or are you plan this in the first place" Say Eris as her eyes become sharp.

"Hahaha, no of course not Eris, I didn't do any of that" Say the unknown voice.

"Now his soul in your place, what do you want to do, and remember the rule, if that person soul are sent to the place are not being mention or ment to be there will be consequences" Say Eris almost mad voice.

"Well you seems emotional, you must be feel sad with his reasoning aren't you, but it's all right, I will do as the rule say, I already told this to your superior about it" Say the unknown voice to ensure Eris.

"That's good to know then" Say Eris

"Then I will take my leave" Say the unknown voice

'Now all I need to do watch and see who wins the Bet, I wonder what will he do with my 'GIFT' ".