Chapter 1 : The Begining

[Hello, this is the Author, I'm here want to apologize to you reader l if you found incorrect use word or/and grammars in my story, because English is not my first language, So I'm apologize to all you reader and I hope you can enjoy it]


"Ugh, my head why is it...wait, now I can feel it, this time my everything feel so sore" Say from a girl as she start waking up from her slumber.

After a while she's start gaining her consciousness and take a look to her left and right just to realize that she is now on top medical bed with a large blanket covering her.

The room was mostly white with a brown color with a simple double chair, small table, refrigerator, a window that being close by a curtain, heart monitor, Pole attach with Infusion pump, and small plasma TV attach on the wall in front of her.

'This is not my room...Is this?, this is a hospital!'' Thought her, then she start lift up her upper body slowly and touch her head afterward, when she touch it she can feel a bandage on covering her head.

'So I was just dreaming, to think it felt almost like a real deal. Heh, that shitty truck hit me hard after all, well first thing first, when I get the hell out of here I'm gonna sue them all right' Thought the girl, while she was in her mind for a while a sound of door can be heard opening.

She look at the door to see a women wearing blue scrub and blue pants come to the room.

'Yup, that's nurse all right' Though the girl.

"Oh my you finally awake!" Say the nurse as she start walk to the girl and stop beside her"How is your body?" Ask the nurse.

"It's kinda sore" Say the girl, when she say that word she suddenly felt something strange.

'..?,did my mind trick me or i heard a girl voice instead of mine' Thought the girl.

"It's normal, you have been asleep for two weeks after all" Say the nurse while start the heart monitor.

'Damn, that long, is this how Ishida felt ?,then again it can be worse' thought the girl.

"Now you awake you I will give you water and porridge soon ,and I will also tell the doctor to examine you further" the nurse while look at the infusion pump." Is there anything you want to ask before I leave ?" Ask the nurse now looking at the girl.

"No, not really" Say the girl, as she start say the word again she make a confuse face.

'...Okay...that was definitely girl voice' Thought the girl. Then she look down slowly to she was wearing hospital gown, but that's not the she was focus on.

' no no you gotta be kidding, So then all of that is real !!! and that's breast all right !!! but love a girl and become one is different thing !!! oh my goddess Eris why it must be a girl I thought you will give-' As the girl was conflicting in her mind and panicking, unknowingly to her, she make the hear rate on the monitor rising.


The sudden notice make both the nurse and the girl surprise.

"OH GOD, MEDIC WE NEED MEDIC THE PATIENT SUFFERING A HEART FAILURE!!" Shout the nurse, the girl however start sweating at what she just done.

"Wha!?, wai-" before the girl can speak ,four nurse suddenly got in to the room, one of them holding defibrillator, the two of them suddenly start push both the girl shoulder while holding also the arm ,and then open her upper clothes.

"No no no you missunderst-" before she could said again, one of the nurse already start take both handle of the defibrillator.


"CLEAR" Shout nurse 1, this make the girl face suddenly Whitening to what just she heard

"NOT CLEAR NOT CLE-GAAAAAAAAAAAH" but they don't listen and put both handle to the girl body, and this make the girl electrocuted and felt a pain surging up to her body.

"YOU CRAZY FUCKER!!!" Shout the girl at the nurse.

"Her heart beat not yet Stablized sir" Say the nurse two.

"Then rise it for another hundred joule" Say the nurse one and start charging up the machine again.

"NO NO NO NO NO DON'T YOU DARE YOU RETARD I-" The girl keep shout at the nurse, but sadly no one will listen to her word.

"CLEAR" Shout nurse one to put the handle again to the girl body.

"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Scream of a girl can be heard on whole hospital.


'To think I almost dead again from those retard after waking up in this world and I think I saw four black guys wearing suit while holding a coffin there, and have quite catchy song too, but I don't think that's for the best' Though the girl.

After a certain 'Incident', all the nurse leave and left her with a Doctor who just came to her room while holding a binder.

"So how is your body ?" Ask the Doctor as he start organize the heart monitor.

"Shittier than before doc, thanks for asking" Answer the girl, the Doctor who hear this do a small laugh.

"Good, very good" Say the Doctor as he take a pen and write down on a paper inside the binder with a smile.

'Good my ass how about I try it on you next time' Though the girl as she look at him with malice, the Doctor notice and just laugh it off.

"Now now don't be hostile okay?, no one want to get hurt here" Say the Doctor as he move aback a little.

"I wonder about that" Say the girl look the Doctor still look at him.

"Hey, now that you awake can you tell your name?" Ask the Doctor, this question make the girl surprise and went silent for a moment.

'I knew they will ask some question sooner or later, but this just too soon !, I just woke up after all, well I just have to act, I don't really any other option but to lie after all' 'Thought the girl.

"...Sorry, I don't know" Answer the girl with a sad tone, the Doctor who heard this surprise for second and back calm again.

"Can you recall what is the last thing you know or something in the past? "Ask the Doctor look at the girl.

"No" Answer the girl. The Doctor just silent for a moment and thinking.

"So amnesia, It may sound cruel, but I think its for best" mutter the Doctor as he write down on the paper again.

'What happen to this girl ? 'Thought the girl.

"look over here" Say the Doctor as she took out a small flashlight then turn on to flash the girl left and then right for few second before turn it off.

"Then how about you doc?, despite asking what my name is, you or any other Doctor should have known my name for me being two weeks coma in this hospital right?" Ask the girl as she rub her eye. the doctor who hear this sigh.

"Yes" Answer the doctor and look at the girl serious "Your name is Rena Kannazuki" Answer the Doctor again.

'Rena Kannazuki, at least I got name to called to' Thought Rena.

" come I being hospitalized?" Ask the girl.

"There's...lets just say there is disaster a month ago on Nagazora" Answer the Doctor, Rena who hear what the doctor just reply make her surprise.

'Wait, Nagazora !? a month ago !?, if what he say a what just happen at Nagazora then that's right? no no better hear him out first than jumping a conclusions" Thought Rena.

"The disaster that took place at Nagazora was devastated, a lot people lost their life in that place, and you one of the many lucky survivor that being rescued" Say the Doctor with a sad tone.

"By a lot, do you know how many ?" Ask the Rena again, the Doctor when silent by this.

"It's...Around...70% of the people of Nagazora died" Answer The Doctor with a bitter sound. Rena was shock hear what the doctor just said.


"Then do you know what cause this?" Ask again from Rena.

"Well...but then again sooner or later you will know it either way. they said it's the 'third Herrscher awakening' " Answer The Doctor, Rena just make confuse face at what he just said, but for the inside she just like found a revelation.

'And there you go folks, this definitely take place few year before our beloved tuna get in to the main story which is 2014 all right' Thought Rena that look like win a lot.

"let's just stop and end this conversation okay?, I know you just woke up but do go get some rest or watch the tv here, I'm have finished checking on you, and other than your amnesia you in a good condition, so by another two or three day I think we can do physical test to see your muscles, If I check your health again by tomorrow morning and to see it much more progressive than it should been then we start can right away" Say the Doctor quickly end the conversation.

"Yes doc" Say Rena.

"Then I will take my leave, here's the tv remote" Say the Doctor as he give the remote and take a quick walk to the door.

"Wait, one more thing" Say Rena, the Doctor who heard this was stop by the time he grab door handle.

"What is it? " Ask the Doctor.

"What about my family?, are they one of the survivor? are they safe?" Ask Rena. The doctor who hear this didn't answer immediately, just stand there silently for a while as he bit his lips.

"...I'm sorry" Those are what the Doctor say before he open the door and leave Rena.

Rena just stare at the door.

'I see...I'm also feel sorry to for this girl..." Thought the girl, then she point the remote to the tv and turn in on 'I wonder in this world tv programs'.


As the Doctor walk through the hallway, he took out his phone and search someone in contact list, he swipe his phone till he found it then he make a call.

"Hey, it's me" Say the doctor.

"My my, didn't I say don't called me when I'm on work ? " Say the person from the phone.

"Sorry, but it does related to your work it's about one of the girl you found" Say the Doctor.

"Is something happen!?" Ask the person with a concern sound.

"No no no, Well yes actually but it's not life threatening, what I want to inform you right now is that the girl already woke up from her coma state recently" Say the Doctor.

"Haaa, you had me worried there, I'm glad she's awake now" Say the person by the phone as she sigh.

"Well...there's also a problem" Say the Doctor, the persona who hear this curious and also nervous.

"What kind of problem?" Ask the person in low tone.

"She have an amnesia, it might have to do with something that cause the injuries on the head or trauma" Answer the Doctor, the person who hear this have a cold feet all of a sudden.

"Then that's mean she don't remember what happen in Nagazora ?" Ask again by the person.

" she don't, when I told her about it she just react like any other people who would have watch the news" Answer the Doctor.

"I see...Then does it includes the one who caused it? " Ask the person

"Yes, she just confused at what I said, no sudden change behavior or anything, she just don't know about it" Answer the Doctor.

"Then that's good thing" Say the person.

"For now that is, there is still the possibility of her memory recover, and when that happen...well we both know the answer" Say the Doctor

"I know, but I hope it's not " Say the person

"Me too, so she need someone to be by her side, someone she can talk to, someone she can rely on when her memory come back one day, hospital is not the right place for it, because this place most of the time only bring a bad news" Say the Doctor

"And what are you suggesting? " Ask the person

"You work on that Saint Freya right?, why don't you apply her to that place?" Suggest the Doctor.

"I can but...I can't just take her right away" Say the person

"Why not?, I know you take that three girl and apply them a week after your return, why not this girl you also save ?" Ask the Doctor

"Three of them is an exception, I can tell because I know and already test their strength" Answer the person

"Really?, But that still not answer my question" Say the Doctor

"Being a Valkyrie isn't just for show, we don't take the people just like that, all of them need to shown their strength to fight the monster" Say the person.

"Then she can just be a simply C-Rank Valkyrie, she don't really need to be in the battle field all the time" Say the doctor.

"Regardless being the lowest rank Valkyrie, even though C-rank just gearing and prepare for the other upper rank Valkyrie , they need the will that most Valkyrie have, that they here not just for fight the Honkai but also to help people in such tragedy" Say the person

"So you're not going to apply her to the Saints Freya school? " Ask the Doctor.

"Wrong, I will do the opposite actually" Answer the person

"...What?, Really!? " Say the Doctor as he surprises at the answer.

"Of course, I'm not that evil to decline a girl who have such tragic story" Say the person "It's just that I hate paper work and tell it to the principal, even tho she's just cute to tease with, there's also a test for the students going on in Saint Freya, so I kinda busy to checking their result...except that specific students I worried about, I don't even bother to check her answer she definitely get remedy test for sure...but I hope she not" Say the person in a sad tone.

"Good luck on that students of yours" say the Doctor

"So when can I meet this Rena girl?" ask the person

"You can visit her by tomorrow if you want" Answer the Doctor.

"Tomorrow it is, I can spare my time after the test is done" say the person

"You sure ?, then I will tell the nurse that you will come as a guest for Rena tomorrow" Say the Doctor

"And also one more thing" ask the person

"What is it? " Say the Doctor

"Has any of her relative or family came to visit? " Ask the person, the doctor didn't answer and silent for a few second to how respond her question.

"...No...nobody visit her until now...her father and mother already noticed as deceased from that incident, I have check other hospital and evacuation spot for people who is victim of Nagazora Incident, but her family is not in the list of it, so they might have got infected of the Honkai energy or die trying protect her daughter" Answer the Doctor

"So she lost her parents...and you told her this too? " Ask the person

"...Yeah...and I can only say sorry to her, it's kinda rude if I think about again, but I think she's got the message" Answer the Doctor in a low voice.

"If you don't have anything to report, then I order you to keep eyes on her" Say the person

"Yes Miss Himeko" Say the Doctor

"Good" Say the person

"And uhhh, while we can still talk are you fre- "Before the Doctor can finish his word, a sudden voice can be heard by the phone.

"KIANA COME BACK HERE YOU BRAT!!!, sorry but I need to do something" Say the person as she hung up the phone, the Doctor who hasn't finish his word can only small laugh in disappointment

"I guess that's a no...haaaaa" Say the Doctor as he sigh in despair, after all the walking he reach his office door and go inside.

///Rena Room, Bathroom///

"So this is how she looks like" Say Rena as she inspect her self in front of a mirror while holding Infusion Pump pole.

She was a girl with white short hair that almost reach her shoulder, her eyes colour is blue light, her body quite thin but with a fair skin, her height was about 160cm.

"With this hair and eye's, no doubt they will ask am I from kaslana family. and I'm 20cm shorter than before, why this must happen to me, is this cause I say something to Tomohiro?" Say Rena as she groan while looking down in depress.

Then Rena start open the bathroom door and walk to her bed slowly, due to her leg not being put use for two week straight the muscle is much weaker. after reach her bed is she let go the infusion pole and lay to her bed carefully.

'Seriously, there is something more need to be worried of, like in this world' Thought the girl as she grab a remote and turn on the TV, but she's not really pay attention what on the screen and continue to think

'Being in 2014 is already a big clue, but if I think again about it, the spinning wheel only say [World of Honkai] so it's not really specifically I will go to [World of Honkai impact 3rd] world.

The simple example is (First) if I were to spin the wheel a get [World of Wing Gundam] then I will go to that world, Regardless the time you will send know sooner or later find out and know how act next because you know the next story plot, but that's depending on the person itself what will they gonna do.

(Second) if I got were [World of Mecha] then the possibility to Wing Gundam or any other Gundam series is slim, because there also a lot of anime, manga, and movie that have Mecha such as [Mazinger], [Evangelion], [Code Geass], or the worst scenario is being send to a world you never watch and don't know the story goes, so you have to manage yourself in that world.

And so right now I'm facing same as the (second), problem, because [World of Honkai] have her own multiverse or alternate Reality which I think it's called [Bubble universe], so I can't be sure what world am I, maybe I might be in the world [Gun girl Z] which take the same plot like Nagazora where the three girl found a way out by hyperion ship. ' Thought Rena as she start close her eyes and touch his head become dizzy.

"Dammit, this just irritated me" Say Rena as she continue to think again.

'First I need another clue, I'm better start comparing HK3 and GGz first, cause those are my best option right now, and sadly I know few part only in GGz, I better start remembering again, lets start with that guy.

In the world HK3 and GGz have the same blond hair guy that live over 500 years in other an old man from 15th century who is simp over a powerfull gay church nun that in love with another powerfull gay fox shrine maiden, His name is [Otto Apocalypse] ' Thought Rena as she smile to herself.

'Sadly both of them can't have a good ending, for the shrine she live like a ghost for years which is I don't know how that could happen and as for the nun she was caught by the Schicksal and brought back to Europe for later being killed by unfortunate events' Thought Rena.

"Sad life the to both of them have there" Say Rena to herself, then she think again.

'Hmmmm, how about the protagonist ?,In year 2000 on HK3, I think somewhere in Russia called Siberia if I'm not wrong there's lab called [Babylon Lab] that own by the same blond guy, Otto Apocalypse, the purpose of this lab to experiments on orphan young girl that being injected with Honkai energy with the reason for 'Humanity'. Killing them one by one from overdose of Honkai energy, because if they one or two of them went missing no one will really care they said...haaaah, that sound cruel of them.

Then one of them become a Herrscher of the void, that girl name is Sirin, but she was defeated by Cecilia Schariac and Siegfried Kaslana, When thing's about to reach it conclusion, Otto decided to bomb them up, Cecilia know this coming use her weapon power to save Siegfried and went to hug Sirin for the last time, And that incidents called [Second Eruption]

After all that Otto took the chance to take the gem of void and use it to one of the artificial human made by Cecilia and Siegfried DNA, this artificial human name K-423 gain consciousness by Sirin wish to have a chance like a family.

But it was then taken by Siegfried who mistook her and his real daughter that being kidnap by Otto, as time passes K-423 was acknowledge by Siegfried as his daughter too and name her KIANA " Thought Rena.

"Sad, Sirin was just a little girl that want a warm of a parents, she just like Naruto but being miss lead and tortured along the way, then the hate took over" Mutter Rena.

"As for GGZ, There were two story,

The first, Kiana being Born in that world already being planned by Schicksal and want to use her as a anti-Honkai soldier but they reject such idea and left with Kiana, at some point Cecilia died, so Siegfried must the one raise Kiana and left Schicksal, then Kiana and Siegfried being hunted by Schicksal, at some point Kiana went rampage and become a Herrscher, but Siegfried able to suppress Kiana transformation then left her.

The second one, Siegfried and Cecilia was when on mission on day and left Kiana alone, and that where Otto took the chance and invite Kiana to a lab where the second Herrscher core being keep, Siegfried took notice this and come to save Kiana but it was to late as she become the second Herrscher but have to fight her daughter, After all the fight Siegfried lost his life to save Kiana.

After that Cecilia was the one who raised Kiana instead along with someone who took Siegfried look alike." Thought Rena.

"In the end it's Otto fault, do I know if she K-423 or Real Kiana !? ARGH this Tv ain't giving any clue too !!! they all still talk about what happen in Nagazora " Say Rena as touch her head.

Then she rest her head to the bed and close her eyes.

"There is few way to find out if this HK3 world I hope to be, that is Welt secretly become a teacher at Saint Freya school, the existence of World Serpent, and Seele trap in Sea of quanta" Say Rena as she then proceed to be silent.

"ARGHHH,DAMMIT I JUST WANT TO ENJOY THIS WORLD BUT INSTEAD I GET WORRIED, I WANT FIGHT MONSTER, GET A GIRLFRIEND, TRY ONE OF THOSE SWEET ASS GOD KEYS AND HAVE GOOD LIFE...but Instead got this body, hospitalize, and can't do shit" Say Rena, after sudden outbursts when silent again.

"Whatever, I just want to sleep now" Say Rena as she move her body to the side. But before she could that she hear door being open.

"Sorry for the wait, here's your food" Say the nurse who just came in, as she hear what the nurse say, her stomach growl.

"But food come first" Say Rena with a big smile.

///Coastal City Hospital, Garden///

The next day, Rena and the same doctor went to the hospital garden which is in front of the hospital, even thought the place called garden it's quite vast, The garden was mostly filled with grass and a tree, the garden road are some made from stone that look cracking and some are flat straight for people use wheel chair, in the middle there is a big Fountain that's surrounded by a lot of flower pot circling it and a bench that facing the fountain.

Rena right now train her leg muscle by ordinary walk, her leg was shaking and sometimes she almost fall down, and as for the doctor he was by her side to write paper inside the binder and examine her as he help the girl not to fall.

"Dammit, this is much harder without the pole" Say Rena as she still shaking while walking.

"Don't be like that, you should be grateful, I'm very surprise by this morning check up is more than I expecting" Say the doctor

'This killing me, Shouldn't there be [Body Enchantment] for my body getting stronger !? and something like [Art of Fighting] !? I don't even gain any knowledge of it !!!, is the goddess Eris actually goddess of Scamming instead ?, and for some reason I have this doubt feeling when I look at her chest too...AAHHHH this is sucks !!!!" Thought Rena as she grit her teeth.

"Just a few more step to that bench, you can do it" Say the doctor in cheerful voice to motivate Rena, but for her it's very annoying.

"Can you just shut up!!!" Say Rena as she take her step more faster.

"Good, Just like that" Say the Doctor with a cheerful smile.

"SHUT UP!!!" Shout Rena, this make the Doctor back away a little. After all the walking Rena reach the bench then she sit down as she breath in and out heavily.

"Good, with more training and time you will be good as new" Say the Doctor as he write more on the paper and sit beside her.

"haah haah haah" say Rena as she tried to breath while looking down.

'Hard, why is this so hard, I'm just walking and this so hard!?, damn' thought Rena.

"Calm down, don't be so hard on your self" Say the Doctor.

"haah haah yeah doc" Say Rena as she stabilized her breathing, she look at her surrounding, in front of her there a two boy play by the fountain, a nurse strolling with elder people in wheel chair, people talking under a tree and many other things.

"Well this place quite lively" Say Rena.

"Ha ha ha, Well yeah, Most of people in here is not patient, some visitor want to come here just to take picture and enjoy the scenery, and sometimes student from Saint Freya come here too " Say the Doctor with a small laugh.

"No wonder...Wait, Saint Freya ?" Ask Rena try her best not show to be shock.

"Yes, Let's just say those are school for student learn how to fight a certain things" Answer the Doctor.

"And that is ?" Ask Rena.

"Just take a few turn from here and you will be there, it's one of the far east branch and being located in this Coastal City, so we pretty much save here in this city" Answer the Doctor.

'WHAT!?, they never mention exactly name of the location of Saint Freya in japan !?' Thought Rena as she look down to hide her shock, the Doctor who saw this confuse to see it. Then suddenly there's a phone can be heard ringing.

"ah, sorry, wait for a moment okay" Say the Doctor as he stand up take few step away and accept the phone call.

'This just give me more headage, but its also a good thing, when I got out of here I can see the teacher, and by the teacher I mean Welt Yang, the second holder of first herrscher power after Welt Joyce, Herrscher of Reason. If this world base on GGz then there will no him as a teacher, why ? easy, HK3 welt is brown hair while GGz is blue long hair guy" Thought Rena.

"Okay...alright, be there" say the Doctor as he end the call and put into his pocked and walk back to." Rena, I will go back for a moment kay?, don't walk to far or talk to any stranger all right ?" Say The Doctor.

"What am I ?, five ?" Say Rena.

"I will take that as yes then, I will comeback again later" Say the Doctor as he start walk away and leave Rena alone sitting.

"Haaah, now I can just relax in this place and enjoy the view" Say Rena as she look what interesting for her view.

' This is nice' Thought her as she smile 'I need to think about my life after I left the hospital, maybe I should get a job maybe ?...oh yeah I'm become younger now, so I can't really be accepted that easily, now I think about it where should I live and eat ?...damn I hate reality even though I already in different world" Thought Rena as she sigh.

Then she look up to the sky.

"haaaah, I wonder how my family is doing after my they are relieve one weigh is out, heh, and as for Ishida bet he's crying like crazy, good thing he have shouko by his side, you damn Lucky bastard...Tomohiro might cry as Ishida...Yuzuru...I bet that kid laughing right now, I just hope he doesn't record anything strange about me and upload in Youtube or else my death become a joke like that news, where a young man died from shock in front of slow tractor and piss his pants while at it...

SHIT this just make me worried!!! did I also piss my pants too when I'm about to die !? I don't think so,but that time I was dying so I can't really feel anything...FUCK I'm hope my blood...OH GOD my body was facing upwards so the possibility blood stained front of my pants is ZERO!!!!' As Rena rethink her last life something caught her attention in the sky as it moving fast.

"What the? Is that a bird?" Murmur Rena, then something like white object can be seen by Rena come closer.

"A plane?"Murmur Rena as she start lean forward and to see more White object and start emitting purple Line lights.

" No that's -"

"A HONKAI!!! "


Suddenly there something hit the ground very hard, people near to that place was blown away and fall to the ground hard.

Rena was closed her eyes quickly with her hand as soon as there an impact make a sudden gust of wind, when the wind is gone, Rena start open her eyes again and saw a heavy dust mostly on the place something that hit the ground.

Then inside the heavy dust, something purple light can be see glowing up brightly.


Suddenly there's an unknown Roar make the heavy dust clear away.

Showing white flying Skeletal figure with the combinations of dark purple and light purple that shine more, its about 2 meter tall,the thing have a short leg, have a mono eyes shine purple, both shoulder look like a wing but the right side have a lance attach to it hand while the left have big shield instead and quite wide that cover all in front of the body.

"Templar" Mutter Rena

"a... a... AAAAAAAAA!!!!" A sudden scream from one people can be heard, from this scream lead to another people to also scream and make them panicking.

"HONKAI!!! "


People start running away from the place, but sadly that's not the only things as more new flying being appear with a lot number of that, It was around 1 meter, only have have wings and a halo on top what is seems it's head.[Archangel] start chasing people who is running and use it wings to cut people.

Rena who confuse at what happened feelt like a dream come to her awareness and when pale.

'FUCK FUCK FUCK, I always bully those HONKAI beast with Valkyrie in game but facing the real one is actually different things ' Thought Rena as she quickly to try stand up from the bench the best she can and start walk fast as she's can despite being shaking a lot, but she then stop for a moment.

"Mommy...daddy...HELP" A cry from a kid, make her stop from moving.

'Hear me out Reito, You better be run the shit out of just close your ear and start FUCK Simple as that...if you don't, then you will dead again, but you will in agony this time, got it?" Though Reito to motivate himself

"I will use my feet" Say Rena

"Take a position" Say Rena as she be bend down a little.

"Turn around" Say Rena as turn around from the position.

"AND GET THAT SHITTY BRAT" Shay Rena, then she start running to the place where the crying kid is.

"HUH!? " Then the kid shock as a hand suddenly grab him.

"IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE THEN LET'S GO!!!" Say Rena as grab the kid and carrying him. The Templar who just standing around and watch took a notice on what Rena jus did and start chase after her.

"NEE-SAN THE BIG ONE CHASING US!!! " Say the boy, Rena who hear this become scared as hell, but didn't stop running despite all the shaking and weak muscle now feel hurts.

'DAMMIT THIS IS THE FIRST TIME SOMEONE CALLED ME THAT, THAT'S FEEL SO WEIRD' Thought Rena 'and this is fucking sucks my leg is not only shaking a lot but also feel so hurt and about to give up one me any moment now...but I mustn't cause that shitty Templar HONKAI chasing after me' Thought Rena, the Templar who fly faster than Rena, raise its Lance hand.

"NEE-SAN!!!" Shout the kid as he know what will the Honkai beast will use for.

"SHUT UP!!!, We are going make it!!! " Say Rena, But then her feet unexpectedly bump to something and make her feel down to the ground with the kid.

'SHIT!!!' thought Rena as she looks behind her, the Templar ready the pance then quickly thrusts it, Rena saw this hug the boy a roll to the side.


'SHIT, that's a close one' Though Rena.

The Templar lance fail to do it and instead stab deep down to the ground as he struggle to pull it back, Rena then took the chance start to stand up hurriedly and carry the boy again.

"Sorry kid" Say Rena as she start to breath heavily from exhaustion and the pain from her leg. Then the templar after a while able to get the lance pull back and start to chasing the both of them again.

"This is the second time I'm being chased by something wants to kill me" Say Rena.

Rena and the kid quickly hide behind the tree then kneel down.

"You better shut up or else we be dead, okay? " Say Rena as she have a hard time breathing, the kid who hear this nod to Rena.

Then Rena move her head to the side of the tree to take a look, after a while Templar can be see moving to the direction where Rena run, Rena then quickly pull her head back.

The Templar didn't know the exact position of the both them and start searching left and right.

""...""The kid and Rena didn't say anything, but the both of them are sweating a lot and try a the best not getting caught.

The Templar move very fast each time passes, then this make the Templar seems irritated and swing the lance to nearby tree.


Rena and the kid hear this tensed up by it and take a hold their breath as the kid hug Rena more tighter.

"..." Rena felt time has frozen, then move her head to the side of the tree again slowly. what she sees only a tree that cut in half and upper body of the tree fall down.

'the good thing about this is that Templar is the only one who chasing us...damn, the sound might be small I can still hear people screaming in this city' Thought Rena she pull he head back again.

"It's all right, the thing is gone now" Say Rena as she pat the kid back. But suddenly there's a long black shadow from the right, Rena who notice this become tensed up again and and look the opposite direction of the shadow.

What she saw is a white lance with the combination of purple light start swing on her way.

Rena went paled by this and start hugging the kid then turn her back to the direction of the lance quickly by reflex.


Rena got hit by the spear was flown far away, then fall down to the ground and roll many time before she's stop.

"Hey...kid...are (𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩)(𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩) you all right?" Say Rena as she coughing in blood.

'FUCK FUCK FUCK THIS HURT LIKE HELL!!!, Dammit, I can breath properly!!!, My back...I think upper bone is broken like mash potatoes"

The boy released from the hug and look at Rena who let out a blood and got injured, after seeing this he cry again.

"NEE-SAN DON'T DIE UWAAAA!" Cry the boy as he kneel in front of her.

"Who...said...I'm going to DIE!? " Say Rena as she try to kneel in front of the kid.

'GUH!?, FUCK IT'S HURTS!!!, Maybe I should be grateful on some part, like that asshole not cutting me in half...well except that tree over there...SHIT WHERE ARE THOSE BUFF WHEN I NEED IT!!!' Thought Rena as she grit her teeth.

Not far from the kid and Rena, the Templar can be seen as he look at both of them, Rena then use her right leg and land her feet to the ground and try rise up but sadly failed to do so.

' leg already give up on me!!!' Thought Rena, the she look to her left and right.

"NEE-SAN IT'S FLY RIGHT TO US" Say the kid in a worried.

'No choice' Thought Rena.

"Hear me out kid, don't panic, I will give a technique to survive this situation" Say Rena in serious tone as he look the kid straight in the eye.

"W-What? " Ask the boy as he trembling in fear

"You can see your leg right here ? " Say Rena as she point the kid leg.

"Y-yeah? " Say Confused kid.

"Good, now then stand up" Say Rena as the kid do what Rena say

"Close your palm tightly" The kid do what Rena say again.

"And RUN the FUCK out from here" Say Rena as the kid suddenly start to surprise the next thing she said.


"Don't worry, now you come to your sense you know what to do next than crying, hide till the Valkyrie or help arrive" Demand Rena.

"But what about you nee-san!?" Ask the boys.

"Of course I'm running too, I just want to rest a little...what?, you think I will let that monster eat me? ~Noooo way~, that thing rather like chasing main course than you" Answer Rena.

"B-but" Say the kid as he stutters.

"NOW GO YOU IDIOT!!! I will come to you when things calm down" Say Rena

"B-but your leg-"

"NOW!!!" Shout Rena, the boy who hear Rena shout confuse and still doubt to leave her, he close his eyes for a second to open it again then he start running while shouting.

"I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY" Shout the kid as he running away while crying along the way.

"DON'T SHOUT YOU MORRON!!! AND DON'T BE" Shout Rena as the sounds of the running kid become more faint.

Rena then see Templar again, The templay seems fly slowly to her and not bother chase after the boy.

'Good...also why that fucker need to be slow!?, does he want to be Scary ?...and I had to be honest if he's not working' Thought Rena. the the Templar raise it lance one more.

'SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT' Thought Rena as she try to get up but fail to rise even a little.

20 meter before the Templar in front Rena

"C'mon!!!" Say Rena as she start to get up slowly

15 meter


10 meter

"ALMOST THERE!!!" Say Rena as she halfway on get up

5 meter

"THERE!!!" Say Rena as she stand in both of her feet.


The Templar now stand in front of Rena and ready to thrust the lance at her one more time.

"Hello Mr.Honkai, having fun on try scaring me ? Let me tell you something...I-DON'T-GIVE-A-SHIT" Say Rena with a mocking smile. The Honkai only pull the lance back ready to give a powerful thrust.

"So this is the end?, I can't even move now, my upper body is fractured and my leg too tired just being stand up" Say Rena.

The Templar then stop pull the lance back.

'This ain't be killed by a mob on the second day in this world...this has to be a joke' Though Rena as she change her expression angry. while looking down.

The Templar then thrust the lance in a high speed to end Rena live.

"FUUUUUUUCK THISSSS!!! " Shout Rena as she look straight to the Templar mono eyes.

As the Templar Lance about hit Rena, Rena can feel her body suddenly become stronger and the pain less painful than before, as if some gush of unknown power surging to her body, Rena who doesn't how this could happen just quickly take a big jump.


The Templar know he miss the target and stab to the ground again.

As for Rena she's right now jump high to sky, she can see many things, She can see a beach from a far, Roads, building, City, and most took interesting is a big building that was in the middle of what looks like a giant lake, Saint Freya.

'Damn...Saint Freya much bigger than in the game' Thought Rena as she start fall down back to the ground 'Ah shit'

'FUCK!!!' His though as she look down and hit to the ground, a few meter where she last jump, and create a small crater where she fell. Rena from the look of it doesn't seems take any injury from the fall but instead she was laughing.

"heh... heh..heh.HAHAHHAHAHAH ABOUT GODDAM TIME !!!" Say Rena as she start get up and look at the Templar with a grind in her face.

The Templar didn't react to much and just fly forward at Rena in a high speed and pointing it lance at her.

"COME GET SOME!!! " Shout Rena as she's not flinch but ran toward the Templar and punch the lance.

Surprisingly Rena hand was not stab through but instead the lance form a lot crack and shattered.

"!!!!????" The Templar both surprise and confused for a second.

"Well well well, would you look at that, the table has turn" Say Rena as she look at her fist, then the Templar quickly back away and start fly toward Rena again using the shield instead to try ramming it at her.

Rena who saw this just smile and backing away her right arm and clenching her palm make it to a fist.

"HAAAAAH" Shout Rena as she punch the Templar shield and this make a sudden gust of wind.


And again the shield also crack and destroy like his lance.

"Oh my, Rock actually do beat paper !, We learn something new everyday aren't we? " Say Rena in a mocking tone, the Tamplar the back away a little

"To be honest I'm also quite surprise, a girl with a frail and a thin body able to fight a flying bulky asshole with a weapon attach to both arm, and let me tell you something... I WILL BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU for what you did to me " Say Rena with malice.

The Honkai who don't get it what Rena say just back away again this time and try to ram his body to Rena in a high speed.

"Bitch move" Say Rena as she run to the Templar, then when two about to hit, Rena clench her hand then punch Templar chest and this punch just stab through it chest make some purplish water leaking out.


Rena then pull back her hand back as her hand stain by purplish water.

As for Templar, the thing fly backward a little before fall down as the glowing purple color become faint and then died down.

"God, that was feel so good" Say Rena as she breathing heavily.

'Is this the [Body Enchantment] ?, cool, at least I know good enough to kill this templar bare hand... but still, I can still feel the pain from this asshole did to me, better go hide, I can hear a gun shot from a far, those might be the Valkyrie, so I better let them do the job' Thought Rena as she start walk of from the Templar, the she look at her right hand that being stain from stabbing Templar.

'Is this the Honkai blood or what?' Say Rena as she sniff at it.

'Hmmm?, this be honest I think this is a bad Idea but...' Thought Rena as she start lick the purplish water

'Yup it's taste like grape juice, wait the sec does that mean Honkai from a fruit or...Whatever just don't be an idiot Reito' Though Rena as she sigh.


Rena hear a sudden Roar made from the Honkai she just beat, she then turn around and look at the Honkai again to see it glowing purple at some part but then it fade away, Rena just starring at it for a while but the Templar just unmoving.

"Huh, that's just scared the hell of me" Say Rena about to continue her walking, but then she heard something in the sky and her surroundings.

when she look at every sound location she's being surrounded Archangel come in packs

"...Heh, so you called ally to come, what an asshole" Say Rena as she prepare her self to fight.

"I know I'm in bad situation, but oh Well...let's have a dance shall we? " Say Rena.


A the doctor and a women with a what it's seems flying buster sword behind her start running together in fast pace.

"The boy say Rena in here, I don't get it why you bring her out!? " Say the women with a buster sword.

She have a red long hair being tied, the color of her eye is orange, wear a crimson coat with a white and black shirt inside, black gloves, black shorts, and gray thigh highs and black boots, her name is Murata Himeko.

"Well I check her health this morning was extra-ordinary so she able to physical test much sooner, also this is nice place do it while you later come to visit, I don't know there will be Honkai wave come to this city, there were no alarm when Honkai come here" Say the doctor.

"Dammit" Curse Himeko, then a hologram appear in front of Himeko. "What is it Theresa?, I'm in a hurry" Say Himeko.

"It's about the Honkai in your area, for unknown reason some of the remaining Honkai classified Archangel class, Catapult, knigh, chariot and Templar class start to grouping up in the same direction you running to" Say the voice

"WHAT!?, sent some reinforcements then!!!" Demand Himeko.

"Hear me out first !!!, that's not the only strange things, each time those Honkai go to that direction we lost the signal after a while" Say The voice.

"Lost? what are you saying that the radar when haywire or those Honkai sign as fallen? " Ask Himeko

"Those Honkai sign as fallen, but the one who killed not by one of our student or any Valkyrie outside Saint Freya, so there there might someone or something have kill it" Explain the voice

"HUH!? " Himeko gasp as she surprise at what she being inform.

"So be careful where are you going and do call me if something wrong in that place, by then I will send Valkyrie" Say the voice as she end the call make the holograms in front of Himeko disappear.

"Tch, first the Honkai alarm ain't work second we got to deal with this, god this going to be a lot of paper work. I swear if Kiana got remedy test I will have Mei make less food for her and fuhua privately teach her" Say Himeko.

"Himeko I think you should focus on those Honkai corpse in front of us" Say The Doctor, Himeko hear this suddenly look in front of her to see various class of Honkai have fallen. the more they run the more honkai corpse began appear.

"Doctor, be careful not to touch those or inhale near those Honkai, we don't want you get infected by Honkai blood" Say Himeko

"I know, don't worry I come prepare" Say the Doctor as he he wear mask and a glove" But this just crazy, this many Honkai corpse, there also more ahead of use, I just hope Rena is save" Say the Doctor

"Who have done this ?, from what I see there's a lot of this Honkai got hole in some part in their body area, and most of Archangel being rip in two piece" Say Himeko.


A sudden Honkai Roar can be heard in front of them.

"I think it's there Major" Say The Doctor

"If that the case stand behind me" Demand Himeko, then the Doctor do what Himeko said and walk behind her.

When they arrived what on the place seems to be the sound came from, they don't expect a lot of laying down honkai corpse being pile up that about 8 meter tall.

"Holy Shit, Is this what they called massacre but...on Honkai?" Say the Doctor.

"We called it an extermination" Say Himeko, then they can see something emerge on the other of pile of Honkai corpse.

It was a young girl with a white shirt hair, her body was stain with a lot of Honkai fluid, from up to down and she was holding what is seems chariot class Honkai class as she was breathing heavily.

then she also noticed two figure not from hers

"Hey Doc , how are you doing, me? Owh nothing just try to survive here" Say Rena as she let go chariot head.

"Did you fight this thing?" Ask the Doctor.

"Oh yeah, definitely , I got broken limbs and all but it's all good doc" Say Rena" Now you both here I can relax" Say Rena as she then fell down to the ground, both Himeko and The Doctor hurriedly ran to beside Rena.

"Being survived this long without getting infected by Honkai blood all over her body is one thing, but she just kill this many alone is crazy, then those hole I see must be using her only bare hand then" Say Himeko in both surprise and shock at the revelation.

"Yeah...and also good luck on report this to principal Theresa and Schicksal HQ" Say The Doctor make Himeko depressed.

"God, this going to be a long day for me" Say Himeko.

As for Rena she just keep smiling as she rest down on the ground knowing her new power.