Chapter 2 : Hello New Home

///Coastal City Hospitals///

A week after Honkai attack the city, Rena right now lay down on top of her bed with the same Doctor standing beside her. Rena can be seen both arm, left leg, neck, and her chest was being bandage.

"Ughhh" Rena Groan in pain.

"I know I know, you just need to bear with it Rena" Say the doctor with a small laugh as he keep writing paper inside the binder.

"Ughhh, easy for you to say that doc" Say Rena "So Doc, how is the city ?"Ask Rena as she look at doctor.

"Well all of the monster have been eliminated from Coastal city thanks to Saint Freya Valkyries and the damage city received not that too critical like road have hole, light pole fall down, and some mess here and there" Answers The doctor.

"How about the casualty then doc?" Ask Rena.

"...its about fifty to eighty died, those are quite small numbers but at the same time that doesn't mean we should be grateful either to those people had just lost their life" Answer the Doctor with a sad tone.

"I see..." Say Rena as she went silent and look up to the ceiling and the doctor notice this.

"Why are so sad suddenly, you shouldn't be worry about it, instead you should be proud from what you have done, like that boy you save before" Say the Doctor with a smile.

"Oh yeah, what happen to the kid ? " Ask Rena curiously.

"He's okay, he got back to his parents safely thanks to you" Answer the Doctor.

"That's good to know" Say Rena in relief.

"Well then, Since I'm done checking your condition for today I will take my leave Rena, the nurse will come to you time to time like always" Say the Doctor as he put his pen on chest pocket and close the binder.

"Alright doc" Say Rena, the Doctor hear this nod and start walk to the door and leave Rena room.

"...This sucks" Say Rena as she then sight heavily.

' I can't move too much' Thought Rena ' I should have seen this coming...but I'm not, A day after I fought those Honkai a pain suddenly emerge to my body, the most hurt is from what Templar did to broke my upper body, for the rest broken bone, I might have overdone it, God this is just uncomfortable!!!' Thought Rena as become mad, then she suddenly become calm and close her eyes. 'But thanks to that I can get the goddess power up, but the cost just to gain this is not bring good taste for me...why can I get power up just from waking up like any Isekai main character so I can fight them straight away when they got here"

"This is just not like the usual me, haaaaaa" Say Rena as she long sigh" Get a grip me, this is just the beginning yet you already complain ?" Say Rena before she continue be silent.

"...My nose itchy" Say Rena as she become irritated.

///Coastal City Hospital, The Doctor Office///

After the doctor finish check his patient he go back to his office and sit down as he look at his computer.

The office wall white colour with also white ceramic,the office filled with a medical bed on the front near the window, on the right there is a desk with computer on top of it and three chair, one on the back and two on the front of it, a shelf with books and photo, on the left a sofa and in front of it a table.


As the Doctor was busy in front of his computer, he hear someone knocking his office door.

"Come in" Say the Doctor as he look the door, then the door was open as the person come inside revealing Himeko while holding plastic bag" Major Himeko?"

"Hello there Doctor, hope I'm not bothering you now" Say Himeko with smile.

"No, not at all, come sit on the sofa Himeko" Say the Doctor, Himeko the sit on the sofa the put the plastic bag on top of the table, the she take out something inside of the plastic bag to see a can beer." Really? " Say the Doctor.

"Hey, I'm very busy for the past one week on checking students results and make reports from that incident to HQ, thank's to that I barely have proper sleep, so this my little friend is my only way of salvation " Say Himeko in sadness as she drink the beer.

"You think you the only one who have to deal paper work and checking other people too?, for the first few days I must visit and treat a lot injured people since that day" Retort the Doctor at Himeko.

"Good for you, but I also have this brat I took care of fail the test not one but almost all of it, by next week she's going to have the remedy test" Say Himeko as she look down depress.

"The same student you mention before?, how is she now ? " Say The Doctor unbelief at this Himeko student.

"Just say she on special training with one of her friends now" Say Himeko as she drink the beer and take out another one then drink it. " That is if her fish brain of her can do it" Say Himeko finish another beer.

"Geez, that much" Say the Doctor" So does Saint Freya have figure it out about the alarm malfunction? " Ask the Doctor.

"That's the thing's...because it's not" Answer Himeko as sight.

"Sorry, Not what? " Ask the Doctor as he confused at Himeko.

"Not malfunctioning, as in still work properly without any scratch or lose screw" Answer Himeko "The thing didn't look broke from the outside, so we thought the inside of it were the problem but it's not as we test it, and cause of this the report I make just tiring me out " Say Himeko, the Doctor hear this become confused at this information.

"Well...that is quite strange" Say The Doctor.

"I know, but in the end we still replace it and make that one label as malfunction just to make sure something like that never happen again" Say Himeko.

"I see" Mutter The Doctor.

"But that's not I want to talk about" Say Himeko as she put down the beer.

"I thought that's what we talk about" Say the Doctor." So what is it? "Ask the Doctor.

"That Rena girl " Answer Himeko.

"Of course it's about Rena, so are you also report about her also too then? " Ask the Doctor as she gaze at Himeko.

"Just from what I see to both principal and HQ, principal thought I was drunk on making the report and almost confiscate my beer" Answer Himeko.

"How about the HQ?, what's their reaction about it? " Ask the Doctor.

"Nothing, they just feedback 'keep the good work' stuff in it" Answer Himeko.

"I doubt this 'Nothing' from HQ go unnoticed, or be precise by that overseer " Say the Doctor as he stand up and walk to the window.

"Who wouldn't, they just want to play silent for time being" Say Himeko, then the Doctor close the window curtain and sit back to his chair.

"This room is soundproof, not even people try to eavedrop by the door, wall and ceiling" Say the Doctor.

"Oh my, I never thought you were so bold" Say Himeko in flirting way.

"Yeah but I don't want any rumor floating around in my work thank you" Say the Doctor, Himeko hear this just chuckle a bit at this.

"Well then, let me ask how Is she now " Ask Himeko

"She's fine, just grumble and growl from time to time" Answer the Doctor.

"Good, but that's not the answer I quite want it" Say Himeko as she look back at the Doctor.

"So you meant specificly, I hope you can bear with it" Say the Doctor, Himeko confused at what he said.

"So there is something wrong then? " Ask Himeko as she raised her eyebrow.

"More like something good instead, but in the strange way" Say the Doctor.

"Like what? " Ask Himeko.

"First, it's about her reaction to [Honkai energy], after being brought back to hospital, she was being clean and other Doctor almost order us to kill her off" Say The Doctor, Himeko hear this become shock.

"What!?, Really!? " Say Himeko in a loud voice.

"Calm down, thankfully I was there and ask them to examine her first, the good thing is there's nothing wrong with her later on, if it were someone else, they might have do it, but they aren't killer so they are nervous what are they going to do.

She was covered with [Honkai energy] almost all over her body, so they automatically thinks she not gonna make it even if she have a little [Honkai Resistance] from being a girl." Say the Doctor, Himeko hear this become relief.

"How they will put her down?" Ask Himeko.

"Chop her head off" Answer the Doctor in monotone.

"..." Himeko didn't say anything and become suprise.

"What?, you know it too, there is no other way to but to chop the head from the body if she become one, you know what moving on, After I examine her I found something strange" Say the Doctor make Himeko intrigued.

"And that is? " Ask Himeko.

"Let me explain this first, usually people who get infected by [Honkai energy] to their body no matter if it's from radiation or got any contact with [Honkai beast] they will got purplish stripe from to their body along with symptoms such lost eyes sight, trouble breathing, infection of organ systems, fatigue, lost sense of pain, and the worse one is they will have sign of changes like what you have always fight, a [Zombie].

Sadly we don't have the cure this, the best we can do only to supress or delay it infection from getting further, so there is no other choice but to end their life or live in that state till end of their life or be killed before becoming zombie.

But there are some who have [Honkai Resistance], with these resistance they are safe on certain parameters on them individually without worry, this [Honkai resistance] always found on girl and rare on male, Because of that resistance they make a group of warrior compose of girl to fight Honkai or any other threats, they are called [Valkyrie], like what you are Major Himeko " Explains Doctor.

"True, because the resistance, the [Valkyrie] was injected with [Honkai energy] by Schicksal to give them the power up, but there also casualty from being injected to their body even if there is resistance long time ago, so that's why we test them first if before give it" Continue Himeko.

"Yes, In other word Honkai is Sexist on man" Say the Doctor.

"...Be Serious Doctor or you want me throw you from that window over there " Say Himeko as she stare at The Doctor menacingly, the Doctor Who noticed this become pale.

"Uhhh, sorry" Say the Doctor"Continue on, the strange part about Rena, that she doesn't have any reaction to any [Honkai Infection] from that day till now" Say The Doctor.

"So you are saying she have [great resistance] to [Honkai Energy]" Say Himeko.

"No, the opposite, instead she doesn't have one at all" Correct the Doctor, Himeko hear this become confused.

"I'm sorry, did I hear what you said correctly or I'm just get drunk now" Ask himeko as she touch her head.

"No, you heard it correctly, she don't have the resistance yet survive it and without get any sickness" Say the Doctor, Himeko who heard surprise, the Doctor notices this find it funny.

"Why didn't you tell me it sooner when she got here!? " Ask Himeko.

"This also new to me, We thought Rena was the same as other survivor, we examine her just to see if there is [Honkai Infection] in her or not just like that, without any trace of [Honkai infection] always means she have [Honkai Resistance], that kinda things always come up in our and other people without any further check" Explains the Doctor, the both of them went silent for a moment to think.

"This just make more question" Say Himeko as she sigh while lean back her hed. "And those Honkai energy, what happen is she not get Infected? " Ask Himeko as she look back at the Doctor.

"No idea, all I know [Honkai energy] is just nothing but water for her" Answer The Doctor.

"This can't even explain the ability to fight the Honkai, if this girl have [Honkai Resistance] then I might have presume she was being experimented before with [Honkai energy] and able to fight with it" Say Himeko as she keep thinking.

"That's the second, If there were [Honkai energy] I might have told you, I don't even know where she got the power to do it, at first I though she just a patient with foul mouth and hard at walking, but later she just fine and beat the hell out of those Honkai while get broken bone along the way" Say The Doctor as he sigh."And now she is bedridden from the bone fracture she make, but again she surprises to that point too" Say the Doctor.

"And I presume that's the third" Say Himeko

"Yes, she is one extraordinary one, most fracture sometimes heal on weeks or months depend on the which bone that got broke, but for her, in the past one week she almost heal up, her regeneration just amazing, the bone now in the middle of Callus Formation phase, she doesn't realize it yet" Say the Doctor as he took out a two black and white picture looks like a bone from his desk drawer and walk to sit beside Himeko then give it to her " That two picture of one of her leg with the gap difference one is last week and one is from yesterday" Say the Doctor, Himeko look at picture surprise.

"...So if she heal this quickly...when can she out from her bed? " Ask Himeko as she put down the picture to the table and look the Doctor again.

"Quick math seven plus seven mean fourteen, so she will be out in another week but with wheelchair or crutches, if you add another seven day she is good as new, no joke's intended" Answer the Doctor as he can feel the gaze from Himeko.

"Is that so..." Say Himeko as she then went silent for a moment " all what you just said, who have you told ? " Ask Himeko.

"... No one" Answer the Doctor.

"No one ?" Repeat Himeko.

"Yes, I'm responsible for her, all the examination on her bone and Honkai reaction all on me, the report I'm make about her to this hospital are most of them is false, the real one is with me" Say the Doctor as he took out a usb flash drive from his pocket.

"...Then why tell me about this? " Ask Himeko make the Doctor confused.

"Well, because you just ask it ? " Answer the Doctor.

"Then if it were other people ask for it then will you tell it? " Ask Himeko, the Doctor just silent for a moment.

"...No" Answers the Doctor as he sigh" To be honest I don't know no one else in Saint Freya to tell to except you" Say the Doctor.

"That sweet, but I know you have meet Theresa before" Say Himeko.

"Yes, remind me the first time I meet her, I thought she was a lost child in the street, thanks to her I almost got sent to the jail for being a lolicon" Say the Doctor as he irritated, Himeko chuckle at this. "But I still can't trust her with this information, just say gut feeling, and I hope you didn't report about this matter too with HQ and Principal" Say the Doctor as he give it to himeko the flashdrive.

"I don't know what are your problems with Schicksal, but...Sooner or later they will found out about her, you just delay it" Say Himeko as she take it and put in her pocket.

"Well, I just hope the delay able to help her for the time being, if people in Schicksal like that 'Overseer' or any other Organization knew about her more than what you report, you don't know what cruel thing Rena will be facing on due to her abnormalities, that's why I trust it to you to keep this as a secret" Say the Doctor with a smile.

"I didn't now you think so hard about it" Say Himeko as she also smile back.

"Hey, if it weren't for her, the Honkai might have come to the Hospital instead, I'm just do a favor here" Say the Doctor.

"Well then, if she able to leave by next week, can I get her by that time" Ask Himeko.

"Sure, just tell me what time and I will make procedure about Rena, then I take it you will be her guardian by the next time we meet right" Ask the Doctor.

"Well of course, I will just ask Theresa about giving this girl guardianship" Say Himeko.

"That's good to know, and uhhh... while you in here are you free next month or something?, you know hang out or watch movie? " Say the Doctor with a little stuttered voice

'Nooo, you being an idiot ' Thought the Doctor.

"Oh my, did you ask me to go out ? " Ask Himeko with a grin."Did you even learn the first two time we met? " Say Himeko, The Doctor start remembering the past again and make a sour face.

"The first time we meet was on France, we accidentally bump to each other, then we just talk and go around for a while at night, that was good till Hyperion ship appear, you kiss me and hit me by the stomach, then you left me on the ground as you go in to the Hyperion" Say the Doctor, Himeko just smile awkwardly " The second time we accidentally meet again on cafe near akihabara, it was awkward at first but we get along, then a wanna be thugs come to us and ask you out and call me the 'Little brother' just because we both have the same red hair, one of them start hit me and then you kick their ass later on and left me 'again' " Say the Doctor

"Well we do have both same hair colour and you are few year younger than me" Say Himeko, this make the Doctor sad.

"Dammit" Murmur the Doctor, Himeko just chuckled at it, then she start to stand up.

"Well then, I have to go now, you can pass the message to Rena that she will attend to Saint Freya and live on one of the dorm with my students" Say Himeko to the Doctor "And as for your offer, I will tell you the time when I free" Say Himeko as she start walking to the door.

"I will wait that answer of yours then major Himeko" Say the Doctor as he stand up and look at Himeko.

"Then bye doc, you can have the beer there" Say Himeko as she open the door and leave the Doctor office.

The Doctor just silently look at the door then look at the plastic bag.

"Might as well enjoy it" Say the Doctor.

///A Week later///

After another week has pass, Rena right now in front of hospital entrance with the Doctor while using two armpit crutches on both side, and this time Rena were wearing white polo shirt, blue jean pants, and black and white sneakers shoes.

"I get it already!!! " Say Rena to the Doctor in front of her.

"Now now Rena, don't be like that, if anything happens, you can rely on teacher there, got it?" Say the Doctor to Rena.

"Ughhh, I fucking know, can you please stop telling me !" Say Rena as she grumble.

"Don't use that foul language, or else you can't get any friends in Saint Freya" Continue the Doctor as he keep lecturing Rena.

"YES YES YES AND YES !!!, what are you!? my mom!? " Say Rena in a loud noise.

"No, but I need to make sure you know it, and also you-" Doctor keep continue lecture Rena.

'OH MY GOD, this guy killing me already!, he been telling me for the past three hour straight about manner, talking, and making friends on and on and ON!!!' Thought Rena as she grit her teeth to endure it.


Suddenly there a sound of a car horn, both of the Doctor and Rena look at the horn sound to see a silver jeep drive to the entrance road and stop infront of them.

"This must be my ride then doc? " Ask Rena.

Then someone got out from the driver seat to see Himeko.

'OH MY GOD, It's her in the flesh!!!' Thought Rena.

"Yes, that's her alright" Say the Doctor with a smile.

"Hello there" Say himeko with a smile as she walk to both of them.

"Hello Himeko" Say the Doctor.

"Hello" Say Rena as she bow down her head a little.

"Rena is it?, You might already now me from Doctor, but let me introduce my self, My Name Murata Himeko" Say Himeko to Rena.

'To be honest I know you way before he mention it' Thought Rena.

"Nice to meet you Himeko-san, let me introduce myself too, my Name Rena kannazuki, I will be on your care" Say Rena as bow her head down a little again.

"You quite polite one than what the Doctor say" Say Himeko, Rena hear this gaze at the Doctor, but the Doctor just look the other way.

"Uhhhh, so Himeko I will trust you with Rena from now on then, please take care of her" Say Doctor nervously as he look at Himeko.

"I will" Say Himeko" Then Rena, are you ready to go" Ask Himeko.

"... Yes" Answer Rena as look at Himeko.

"let's go then" Say Himeko.

"Wait a moment " Say Rena as then turn at the Doctor is, the Doctor Who notice this confused and scared at it. Then Rena take a deep breath and try her best to bow down her head down as she try not lose her balance "Thank You Doctor for fulfilled the request I made and for what have you done for me!!!" Say Rena.

Both Himeko and the Doctor surprise, Himeko just smile as for the Doctor still shock at this and would be expectng the worst of it, then he calm down with a smile then pat Rena head.

"You don't need to, that is what I do, and also 'keep your head above the clouds and strong feet to the ground', take care" Say the Doctor as he stop patting Rena head.

"Yes, Doctor" Say Rena as she turn around and walk beside Himeko, Himeko help Rena get in to the front passager seat and after that Himeko go to the driver seat, before the car about to leave Rena open the car window took her head out" Also when I get this leg of mine be good as new be ready to get kick for patting my head Doc" Say Rena as she get back in and close the window, then the car start driving away. As for the Doctor he just laught it off.

"I shouldn't have done that" Murmur the Doctor as he went back to the hospital.

Back to Rena and Himeko, Rena seems to be watch the building and roads they had pass as Himeko driver the car.

'From what i see, this place no different from my world as far I see, but then again this world technology much more advanced' Thought Rena as she then look at Himeko beside her. 'Himeko..' Though Rena.

"You know, this probably the third time meet, but the first time we actually talk" Say Himeko.

"Third?, isn't it supposed to be second time ? " Ask Rena.

"He didn't tell you?, I was the one who took you in when I on my way back to Coastal City" Answer Himeko as Rena surprise by this.

"What!?, Really?" Say Rena in surprise.

"It was after I'm done with something back in Nagazora, you were lay down unconscious on top of a building, at first we thought you already dead corpse, but I still order them to make sure of it, surprise surprise you actually still alive and then I take you to with me, that's the story" Say Himeko.

'Would you look at that, if it weren't for Himeko I would have to survive in the city full of zombie and Honkai...and it will be gory way to die if that power didn't appear' Thought Rena as she imagine being eaten by the zombie.

"Yeah, I would thank you for that one " Say Rena with a low voice.

"You don't need to" Say Himeko with small chuckles, The both of the them have light conversation for a while." We almost there, you can see it from over the right " Say Himeko, Rena then look where right and see a giant lake almost surrounded by high mountain with a lot forest, in the middle of it there seems to island with a lot of building that connected by a bridge. In the middle there is a big old European building in the middle that resemblance to an old church. Rena look at this just surprise at it.

"In case you asking that's not a church, that's the library" Say Himeko with small laught.

'That's right, on the game second chapter of the story, character will go inside the building and just to see an area where you a lot book on the shelf...I know I have seen it from that time but damn that's look bigger even from here."

After more while they Himeko stop the car by the side of the road

"Sorry, but from here we must walk, can you do that? " Ask Himeko as she look at Rena.

"Yes, don't worry about it" Say Rena as she open the door and take the crutchess by her side, she turn to the open car door and stand up outside from the car slowly, then she use two crutchess to the both of her arm and close the door.

Then as Himeko get out and lock the car, the both of the start walking.

"Oh right, I forgot!" Murmur Himeko

"What is it Himeko-Sensei? " Ask Rena look Himeko confused.

"Well, about the Saints Freya school work and the lesson" Say Himeko.

"Don't worry, the Doctor aready told me on some basic part" Say Rena.

'Which is something new for me than just battle and story, or I might have forgot it, who knows' Thought Rena.

"Good, can you explain it to me? " Ask Himeko as Rena nod at it.

"Saint Freya school system mostly the same as any other school in some part. but If school year base on grade such as [grade one middle school] or [grade one highschool] then Saint Freya base on [Level].

The level is from [Level 1] up to [Level 7], to go each level they must do a test each year same like a school do.

[Level 1] to [Level 3] you can say it's a Middle School, Where they be teach school basic material, basic of Honkai monster type and how to avoid it. in this level usually attend by children by the age 12 to 15 who will be given a [Honkai Energy], but they had not given Valkyrie Rank until they reach [Level 4].

[Level 4] to [Level 7] it's a High School

Where they given [Rank C] or [Rank B] depend on studies in previous Level, and they will be teach more advanced about history, Honkai eruption, Previous Era, Schicksal Tech and History, astronomy, physical test again, Social study, about Honkai Beast advance. Not just that but they will be given a mission base on their Capability.

If you able to get pass [Level 7] Exam or called it [Final Year Valkyrie Exam (FYVE)] you will graduate from Saint Freya and given [Rank-A Valkyrie]

And In order to get [Level 7] Exam you must have high score on Level 5 and 6 Exam, so yeah like that the summary of it" Explains Rena.

'Best to put in word its just like a school, do what the teacher say and always finish the assignment and you will be fine, but with fighting and mission included ' Thought Rena.

"Good, but there sometime people outside didn't attend [Level 1] to [Level 3] but go to [Level 4] like you, we must first test your physical strength, knowledge, and fighting skill such thing and will not given a rank after a few month of observation or directly given by principal or Schicksal higher up, But I know you will do great" Say Himeko with a smile.

"Well at least that's good to know" Say Rena, then both of them stop and see in front of them a long bridge lead to then island in the middle of lake.

"Let's go, we almost there" Say Himeko as she start walk again then followed by Rena.

Rena become excited and her heart thumping hard.

'Saint Freya, damn I can't stop this feeling of mine, but what do you expect when things you want to see was right in front of you, this is like a child can't wait to the theme park and play all attractions that is how I feel' Thought Rena as she try her best not to show it to her face. as they walk Rena look the right and left all the time to see the scenery, then they reach in the front gate.

"Here you go, welcome to St.Freya Highschool " Say Himeko with a smile. Rena hear this become more excited again and become harder to suppress it.

'Moron, remember you have amnesia, if you show any more excitement than it should be it will be complicated!!! ' Thought Rena.

"Y-yeah, thank you" Say Rena in stutter voice.

"Hmmm?, you okay? " Ask Himeko worriedly

"N-no, I'm just thought Saint Freya school was like any other school building, but never expect to be this big to have it own island in this lake, so it just got me surprise" Answer Rena.

'Damn, I don't know if that's a good reason or not' Thought Rena as she rethink what she just said.

"No worries, let's go, I will lead you to your dorm room" Say Himeko as they both start walk again, Rena look at the closer range become mush more and more excited, there street on they are being pave whats look like by ceramic and bricks, along the way there is wall of bushes on most each side of street that around 1 meter tall, and behind the bushes there is a lamp and benches, in the front of them there seems to be a stone pillar circling around, far in the left there seems to be giant snake stone circling a stone pillar.

'...What? 'Rena the just stop and look at her left, Himeko then notice this after took a few after Rena stop and look at her.

"Something wrong? " Ask Himeko look at Rena who seems to be confused.

"Uhhh, Sensei why is there a giant snake stone over there?" Ask Rena.

'Huh?, since when there giant snake stone, more like why I haven't seen it before in the game ? did I forgot it or something?, or did Sephirot got lost and kill a giant snake again before go to the smash bros to meet Cloud!?' Thought Rena as she digging through her memory, but Himeko just laugh at it.

"Don't think to hard about it, that thing not gonna bite you, that's nothing but a stone carving " Say Himeko." Let's go" Say Himeko as both of them continue walking till they reach a certain two building

"So this is where I will live in ?" Say Rena as she observe the place, the first it was two floor building with a white color, a small stair lead to the door, a balcony beside the entrance door, there seems to be three chimney on top of it, The Second one attach to the side main building

'Hmmmm ?, wait the minute...This building seems familiar...!?,isn't this place mostly shown on 'Cooking With The Valkryie' !?, if I live here then it's means... ' Though Rena

"Uhhh, can I ask who else live in here? " Ask Rena as she look at Himeko.

"There is me and four other you will meet there" Answer Himeko.

'Yup, this is the place, where the characters of HK3 live in alright, but I don't how to feel about it, I mean in another word this is a girls Dorm...well I'm a girl physically but still a guy at heart' Thought Rena. The both of them them walk to the door and get inside. once Rena and Himeko got there a person in front of them, as for Rena she suddenly hold her breath.

"Welcome back Sensei" Say the person as she then look at Rena "And Don't mind me asking but who is she? " Ask the person.

The person is a girl with a bluish-purplish hair, pale skin, and blue eyes,wears a blue and white qipao, navy leggings, she use a leather boots, and a red glasses, her name is Fu hua.

'OH MY GOD, To think I met her after I got here!!!, MY favorite elemental support before Haxxor Bunny!!!' Thought Rena in excitement.

"Hello Fu hua, this is the amnesia girl from Nagazora I told you before !" Answer Himeko as she place her hand on Rena shoulder.

"This is her ?, she do look like from kaslana clan" Say fuhua as she look at Rena "Hello, my name is Fuhua, I'm class president level 4A in this school" Say Fuhua with a smile.

'FUCK, is this how it felt to meet your artist feels like!? ' Thought Rena as she try her best facade her face.

"Hello, My name Rena Kannazuki" Say Rena. Then suddenly Fuhua seems to remember something.

"Sensei, when you said she enroll here, does that mean she also live specifically in this Dorm? " Ask Fuhua.

"Well of course she is, it will be hard for me if she in another place" Answer Himeko.

"What you think will happen if Mei-san meet her later?" Ask Fuhua again.

'Oooh, I get it now' Thought Rena as realize why Fuhua ask this, but Rena still use confusing face.

"What about it?" Say Himeko yet to understand Fuhua question.

"Do you remember who made your body ache for three day ?" Say Fuhua to make it vague to Rena, Himeko suddenly silent for a second and have realized something.

"You don't need to worry about it Hua, all about her is classified, so no other people from that day and those from higher up know about it, even if her memory back she don't know about it. " Whisper Himeko to Fuhua, but this can be heard by Rena.

'I think it's about her reaction to me instead of me knowing her hidden power. ' Thought Rena.

"So where's the other? " Ask Himeko.

"Both Bronya and Mei-san want to wait Kiana remedial test over" Answer Fuhua.

"Good, then I will take Rena to her room then Fuhua, she must have felt tired from all the walking" Say Himeko as walk past Fuhua followed by Rena.

Fuhua want to say something but decide not to and just sigh.

'I doubt she do this with no reason...or she just did' Thought Fuhua.

Rena room was on second floor, so Rena was being Rena carefully not get fall down and do most footing by using her right leg.

"Sorry Rena, but all of the bedroom are on the second floor" Say Himeko.

"Don't worry about it" Say Rena with a smile, then both of them stop in front of a door.

"Here's your room Rena" Say Himeko as she open the door letting Rena in to the room first.

The room was white colour, on the right there is a wardrobe and beside it there's a white makeup desk with its chair, I front her there's window with yellow curtain, a bed with a small box and a big box on top of it, beside it there's small table with a lamp and square digital clock, on the left there is a desk, a shelf, and fast in the far left seems to be another door.

"How is it?" Ask Himeko.

"I say it's pretty nice" Answer Rena with a smile, then she pointing out at the box" What inside the box tho? " Ask Rena.

"You can find it out yourself, I need to tell the principal of this school that you have arrive here, so make your self cormfortable and that door over there is yout bathroom, be carefull to get in. " Say Himeko.

"Yes, Himeko-Sensei" Say Rena as she nod.

"Good, I take my leave then Rena" Say Himeko with smile as she walk to the door and leave Rena alone.

"... haaaaaah" Rena sigh then walk to the bed and then sit down then put the crutches beside her.

'...Mei Raiden...Well if I say I have amnesia first will be fine for not being ask where I'm from...maybe...I hope...or else it will awkward' Thought Rena 'Well quick recap might be good thing.

Mei Raiden is one of three character on HK3.

She was born in Nagazora in 1997 April 13. Born to Raiden family, her father was one of the biggest company called Massive Electronics Corporation or in short [ME.Corp], as for her mother she was died from cancer sadly.

A few year later she awoken a [Stigmata], this Stigmata that appear on Mei always represent the next candidate of being the [Herrscher], Raiden Ryoma who now this quickly use anything to cover her daughter from being discovered having the Stigmata.

As time move on, she attend Chiba academy where smart, amazing talent, or to be precise someone from with money go to in other word.

She was living like a princesses, good life, servant, friends, and other things in Nagazora.

But that change when her father was falsely accused of embezzling funds around 3.4 Billion USD from the person called [Cocolia], so her father was being taken to the prison, or that what people want to think as he was taken somewhere else for his safety.

Since then, her life become upside down, reporters start asking her question about her father and corporation, those who called friends start stay away from her because she is no longer the heiress of her father companies.

She then realize that her so called friends want to be with her just because she from a big shot company, but when it's become like this they show their fangs at her, being laught at, being bullying, talk behind her back...Her life become a tragedies by this.

But there's a odd girl who didn't do like any of them, she didn't laugh or bully at her but yell at them, didn't stay away from her but always stay close by at her side, Didn't talk behind her but talk with her with a cheerful smile.

Mei didn't know her and ask her name, her name was Kiana Kaslana, the one who always defend her was Kiana, by Kiana action she become her light in that darkness.

At first cooking her was way to survive, but now because of Kiana, she cook from love instead.

Then, in 2014 or I would say last month ago, her power from being keep long sealed start to outburst and releasing [Honkai Energy] in Nagazora, Almost turned everyone into [Zombies].

Mei stigmata was no longer and change it to crystal called [Gem of Conquest] that have elemental ability of lightning and have it's own personality.

From that burst of [Honkai energy] being released, Kiana was not affected then decide to fight and able to save Mei back to her self.

After the fight they start to find a way out from Nagazora, along the way they meet Bronya and agree to go with both of them way out from that place.

After fight, Kiana get hurt by Honkai beast then become unconscious, Mei seeing this become panic and switch her personality in the gem to kill the Honkai, afterward Mei regain her body and collapse afterward, the both of them then being taken by Himeko to battle ship called [Hyperion] back to Saint Freya, as for Bronya by unknown reason she able to get in.

From that onward, they attend the Saint Freya to become greatest Valkyrie. ' Though Rena.

'That's why it going to be awkward if she know I'm a survivor of Nagazora, but also to cause this girl become parentless and amnesia' Thought Rena then she look at the box beside her.

First she move to the Big box and open it to see the inside of it.

'Let's see here, books, white Valkyrie top that use by Valkyrie ranger and two more, thats nice, a backpack, some pencil and pen one pack each,and a smart phone!? Nice, what next...A skirt? " Thought Rena as she took out a short black skirt.

"...I wonder if this jeans allowed" Say Rena as she toss the skirt. as she keep digging the big box.

"Well almost all of this are school necessity, a phone, there's a laptop, that's quite generous of them, but I gonna need to request a pants tho' Thought Rena as put aside the content of the big box, and look at the small box.

'Let's go to the next mystery box' Thought Rena as she take the small box and see the inside of it' Hmmm?, another smartphone? wallet? thats all " Thought Rena as took the wallet confuse at it then open it.

'I'm surprise there is still money here, that's is good, And here we got a karaoke coupon, a membership card, Train Card, and a School ID' Thought Rena as take look of the ID.

"Senba Highschool Student, Rena Kannazuki, born in the year 1999, so this mine" Say Rena as she look at the wallet " Say Rena as she continue examine the wallet "There no photo here...How about the phone then ?" Say Rena as she put down the wallet and then Rena take the old smartphone

"I wonder if there still some batteries in it...I hope there is" Say Rena as she push a button on the side of the phone, then the screen start to lighten up and show the lock screen, she then the screen to changes to the main screen." wow, Not bother to use a password ?...then Pardon me Rena 'Thought Rena as she start to look at the phone,the first thing she go is to the Gallery.

As Rena push the gallery apps, lot of picture start appearing on the screen, Reito start look at the very first picture 'Huh, the first shot it's a selfie, must have been excited from new phone' Thought Rena as she keep swiping each picture, then she stop again when there is a picture of a white hair women and black hair guy 'Is this her Parents?' Thought Rena as she then continue to look at the picture to see more of it in differents places, scenery, and people. then she stop at one picture where she and her parents celebrating something with a cake in front of her as the whole family is smiling.

"A Happy Birthday party... seems there nothing more after this" Say Rena, but suddenly there's a drop of water hit the phone screen." Oh you gotta be joking, I just got here ! " Say Rena as she look at the ceiling just to found no trace of leaking water.

'...???' Rena confused at this but soon she realized her eyes become blurry and felt wet, then she touch around her eyes just to know that she actually tearing up.

'I'm...Crying !??? ' Thought Rena as she try processing on something 'Why!?, I'm know that I feel sorry for her but not this extend' Thoughts Rena as her tear keep coming out.

' Maybe....I'm actually not the one who cry... but the remnants of [Real 'Rena'] in this body is the one who actually crying from all picture I saw... to be honest that was stupid reason but the only one I can think of...oh god dammit my nose' Thought Rena as she crying on the bed

After a few hours Rena able to calm down, she then notice by the window that the sun about to set down.

'Geez, that long?, hope nobody notice it' Thought Rena as she wipe her tear from her eyes.


Then she suddenly hear someone knock her door.

"Rena, it's me" Say Himeko behind the door.Rena who hear Himeko on the other side of the door quickly put the phone and wallet to the small box.

"O-oh, c-come in Himeko-Sensei" Say Rena, the Himeko open the door.

"I want to introduce you to the rest of the girl here" Say Himeko with a smile, then she see Rena eyes was red "Are you okay? " Ask Himeko in worried.

"Yes, don't worry about it, my leg got hit by something, that's all" Say Rena as she get up using the crutches

"You sure?, we can do it tomorrow if you want" Say Himeko as she walk to Rena.

"yeah, I'm fine" Say Rena with a smile.

"If you say so" Say Himeko who was still worried about it. the both of them then start walk their way to the living room on the first floor, at the entrance Himeko stop as well as Rena "Rena, I want you wait here for a second" Say Himeko with a smile as she went to the living room first.

"I'm back girls!" Say Himeko who can be heard by Rena " First I'm going to say congrats again to Kiana for pass the remedial test, that special training is worth after all" Say Himeko.

"Yeah, but I rather not doing that again" Say a girl with white hair in a low voice.

"Because of that I have a present for you! " Say Himeko in a big smile, Rena then realize what the this 'Present' Himeko said.

"WHAT REALLY!!!, PROMOTION ON A-RANK! OLD MAN LOCATION!!!, MEI-SENPAI PANTIES!!! " Shout white hair girl in excitement, the last one white girl mention make one of them blushing.

"No, none of those, but this present is something you're gonna like Kiana" Say Himeko as she go back to the entrance.


"No, not that too" Say Himeko" Please come" call Himeko to Rena, the three girl become confused at this. Rena sigh then walk inside to the living room, make all the surprise.

" Here it is, I got you a little sister Kiana!" Say Himeko as she touch both Rena shoulder with a smile.

"..." It make three girl surprise at what Himeko said and look again on this 'little Sister'.

'Yes, I'm the present alright, To think I will be seeing the rest of them in this joke situation, but I found it hilarious' Thought Rena as she look the three girl who sitting on the sofa, then the white hair girl start to stand up all of suddenly.

"I HAVE A LITTLE SISTER" Shout the girl with white hair. her hair is being braid twintail, her eyes colour is blue,she wear a white and yellow shirt on the top with a black body stocking as a Schicksal logo is drawn on left and right side, black long gloves, brown belts on her hips and thighs, gray shorts,her name Kiana Kaslana.

"To think subject Kiana not just worst at academic but also worst big sister to forget her sibling, Bronya disappointed" Say grey hair girl as she shake her head .the girl hair was being twintail like a drill, she have dark gray eyes, wears indigo ribbons on her hair, an indigo and red suit, a bullet belt, an indigo dress, and a macchine with the colour of red and grey attach on both of her leg, her name Bronya Zaychik.

"How should I know that I have sister!!!, OH GOD, I knew that shitty old man might have done it with another women, BUT ALSO HAVING ANOTHER KID OTHER THAN ME IS SOMETHING I NEVER THINK OF!!! " Shout kiana in outburst, then she start mumbling to herself about this new 'Little Sister' she just see.

'Uwah, I don't if I should laugh at her or feel sorry for her, or do both actually' Thought Rena look at kiana.

"Calm down Kiana" Say a one of the girl as she look kiana. she have dark purple long hair and indigo eyes, wears a red and black dress with a brown top, red sleeves, black gloves, yellow, black and red thigh highs. Her name is Mei Raiden.

Himeko who look at this confusion just laugh at it.

"Sensei, don't mind me asking who is she?" Ask Mei.

"Okay okay, Kiana calm yourself down" Say Himeko "This is Rena, she's will live in this Dorm and attend Saint Freya same as you girls, so treat her well" Say Himeko and make a sign to Rena introduce herself.

'Good thing she just say that' Thought Rena.

"Hello, My name is Rena Kannazuki, Same as what Himeko-Sensei said, I will attend Saint Freya and live in this dorm with you all. And also my head might have hit something that make me suffer amnesia so I can't really tell my past, and if you guys question me is it related me use the crutches, no it's not, eventually this leg of my will heal, but I hope we can get along" Say Rena with bow her head a little.

'Damn, that was long introduction, from what I see she just only told fuhua being me from Nagazora, I also hope they not ask Himeko about it" thought Rena.

Three girls just shock the girl in fact that she have amnesia, Mei then the first come forward to Rena.

"Hello Rena, It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Mei raiden, hope you can get your memories back" Say Mei with a smile.

'I doubt that' Thought Rena.

"Hello, The name is Bronya Zaychik" Say Bronya as she and Kiana walk to Rena.

"My name Kiana Kaslana" Say Kiana with a smile.

"Nice to meet you all" Say Rena.

All of sudden Kiana lean forward to Rena and seems observe her, then she make a face that understand something.

"It's decided, since you look younger than me from now on call me onee-san !!! " Say Kiana.

'To be fair, I'm just physically younger but mentally older than you kiana' Thought Rena.

"Really Idioka?, now of all the time? " Say Bronya

"Shut up !!!,And as an older sister, You're not allow to take Mei-Senpai because she is MINE! " Say Kiana before get hit in the head by Himeko.

"Kiana, for once don't be a moron, she just got here" Say Himeko.

"Well you said she is going to be sister, so I need to tell her that Mei is already mine" Say Kiana as rub her head.

'That was meant to be a joke' Thought Rena.

"Kiana, if you worried about that, don't worry I'm not going to date your girlfriend" Say Rena, this make Kiana eyes glimmering and make Mei blush.

'Because if did... the 'shipper' of my world going to murder me for destroying it... so yeah I'm not going to' Thought Rena.

"Good, Now what you have to say kiana" Say Himeko in angry tone.

"YOU'RE THE BEST PRESENT AND LITTLE SISTER !!! " Say Kiana as she run to Rena then hug around her tightly, unknown to Kiana she didn't know Rena was actually felt a pain from her both arm that still healing.

"GAAAAAAAH, MY ARM!!!" Shout Rena

"KIANA!!! " Shout Himeko as she hurriedly help Rena.


After that, they start celebrate Rena welcome party with Mei cooking. When things getting late, Rena back to her room with Himeko.

"So what do you think? " Ask Himeko.

"That was nice, except for what happens to my arm" Say Rena.

"Don't think hard about it, her brain just undeveloped for the meantime, but she's a nice kid if you get along with her" Say Himeko with a smile.

"Yeah, I notice" Say Rena with a smile.

"Good then, tomorrow is your first day at school, so get some sleep" Say Himeko.

"Okay, and uhhh, can I request for a school pants or something like Kiana have ? " Say Rena.

"Something wrong with the skirts? " Ask Himeko.

"For some reason it just not suit my taste to use it" Answer Rena.

"Well okay, I will do that, but for now you must bear it for one day after school, also don't use that jeans in case you were asking" Say Himeko

'Dammit, I just about ask that one too, so no matter what I must a skirt, well it's just one day' Thought Rena.

"Okay Sensei, I got it" Say Rena.

"Good, now I will go back to my room, Good night Rena" Say Himeko as she left Rena room.

"Yeah, good night too" Say Rena as she then look the night sky over the window.

'... I wonder if I'm actually in coma and this all just a dream that felt so real...I might tired from all of that, better get some rest ' Thought Rena as she lay down on her bed and get some sleep.