Chapter 3 : First Day At School

///Saint Freya///

In the morning, Rena were walking around Saint Freya with Kiana, Rena is now wearing the same top as Kiana, but the lower part she's wear grey skirts, a dark color knee high socks with two yellow stripes on top of it, and brown leather boots.

"Okay little Sis, just a little more and we be on the pool, and that pool not just like any other pool, this one can make it cool like Antarctic water" Say Kiana in Excitement.

"And with that I doubt I'm going to join the swimming club" Say Rena.

"Don't be like that little Sis, you should know there's bright side of it" Say Kiana.

"... And that is? " Ask Rena.

'With her personality, I should know her obvious answer is " Thought Rena.

"Swimsuit" Say Kiana as she grind.

'No surprise there, Seriously, how did this even happen, I haven't eaten something this morning for God sake' Thought Rena as she Frowning.

~~~𝙁𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝 𝘽𝙖𝙘𝙠~~~

"I don't even know how to say this but..." Say Rena as she look her self in the mirror" The top just too thight !, is this how Kiana feel every time she wear this things !? and why the hell this socks need to be this long!? " Say Rena as she keep looking at her reflection on the mirror.

'I have no choice but to bear it, thanks to this skirts I just lost something deep inside of me' Thought Rena as she walk to her bed and sit on it.

She then look the palm of her arm then she open and close it a few time.

'It's not hurt but definitely still uncomfortable' Thought Rena as she stop doing it and lay down on the bed.' Not just that, there also a lot things I need to think of...damn, it's not really easy as it seems !' Thought Rena.

"Haaaaaah, better get more rest, I still have some time after all" Mumble Rena as she close her eyes. Then she heard her door being open suddenly, Rena open her eyes and look at her door just to see Kiana already on her uniform.

"Morning Rena-chan!!" Say Kiana with a big smile.

'Ughhh, please don't use 'chan' in my name, it's just sound sound weird, and also why she came here?' Though Rena as she rise her body up again.

"Morning Kiana, is there something I can help you with? " Ask Rena.

"Nope, That's where you are wrong, I'm here to help you instead !" Answer Kiana as she walk to Rena, Rena who hear Kiana reply become confused.

"Huh ? Help me? " Say Rena while look at Kiana who is now in front of her.

"That's right, Himeko told me to take you on a tour around Saint Freya, and of course as a big sister my self I must do what for my sweet little sister" Say Kiana with a proud face.

'Wait !? she seriously still on about the 'little sister' thing !?, and also why is it must be Kiana !?, isn't she supposed to be new as well ?' Thought Rena as she surprise by it.

"I thought I need to wait you to changes to your uniform, but you already did that , so we can go right away ! " Say Kiana with a big smile as she open the window.

"What!? Now!?" Say Rena as her eyes widening.

"Of course, school not gonna start for a few hour, so we still have some time, let's go!!!" Then Kiana suddenly pick the crutches and Rena, Rena who suddenly being pick up surprise by Kiana strength.

'Holy shit!, for being look like any other girl she have the power !!! ' Thought Rena, Then kiana turn to the window she have open, as for Rena she become pale about what next thing to do.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT DON'T TELL ME YOU GONNA JUMP!!!" Shout Rena as she become terrified.

"Well yeah, this pretty much the faster route after all" Say Kiana.


"You don't need to worry little sis, I guaranteed " Say Kiana as she look Rena with ensuring smile.

"If you mean guaranteed as in both of us to go fall down YOU BET I AM!!!, NOW PUT ME DOWN YOU MORON !!! " Shout Rena.

"To late little sis, hang on thigh" Say Kiana as she start walk to the window then jump out from Rena room.

"GYAAAAA" Scream Rena.

~~~𝙁𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝𝘽𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙀𝙣𝙙~~~

'Oh yeah...that happen...Shit' Thought Rena. The both of them then stop in front of a double door.

"Here we are !" Say Kiana as she open the door.

"It's not lock ?" Ask Rena.

"Most of the door are automatic, it will open and lock on their own when it's getting late, so be careful or else you be trap in there until someone searching for you or you wait till the next day the door open" Answer Kiana.

"... Then have you trap there once ?" Ask Rena, Kiana who hear Rena question didn't answer it but stay silent to it.

'I see, so she learn the hard way to understand it' Thought Rena.

"Uhhh, That's not important !!!, let's go !" Say Kiana as walk first then follow by Rena.

When the both of them went to inside, Rena become surprise on how big is the place than she expected.

The color of the wall are white and the wall attached big transparant window, the rooftop is made from a glasses instead and make it light pass through it, on the ground was cement with white ceramic and a few bench on some place, in the middle there is two large pool with the same size around 25 meter wide and 50 meter long, each side have a starter platform with a numbers on it from 1 to 8.

"... " Rena become silent and look at the place in shock.

'I know I should have expected this In Saint Freya but What the actual Fuck!!!, they have Olympic size pool !!! not just one but TWO of them !!!' Thought Rena.

"What do you think? " Ask Kiana as she have fun looking at Rena face.

"Shocking" Answer Rena, Kiana laughing a little by this.

"If you surprise at this what happened when you see the rest of it dear little sister" Say Kiana.

"I wonder about that, so what are they even doing with this place ?" Ask rena.

"Other than general use it's for training class of course !, when it comes to that the pool always set to Antarctic temperature or in other word -2°C, for swimming, holding breath under water, and many kind of things, but something simple like that is nothing to me !" Answer kiana, Rena who hear this groaning.

'Ughhhh, I'm definitely not looking forward for this one' Thought Rena.

"Now let's move to the next one!!! " Say Kiana as she turn around.

///Saint Freya, Dojo///

"They have something like this in here too ?" Say Rena.

The design of the place mostly use wood, on the left and right there is no wooden wall but instead use Shoji instead, the floor use a wooden plank, in front of them there's a sword being display and calligraphy scroll with kanji word, in the outside of the place there are zen garden.

"This is the place Mei-Senpai always training in most of her time to sharpening her sword skill" Say Kiana

"This quite a nice place to relax" Say Rena as she look at the garden.

"For me it's always pure blessing to see her after training hard with those Hakama" Say Kiana with a big grind and seems to drool from her mouth a little.

'...This girl unbelievable, I know she's like that, but damn' Thought Rena as she look at Kiana.

"Uhhh, how about Fuhua then, is she train here too ?" Ask Rena. Kiana who back in reality quickly look at Rena and wipe her drool.

"No, she's rarely train like Mei-Senpai, Class President most of her time always sit here and look at the garden or sparing with me when I ask to " Answer Kiana who is become depressed when she mentions 'Sparing'.

"You always lose aren't you " Say Rena.

"I can't even beat her even once !!!, If I could, this can prove me as the best A Valkyrie than her!!!" Say Kiana in frustrations.

'I don't think that is how it work, well... on the most part that is ' Though Rena.

"AH, THAT'S RIGHT! " Shout Kiana as she realize something the look Rena ." Rena how about I teach you Kaslana Gun-Kata style when you are heal Little Sis, so we can beat Class rep together !!!" Say Kiana as she put both of her hand on Rena shoulder, Rena surprise by what Kiana say.

'She's going to teach me what!?, well that's sounds cool but I'm not really interested on martial art that involved with a gun tho, now I think about again can she even teach me that?' Thought Rena.

"Thanks Kiana but I think I'm gonna-" Before Rena could finish, Kiana interject her.

"GOOD, with this we will be the best Valkyrie!!! " Say Kiana in big smile.

'....I haven't finish' Thought Rena.

"Who's there? " A voice not far from the both them can be heard, Kiana hear this voice suddenly become scared.

"Huh?, why are you so scared suddenly? " Ask Rena noticing Kiana face.

"OH GOD it's the crazy trainer Lewis, Let's go Rena before that Gorilla women See's us! " Say Kiana in a worried.

"WHO SAID I'M A GORILLA!!!, KIANA THAT'S YOU ISN'T IT!!! NO OTHER TROUBLE MAKER BRAT THAN YOU SAID THAT!!! GET OVER HERE!!! " Shout the person as the both of them can hear a sound of footsteps in a quick pace. Kiana become paled and quickly pick up Rena again.

"Uwaah!?" Scream Rena as she suddenly being pick up and kiana as start running.

///Saint Freya, Auditorium///

"I don't even know why are you running from her" Say Rena while looking at kiana who catching up her breathe on the ground crouching.

"Trust me little Sis, you're definitely not want to have piece one of her classes" Say Kiana in concern voice.

"From Antarctic pool I see what is the worse she can do ?" Ask Rena.

"...Very very worst, Mei-Senpai barely got up on her feet from her extreme training, for bratnya she can't keep up on the training and fail half way" Answer Kiana as her body shaking up "So if she ever seeing your thin body, you better be starts your prayer " Say Kiana.

'What in the actual fuck is this teacher to make Kiana says that !?' Thought Rena who becomes shock at Kiana.

"Don't worry little sis, now that we escape she can't do anything, let us continue our tour shall we" Say Kiana as she start standing up. " Right now we are in school auditorium, pretty neet right? " Say Kiana.

The place was both combination of mostly white and gold, the architecture of the place is like Europe stye with most of the wall have design even for the ceiling, there is a row of red theater seats mostly for the middle of the place, there also second floor one the back and a balcony on the left and right fill with red theatre seats. far in front of the both of them there is a huge stage with a microphone on the middle and a Schicksal logo on the wall.

"Another things to be impressive with I see" Say Rena as she look around.

"This usually use for our senior graduation and theater, music, and orchestra club to perform on the stages in front of people, and also on the stages there's a door that they say they keep all kind of music instrument exclusively for this place" Say Kiana pointing out the stages.

"Quite the luxury for them to use this place" Say Rena.

"There is also something cool they told me too !!!" Say Kiana with a big smile, this make Rena curious.

"What's that? " Ask Rena.

"Follow me" Say Kiana as she start walking to the stage who is followed by Rena, when the both of them up in the middle of the stage Kiana stop and look at Rena."Just stay here for a second " Say Kiana as she start running to the right side of the stage where there seems to be a door inside, make Rena confused on what Kiana will doing.


Suddenly a sound of buzzing can be heard make Rena startled, then Rena can see from the stage a a lot blue light start appearing on every seats in Auditorium, after a few more second it changes to people from young to old people with a fancy clothes as some of them talking to each other while looking at the stage as if waiting something.

"What the fuck just happen! " Say Rena who can't believe what just happened in front of her.

"HAH!, what do you think about this one Little Sis, this one must be catch your surprise more" Ask Kiana with a big smug on her face as she walk to Rena again.

"You bet, I never thought they have such things, not just that, this things looks like they are real people" Answer Rena look at the people.

"I know, they said each chair have their own hologram attached, along with a speaker to make it have a sound and a dialogue as if they are real audiences, this also can be use as a judge for the performers base on it's reaction" Say Kiana.

"Amazing" Say Rena as she become impressed at the holograms.

'Wow, this could cost a lot ' Thought Rena, then she suddenly remember something ' Wait the second, didn't the goddess give me a buff related to music? What was it again? ughhh... [Art Of Singing] was it?, can I use it ?' Thought Rena as she close her eyes and continue thinking.

"Something the matter? " Ask Kiana curious look Rena who seems to be thinking deep. then Rena suddenly open her eyes as if already decided something.

"Kiana, is that mic working ?" Ask Rena as she pointing at the microphone.

"Yeah" Answer Kiana.

"Good, then don't mind me to use it" Say Rena as she start walk to the mic.

"Wait, you're going to sing !?" Ask Kiana who surprise by Rena word.

"Yeah, since we got here I might as well try it, just for fun" Answer Rena with a smile.

"Well go ahead, show me what you can do" Say Kiana as she give Rena a thumbs up.

As Rena stand before the mic, the holograms start look at Rena and maker her suddenly got cold feet, but she took a deep breath and let it out to calm her self.

'Calm down, they're just bunch of one and zero, so just do it' Thought Rena, the she lean her head to the mic.

"[Testing Testing One Two three]" Say Rena as her voice can be heard loud from the stages. she then took another deep breath and let it out.

'Please don't embarrass me now skill even in front of this fake people's Thoughts Rena.

###[Milet], [Tell Me]###

~If you need me, I'm here~

~I've been waiting for you~

~When I can still remember the ingrained voice~

~I can't lie, even if it's a mistake~

~I'll repeat it again~

~Answer me the meaning of tears please now~

~I want to lock it in~

~So just tell me now, just tell me now~

~Why are you crying now?~

~I can't go back again~

~Just tell me now, please tell me now~

~I still want to be here~

~A flower that is about to die~

~You told me my name~

~I need you, I need you right here~

~You found it, that's all you need~

~Even if eternity is over and everything disappears~

~Crossing shallow There is no one anymore~

~But you still have your touch~

~Untie your tight rope, just hear me out~ t

~I want to hug you~

~So just tell me now, just tell me now~

~Why are you crying now?~

~Even a wish that will never come true~

~Just tell me now, please tell me now~

~And touch me now~

~I can't go anywhere~

~I don't wanna wake up from this sweet, sweet dream~

~'Cause (my love) Because I was just you~

~Even if it's the last to end without a trace~

~Don't miss it I know~

~So just tell me now, please tell me now~

~Why are you crying now? ~

~I feel you everywhere, so I~

~I gotta tell you now, gotta tell you now~

~Why am I crying now?~

~I can't go back again~

~Just tell me now, please tell me now~

~I still want to be here~

~A flower that is about to die~

~I'm dreaming'bout you every night~

~But you're not by my side~

~I need you, I need you right here~


After Rena singing, she start panting and sweat a lot from the pressure.

'Thank god the skill actually working, so I don't need to find a way to activate it, or else I make a fool of my self, surprising enough I remember the lyrics and my voice just so damn good even without any instrument to do it too, I don't know where's the logic to that ' Thought Rena as she start smiling at what she did.


Suddenly there is a lot claping, cheering, and whistle from every audience, this make a smile on her face.

"LITTLE SISTER THAT WAS SO AWESOME!!!" Shout Kiana as she run to Rena and hug her thigh.

"KIANA KIANA MY ARM MY ARM!!! " Shout Rena in pain, then Kiana pull her self quickly and apologize.

"I don't know you can sing that Amazing!" Say Kiana with a big smile.

"Neither do I, I'm surprise I can sing that well" Say Rena.

'Well I never tried it back in the hospital, even I did remember this skill, I'm still not going to sing back at the hospital, since it will strange for patients like me suddenly do that and then being labeled crazy or something like after all' Thought Rena.

"But what was that song?, I never heard it before?" Ask Kiana.

"Hmmm, Well that was a music I originally just make in my head a few days ago " Answer Rena with a small laugh.

'Or more like I originally just copy from someone' Thought Rena.

"REALY !?, and Just think about it Rena, if you can sing like that then you might become a future TOP IDOL!!!" Say Kiana, Rena who hear this can't help but frowning from the word 'Idol'.

"I don't think me becoming an Idol is going to happen, or more like using those costume of their's on me" Say Rena.

"THINK OF THE MONEY YOU GOING TO MAKE!!!, You definitely going sky high! " Say Kiana, for Rena she's took interest on the word 'Money'.

'Money...' Thought Rena as she thinking something then make a villainous smile.

"Little sis? " Say Kiana, Rena become conscious again and look at Kiana with a smile."Uhhh, you okay?" Ask Kiana

"Never better Kiana" Say Rena.

"If you said so, let's go continue the tour" Say Kiana. Then the both of them turn off the holograms and left the Auditorium.

///Saint Freya, Lv4-A Class///

After the both of them left the auditorium, they visit a lab, Gym room, then astronomical Observatory and other places, until they reach final destination, inside school classroom.

"And this is the final stop, this is going to be your class, so you will be the same as us!!!" Say Kiana

"Good, thank god it's finally over" Say Rena, she look at the place was the same as like classroom have, bunch of seat and chair for students and teacher personally, both back and front have a board that seems made of glass, a Window on the left of the classroom.

"Quite normal I see, well maybe except that board, cause I definitely believe that thing is a monitor " Say Rena as she look on top right there's showing a time.

"Well almost all prestigious school have something like that, they don't need some marker on the board instead they use Digital pen instead" Say Kiana.

"That's quite convenient for them" Say Rena.

"Yeah, but I don't really pay attention to their lecture, because all you need to know about the Honkai is just punch them until they stop moving, Simple right? " Say Kiana with Cheerful smile.

"Yes, that's very simple Kiana Kaslana, it's so simple that you must fail a lot other school subjects like that with such an ease" A man Voice can be heard, when Rena hear this voice she become surprise and tense up a little before calming down second later.

'This voice... I recognize that, No doubt it's him, the one I hope to show up in this place, but to think he be this fast to appear... Welt Yang" Thought Rena as the both of them see the direction of the voice, there was a come inside the classroom and walk to both of them.

The guy was a middle age man, his hair and eye was brown color, use dark color eye-glasses, he wore white collared shirt and a green suit and a black tie, A black pants, dark brown brogue shoes. He goes with a lot of alias in order to keep his identity, but he's known as Welt Yang.

"Geh !!! Sensei !!!" Say Kiana who look at the man as she step back a little in shock. he didnt pay attention on Kiana reaction too much, but when he look at Rena he surprise for moment but he didn't show it on his face, as for Rena, she noticed it.

'Who is this girl ? why is she look like a Kaslana?' Thought Welt as he digging his up memory.

'I was expect this guy realize who I am from his teacher status or Himeko that is, but he didn't, he just surprise to see me just now, or is that because he meet me in person' Thought Rena as she make confused face on the front.

"Kiana Who is this girl? " Ask Welt as he still look Rena.

"Oh right!!! " Say Kiana as she quickly calm down and put her hand on Rena shoulder" Sensei, let me introduce you to my Little sister!!!" Answer Kiana with a big smile, Welt who hear this become more surprise.

'I bet he surprise by what Kiana said, well who wouldn't if someone know what actually happened... or maybe he thinks I'm Siegfried secret daughter instead' Thought Rena.

"Kiana, as far I read your file you are an only child" Ask welt.

"Well that's because I just got her yesterday" Answer Kiana, this make Rena sigh and welt become more confused.

"You just got her ?" Say Welt.

"Yes!, Himeko give me a little sister yesterday! " Say Kiana, Rena who hear this interaction can't help but sight again before she start walking to in front of Welt.

"Please don't mind her, my name is Rena Kannazuki, I just arrive to the same dorm as Kiana yesterday, and from today forward I will be attending this class, nice to meet you Sensei" Say Rena as she bow a little.

"Is that so, my name Tovarich L lawliet, I'm going to be your History teacher" Say Welt.

'Well it's kinda obvious he will use fake name or else Schicksal Valkyrie going to take him as a hostage' Thought Rena.

"Sensei what are doing here?, the class aren't going to start for another hour that is" Ask Kiana.

"Well today it's my turn to patrol around the school ground this morning" Answer Welt. " And speaking of which" Say Welt as he look Kiana straight in the eye.

"Uhhh, what is it? " Ask Kiana as she become frightened.

"Where is it" Say Welt.

"Where is what? " Ask Kiana again.

"The homework I gave you, where is it now" Answer Welt, this make kiana look the other way and didn't answer welt immediately." Didn't I remind you yesterday after the remedy? " Say welt.

"Well I-uhhhh busy, YEAH, that's right I was busy helping Rena to tour around the school! " Say kiana.

"Tour? " Say welt

"Yes, so I might accidentally left it back in the dorm sensei, I will go and grab it" Say kiana as she quickly run " Sorry Rena, I will be going ! " Say kiana in loud voice, leaving both welt and Rena, then the both of them look at each other.

"...Sorry for her behavior" Say Rena.

"Don't need to, I already expect it from her" Say welt "and you seems to let her called you little sister without any problem, why is that?" Say Welt.

"I wondering that my self too, then again I better let her have her own fun to be the big sister in this sibling relationship" Say Rena.

"That's good, but I hope you don't play around and hurts her feeling for the bond she have gave it to you Rena" Say Welt, for Rena who hear this can feel a little malice from the word welt just said, but she didn't flinch from it and look welt directly and then smile.

"That is the last thing you should expect from me sensei, because I wouldn't, if there someone who hurt or bad mouthing her other than me I will beat the shit out of them instead, if we ever fight I would never hurt her feeling, if I ever did that, then I will give her a good food to eat as an apology" Say Rena immediately without a haste.

Welt look at Rena and hear what she said, for a few minutes he was silent but then he suddenly smile a little.

"Quite the speech Rena, are you sure you're not the big sister here'" Say Welt with a small laugh." I hope what I just said didn't make you have a bad impression on me Kannazuki" Say Welt with apologetic face.

"It's alright, I know you also care for your students even for the idiot like Kiana, Sensei" Say Rena as she smile.

"I don't think everyone will thinks that way after what I just said" Say Welt.

"Well, I must remember not to make an enemy on the teacher, if you want to have a good grade after all, except that person is an actual asshole" Say Rena as she laugh a little.

"In the end you just want a good grade aren't you" Say Welt with a weekly smile at Rena." Well it's nice to meeting you Kannazuki, I just hope you're not like your big sister who skip class after class on her first time at this school " Say Welt as he turn around from Rena.

"I will try my best sir" Say Rena.

"Good, Now I can ease up on that kid, I have hopes on you Kiana little Sister" Say Welt as he walk to the class door and left, leaving Rena alone.

"...Well that was interesting interaction" Mumble Rena.

'Hmmm, maybe I should do quick summary of him' thought Rena.

'His name is Welt Yang, [The leader of AE], The first [Herrscher of Reason], but before any of that, his name is [Joachim Nokianvirtanen].

While his childhood is not really mention a lot in but it was filled with sadness later in the end, so I might as well told the story of [AE Visual novel] cause it's kinda confusing without knowing it and will minimazing the filler.

There once was a young man, he don't have a name at that time due to him being amnesia and was treated as a test subject from Schicksal, so he was referred as Ω1.

In 1995, certain place on [London], Ω1 was transfer to a certain place called [Lab.42], there he meet a two young Schicksal scientists, the first one is a calm individual blue hair girl, name [Lieserl Albert Einstein], the second one is quite rash twin tail red hair girl, her name [Nicola Tesla].

Einstein find the name of Ω1 was quite inconvenient and inhuman for her to called to, so she decided give him a name [Welt], Ω is mean W, and [Welt] mean [The World] in german.

At first, the young men thought he going to be experimented like any other lab, but then he was dumbfounded that the both of them aren't going to do any of those to him, instead Einstein order him to both arrange their schedule and organise their activities, other than that he got a free time.

On one of his free time he went outside in search for a nice place to take both of the girl to relax, the first place he decided to go was a library, there he accidentally meet Einstein associate name [Finn].

After talk a bit with him, he start continues to search the nice place, but sadly he can't find it and decide to go back to the lab, Einstein who see welt back empty handed, take him to Italian restaurant.

On their way back to the lab they meet Finn who give them a letter from a person called [Schrodinger], the message said in strange language that said 'I want to try new exciting game ', after that they decided to go to another country in that letter could lead, country name [America].

When they arrived in the airport, Welt received a passport with a last name on it and there he become [Welt Joyce].

On the arriving in America they meet an man and S-rank Valkyrie [Reanna Brigantia] giving them [The dead Sea scroll], after that they went flight again to [Billing, Montana] where they meet two women called [Schrodinger] and [Plank].

When they meet all each other they decided to go to the places called [Yellowstone Lake], after arriving there they found a secret tunnel from previous civilization with a secret message leading to something called [Soulium].

{Soulium is a nano-machine from previous civilization, you can say it's like [Vibranium] from [Black Panther] or tony starks use in infinity war, or you can also say its like those liquid terminator robot (The T-1000), thats my simple example}

They left [America] and go to [Londonderry], to find and solve a clue where the location of [Soulium], then they found it on a certain painting and able to extract it.

The next thing they meet an AI from previous civilization Called [Ada], Ada tell them there is a message inside the [Solium] from a Valkyrie from the past talking about Schicksal is never going to accomplish on purging the Honkai and also a lead to a certain thing, but to do it they must wait 4 weeks analysis from Ada.

Welt was put in charge of entertaining Tesla boredom until Ada finish analysis, for the last 4 weeks he meet a Finn son, his name is [Joachim] on the cementary, Joachim and Tesla was trying to prank welt and Reana on cementary with Tesla flying robot and use a robe to make it like a ghost. Second he got a letter from someone name [Clown α] talk about humanity it's their own enemy and then giving example of a person called [Kallen Kaslana] as the perfect being who brave enough to face her own weakness, and by following her nature by then humanity can win against the Honkai.

When a few days before Ada about to finish Analysis, Welt take Einsteins to beach resort called "West cliff Rita" afterword they take a walk around the beach till night where they stargazing the night sky together.

At the same time as he finish hanging around with Einstein he got a message from [Clown α] where he is waiting for welt to a certain shower, when he got there [Clown α] introduce himself as [Otto apocalypse] the current Overseer of Schicksal, where he proposes to Welt to make him the successor of the organization by taking him in the Apocalypse family, in other word the next Schicksal owner, but Welt refuse Otto offer and left him.

When Ada finish her analysis, the location they are going next is back at the America again, there they find the thing Valkyrie from the past talk about, it's one of the god key series [9th God key: Eden's star] made from previous Civilazation [Herrscher of Earth] core with its ability to control gravity, but sadly they don't how to use it.

Then something unexpected happen, after continuing their journey again, they meet Schrodinger in the half transformation from being a Honkai beast and attack them, Welt felt they on pinch and he unkowningly able to use the 9th God key, but then their battle was interrupted by Reana, and turns out Schrodinger just want to awaken Welt power.

Tesla suddenly got a call from a person called [Nancy Thomas Alva Edison], a big sister figure for Tesla, Nancy told her goodbye to tesla as she right now holding a giant ball of Honkai energy and let her self to be explode in the ocean.

What actualy happen is that Schrodringer and Nancy was doing a project called project [Selene] but they unexpectedly fail at some point.

Finn suddenly appear and confessing what happen that he was the one who create the mess by purposely miscalculating the project due to his son was threaten by Otto apocalypse.

As finn explain what he just done Reana suddenly transform to Otto then quickly stab him with one of the god key series [6th God key: Abbys Flower] an killed him in the process, then Otto explain that Reana was actually a past Valkyrie he turn into a robot with a [Solium] and was the greatest pawn.

Everyone was surprise by this sudden changes of event and have no other way but to fight him, as welt about to win with 9th god key, Otto use his personal god key, [1st God key: Void Archives] that have ability to mimic other god key series with it's special ability, He use to Mimic the [Lord of Judah] and use the chain to destroy welt god key and shatter it to pieces.

As the battle continues, They able to disrupt the connection between Otto mind and Rena Robot body, Reana then use the Abbys Flower and stab her self with it, make Otto disappear for good inside her.

Somewhere else, Otto decided to send a lot ballistic missile to welt location, Reana quickly inform this to the other to protect the people and the city.

Reana use the Abyss flower to destroy the detonator, while her her body is disintegrated from the heat while Welt use his power creates a shield to protect the city underneath him.

But sadly Welt didn't survive because he takes too much damage from fighting Otto on using the 1st God key to mimic [Lord of Judah] power on welt as he lean on back on the debris dying.

Joachim who see this run to Welt and whimpering at him, Welt then decide give his power, [Herrscher of Reason] Core to Joachim. The kid also takes the [Welt] name for himself to honoring his Hero.

And he later name [Welt Yang] the Sovereign of Anti-Enthropy" Thought Rena.

'That's was the summary of the Hero Welt Joyce and How Welt Yang appear.

On how AE was created it was thanks to Nancy Thomas alva edison, she lost her parents from Honkai when she's around 17 years old and must took her parents company.

With her objective to destroy Honkai, she use her parents company as bargaining chip to Schichsal for support her established 'North America Branch', so that place it's not really were own by Schicksal, which in the following years it become rival agains Schicksal, before her death she gave it to Tesla and that later become 'Anti-Entropy' we know and Welt Yang as it's Leader. ' Thought Rena as he keep silent for a moment.


Suddenly Rena stomach grumble.

"...To think I become hungry just thinking that...WAIT I HAVEN'T TAKE MY BREAKFAST YET!" Say Rena, then from Rena left there's a hand holding a bread in plastic showing it in front of her. Rena then look to her left to see purple hair girl with the same uniform as her.

"Do you want this anpan? ' Ask the purple hair girl.

"No thanks, you don't need to" Answer Rena.




The both of them just stare each other silently for a moment.

"...I'm sorry, I will take that anpan" Say Rena as she become embarrassed.

"Here" Say the girl as she give the bread to Rena.

"Thanks, I will pay for it later" Say Rena.

"Don't worry about it, you don't need to" Say the purple hair girl." And this is my first time seeing you here" Ask the girl.

"Well that's because I just got transfer here to be the new student "Answer Rena.

"Huh!?, Another one!?, we just got three new student just last month ago! " Say the girl in surprise"So what's your name? " Ask the girl.

"Rena kannazuki, you can call me Rena, nice to meet you" Answer Rena

"Rena eh?, well my name is Kyuushou Houraji, just call me Kyuushou, nice to meet you Rena" Say Kyuushou as the both of them hanshake.

///After school, Saint Freya Dorm///

Right now Rena is in the living room, sitting on the couch and lean back his head.

'Ughhh God, I regret on my excitement on this place, Saint Freya actually more harder than my School' Thought Rena. As Rena was resting Himeko suddenly come to the living room.

"How is school Rena?" Ask Himeko, with a smile.

"Tiring, the first break time I was being horde by students with their question, but I just told them I have amnesia and they felt sorry, and then Kiana came and put an oil to the fire by saying I'm her little sister, cause of that they use their imagination to think it's sorta tragic story of sister being part away since kid, those drama thing, it's kinda annoying" Long explain Rena.

"Even so you are not going to hang out with them? " Ask Himeko as she sit next to Rena.

"No, they invited me to their dorm but I decline it, I'm too tired so I quickly go back than the other, almost got lost but I manage to get here" Answer Rena as she look at Himeko.

"Well this place is bigger that what you see on the outside of it" Say Himeko "Meet anyone caught your interested ? " Ask Himeko, Rena then thinks every encounter with the students.

"Hmmm, no not really" Answer Rena "But I do have one thing to say, why is it must be Kiana? " Ask Rena as she become Irritated, but Himeko just smile.

"It was a punishment for Kiana secretly eat food on the fridge late at night, fuhua was the one who caught her dirty deed, when I said what the punishment was she quickly agree to it, well it's also because I was in a hurry" Answer Himeko.

"I don't why sensei thinks that is a good decisions, but thank fully Mei give me a lunch box to survive later on" Say Rena.

"Sorry Sorry, here's the thing you requested as an apology" Say Himeko as she give Rena a big paper bag, Rena hear thos become excited

"Really! ?, Thanks sensei" Say Rena happily with a smile.

'Now I can say goodbye with this skirts! 'Thought Rena.

"We're back!!! " Say Kiana with a loud noise. Then Kiana, Mei, and Bronya walk to the living room.

"Evening girls! " Say Himeko.

"AH! HIMEKO! where have you been!l" Ask Kiana as she pointing at Himeko.

"First, called me Sensei Kiana, second I was send to a quick mission" Answer Himeko.

"NOT FAIR!!! I WANT TO GO ON MISSION TOO! " Shout Kiana as she pouting.

"And you have class to attend to" Say Himeko.

"Calm down Subjek Kiana, If sensei already come back this quick it was problably nothing important" Say Bronya.

"Yes, it just like Bronya said" Say Mei to make Kiana calm down but it was fruitless"How about you take a shower and rest a bit, I will make your favorite okay? " Say Mei with a smile and this make Kiana glimmering with a smile.

"REALLY!!!, then I will go! " Say Kiana as she quickly went upstairs.

'...She's so simple' Thought everyone.

"Well I might as well go to my room too, excuse me girls" Say Himeko as she left the room, then Mei then look at Rena.

"Rena-chan, do you want curry for to night dinner? " Ask Mei.

"Sure, I would love to" Answer Rena.

'Because the food you make aren't just for show to my surprise, I can almost still remember the taste of the lunch box you gave me' Thought Rena.

"Good, then I will go changes first then prepare the dinner" Say Mei as she then left the room, leaving only both Bronya and Rena.

"Subject Rena-chan" Say Bronya as she make walk to Rena then took out something from her backpack" Here's the thing you requested from music club" Say Bronya as she show a microphone and headphone sets in its box.

"Thanks, but how come you know about it ?" ask Rena.

'When I were strolling around alone at the school building, I were happen to meet one of the club member by accident and ask them if I could borrow unused or old stuff from them, to my surprise they will kindly allow it when I want to take it, but I never say it to Bronya about it' Thought Rena.

"I were near the music club and meet one of the club member that seems to be it's leader, they ask If you live with us first, she then gave me this music equipment to deliver it to you" Explain Bronya.

"Wow, really!?, I better return it fast when I'm done use it, from the look of it, it's still look like new" Say Rena as she look at the content.

"No need to subject Rena, the leader said you don't need to return it and can have it instead" Say Bronya.

"Huh!?, is that fine!? " Ask Rena in shock.

"Da, the one you hold it pretty much an old model from 6 years ago, So they must have got a newer one and place old one in the storage, even thought it's old those are still quite expensive in the market value, but it's all worth a penny for Saint Freya, So Subject Rena no need to worry about it" Answer Bronya.

"I should say my gratitude to music club member" Say Rena with a smile as she look at the box.

"Da, but why Subject Rena request it? " Ask Bronya.

"Well, I want to make some money" Answer Rena.

"Money?, As in you will sing a song?" Ask Bronya again.

"That's right, please keep it as a secret, and uhh does our room have sound proof kinda thingy? " Ask Rena.

"Da, but Its not the very good one, they can still hear you a little if they place their ear on your room that's all" Answer Bronya.

"Good enough, then I will go to my room" Say Rena as she start get up from the couch.

"Can Bronya come and see you singing" Ask Bronya, Rena surprise by this.

'This is quite unexpected' Thought Rena.

"Sure, let's go" Say Rena, then Bronya start follow Rena to her room


"Just a little more touch" Say Rena as she clicking and swiping the laptop touch pad."And WE ARE DONE !!! " Say Rena as she quickly lean on the chair.

'Good, after I got to the room I quickly sing again and record, thanks to this microphone, my voice can be more clearer to be heard, then I start download DAW(Digital Audio Workstation), and give instruments sound, an edits, and quite mess up a lot on the process until now I just finished it" Thought Rena as sight in relieved.

"Congrats Subject Rena" Say Bronya as give a thumbs up.

"Thanks, to think make this take quite a lot of effort, but I felt there's still something lacking tho" Say Rena.

"Bronya thinks you your self quite the talented, and it's all made by your self " Say Bronya.

"Yeah, do you want to hear the final result, well even thought you already hear in the process" Ask Rena as she show the headphone.

"Da" Say Bronya as she take the headphone and wear it, then Rena starts look at the laptop again and play the final product of the music.

Bronya didn't show any change of expression on her face but Rena knew Bronya enjoy to hear it, when the music stops, Bronya took off the headphone and look at Rena with a smile.

"[прекрасное выступление], means wonderful performance" Say Bronya as she give the headphone again, Rena who look at Bronya smile just surprise by it.

'I just a day got here and she's already give the me smile !, I thought it will took me a months to do it!!!' Thought Rena.

"Thank you Bronya" Say Rena.

"But where is subject Rena will give this music to? from your amnesia Bronya doubt Subject Rena know any known music industry" Ask Bronya.

"True, I'm not really searching those things, but I don't really care about it, I will just upload it on internet or whatever just to get money from the viewer instead" Answer Rena, Bronya just silent for a moment.

"... Why not be a singer instead being a Valkyrie?, With your voice, you can become famous and afford to live in peacefully, if you don't mind Bronya asking" Say Bronya, Rena who hear this just silent for a moment and think. then Rena suddenly smile

"Easy, because I'm quite the brute person" Say Rena.

"Rena...brute person? " Repeat Bronta in confused.

"Yes, I'm not going to say be a Valkyrie is a noble things to do or something like that, but because I want to kick those Honkai ass and beat them to a pulp with these hand of mine, so yeah, I'm a brute person, no deeper meaning to it and also you don't think it too much about it kid" Say Rena as she Pat Bronya head, Bronya just surprise by what Rena said.

'At first it was Himeko who took me from hospital actually, I just went along, and because it going to be a waste to just be singer if you can beat the shit out of them, I just want to gain extra cash other than being giving mission from Schicksal' Thought Rena with it's true feelings, then Bronya weakly smile.

"It will be a no wonder people will take you and Idiotka as sister, you both not just have the same eye and hair color but also have the same way regarding the Honkai" Say Bronya.

"Hey, don't lump me with her too" Say Rena as she stop patting Bronya head.

"Rena-chan, Bronya-chan, dinner ready! " Say Mei can be heard from downstair.

"Well, it's time to eat" Say Rena as she stands up and takes the crutches.

"Before that, do you want Bronya to upload it first, I can also make the song copyright and legalized it, so people don't freely take your song and says its their's , it only took a second" Say Bronya.

"You can do that !?, then please do it, that would be appreciated it Bronya" Say Rena in excitement, then in front of Bronya suddenly a blue square holograms appear and bronya start typing as if It was a keyboard.

"Subjects Rena, what do you want to name the song? " Ask Bronya.

" 'Tell Me', that's the song name" Say Rena.

'Sorry the creator, I will not misused the song' Thought Rena.

"And also please make a fake name instead of my real name for the creator, it will be pain if the students know that I make a music, I just taste it from what Kiana told the rest of the class and then cause an uproar" Say Rena as Bronya nod.

"What do want for your alias ?" Ask Bronya as she stop move her hand, Rena then think for a moment, then she's got an idea.

"I got no idea, just called it [Cancello] for all I care" Say Rena, Bronya hear this just nod and continue typing.

"Da, it's done" Say Bronya as the Holograms disappear.

"Thanks Bronya, if I able to make money of it, I will buy some Home plushie or videos game's" Say Rena as Bronya become excited by what Rena said.

"Then I hope your song become successful " Say Bronya.



"We better go before idiotka eat all food Mei nee-sama make " Say Bronya.

"Yeah, let's go" Say Rena as the both of them went to the dining room and Rena know to stop Kiana to eat her food.