Chapter 4 : It's Not Possible !!!???

"UNO!!! " Says Kiana as she slams her card on top of the stacking card happily. " Would you look at that, it seems I'll be the one who wins this after all dear little sister" Says Kiana as she waves a single card in her hand along with a grin on her face.

"Whatever Kiana" Says Rena.

"What's that Rena? You give up because you have no chance against me?" Says Kiana in a mocking tone.

"I didn't say that" Says Rena

"What's that again? I'm much better at this game than you ever were?" Says Kiana with a mocking voice.

"I never say any of those things" Says Rena as she starts to ignore kiana.

"And you will give half of your bento that Mei senpai made when I won this game you say?" Says Kiana as she leans a bit toward Rena.

"How are you getting that idea from what I'm saying? I never said that and no way I will give you the holy grail Mei give me, are you drunk? Cause that is the only way it would sound like I'm those things. Either that or you're an idiot...owh, that's right I forgot who I was talking to for a second" Says Rena.

After that Rena looked back at the cards, and she then shifted her gaze to Bronya. Bronya notices the gaze and also looks at Rena while making hand gestures of the number '4' and makes a rotation with the index finger. Rena saw that nod to Bronya.

"Huh?, what are the two of you talking about?" Says Kiana who noticed the interaction between Rena and Bronya.

"It's nothing" Says Rena with a smile as she places an uno card with the same color on the desk."It's just funny that you think that you'll win this game. Bronya, please do the honors" Says Rena who makes Kiana confused.

"With pleasure, Subject Rena" Says Bronya as takes one of her cards from her hand and places it on the table, the card shows the same color but with white two arrows pointing at each other end " Da Bronya plays Reverse, now the game rotation is no change and goes to subject Rena instead" Says Bronya.

"So what?, you just prevent the inevitable for a turn" Says Kiana as she still smiles with a smug on her face.

"Are you sure about that?" Says Rena as she also places a Reverse Card in her hand." I play Reverse, now the turn shall change to Bronya instead" Says Rena.

"heh, Second one? it's nothing" Says Kiana.

"Bronya Turn, now da Bronya will play the same card again, reverse!" Says Bronya as she places the same reverse card again." Now the turn back to Subject Rena again" Says Bronya.

"Now it's my turn again!!! now I play Reverse!!!"

"!?" Kiana becomes shocked as the fourth one is played.

"Reverse" Bronya

"Reverse !!!!" Rena

"Reverse" Bronya

"Reverse!!!" Rena

"HUH!?, What on earth is going on here!?" Kiana looked more surprised by all the reverse cards played on the table.

"Now da Bronya plays Skip card skipping your turn Subject Kiana and goes Subject Rena Instead" Says Bronya as she places the card on the table.

"C'MON!!!" Shouts Kiana.

"Good, Also Uno, I played plus 4 wild cards, changed to a green" Says Rena as she places the card on the table.

"UNO, Da Bronya also placed plus 4 Wild cards, the card shall be played change to blue instead of green now" Says Bronya as she also places the same card as Rena. Meanwhile, Kiana who found the change in the event shocking is full of confidence and now can only open her mouth.

"Well, would you look at that" Says Rena as she now smiles with a smug on her face."Now with me and Bronya's card, that makes 8 cards to draw" Says Rena continuing her smile.

"No way" Says Kiana weakly as she draws a card from a deck 8 times.

"Hahaha!, now the table has turned, Kiana! Muahahahaha" Says Rena as she laughed while waving her card."Now play your last pathetic card, so we can end this Kiana" Says Rena.

"Subject Rena, now you are enjoying this like Subject Kiana just a few turns ago" Says Bronya as she looks at Rena.

"Heh, what could I say, I love the plot twist! Hahaha" Says Rena as she still laughed.

"Tch, I have no pathetic card dear little sister" Says Kiana who makes Rena stop laughing and look at her.

"What on earth are you saying?" Says Rena in confusion.

"I said, I have no pathetic card in my hand" Repeat Kiana with a smile" But It contains special cards" Says Kiana as she showed her card from her hand that is brown with the face of a person.

"THE UNSTOPPABLE EXODIA!!!" Says Kiana with full confidence.

"!?" Rena is now the one who is surprised by the card that is being shown to her.

"I have now assembled all five special cards, All five pieces of a puzzle" Says Kiana as she places 5 cards on the table with the name written on top of each card, if combined it becomes a full body. "Exodia the forbidden one", "Right arm of the forbidden one", "Left arm of the forbidden one", "Right leg of the forbidden one", and lastly "Left leg of the forbidden one".

"EXODIA!?, IT'S NOT POSSIBLE!? NO ONE EVER ABLE TO CALL HIM!!!!????" Says Rena as she is frightened to see all five cards Kiana played on the table.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Scream Rena. But suddenly something remind Rena ." Wait the second...We played UNO here!!!" Says Rena as she looks at Kiana sternly. Kiana just stares back at Rena with a blank face before she lightly strikes her head with her hand, wink, and sticks out her tongue.

"...Ehe" Says Kiana.

"THE HELL YOU MEAN EHE!?" Shout Rena as the two began to fight and argue. Bronya meanwhile just dumbfounded by this development sighed and looked until the two of them stopped. Suddenly, a noise of a door slide can be heard and make the three who come to look at the door, to see Welt arrived.

"Quite lively I see, but do mind keeping it down." Says Welt.

"Hello there Mr.Tovarich, do you want to join too?" Says Rena as she shows a single piece of UNO cards.

"...You know it's quite forbidden to bring those things to school" Says Welt as he walks to the classroom and sits in the teacher's chair."

"Well it's not ours, we just found it on one of these desks. So you can't blame us sensei for playing it" Says Kiana.

"Of course I can, but I will let it slide if you keep the volume down" Says Welt" I don't want other students to get the wrong idea from what you are all doing here. This is a Detention class after all" Says Welt.

"So what brings you Mr.Tovarich? Are you the one who will tell us what to do and not to do or are we going to see detention videos instead?" Ask Rena.

"The first one" Answer Welt "But before I began, what happened?" Ask Welt

"...What?" Says Both Kiana and Rena.

"I like to know how the two of you, Bronya, Rena, got into this class" Asks Welt again as she looks at the girls.

"Wait, how about me ?" Ask Kiana.

"For you Miss Kiana, I'm not surprised. For the past month after you get into this school is just about time really. I mean all of the sleeping in the class, skipping class, and... I don't need to mention it don't I " Answer Welt as he adjusts his glasses.

"Hehe, sorry" Says Kiana with an awkward smile.

"Well, on one side, it is usually Ms.Himeko the one who punished you when there is a problem. So, yeah I find it weird a little" Says Welt.

"Don't you have the CCTV to see what just happened instead?" Ask Rena.

"I could, but I got no time to see what happened and called to lecture the student in this room. So I want to hear it from you three instead. Not to mention, I just told you I hope you do not make any scene after all of those talks a few days ago" Answer welt.

"Well forgive me to let your hope down, but I do have the right reason why I-We got in this class" Says Rena.

"Is that so?" Says Welt as he raises his eyebrow. Then he looked at Bronya, to whom Bronya responded with a nod.

"Da, It was neither of our faults, Mr.Tovarisch. It's true that there's quite a commotion but It was a misunderstanding" Says Bronya.

"Misunderstanding?, Hmph!!!...Well not for me it's not" Says Kiana with a grumpy tone.

"Well, it was loud and clear" Says Rena. The responses of both Kiana and Rena intrigue Welt.

"May I know about it" Ask Welt.


~~~๐™๐™ก๐™–๐™จ๐™๐˜ฝ๐™–๐™˜๐™ ~~~

///Saint Freya, Lv4-A Class///

"So you're saying there are three noble families who supported the making of Schicksal?" Ask Rena who looks at Bronya.

"Yes, it was after the fall of the roman empire in 476CE(Common Era) or AD(Anno Domino). At first, it was made to regain order at that time and to defend the civilians and other major people. And the one who established is one of those 3 families" Says Bronya as she lifts her arm and makes a blue flat square hologram appear. Bronya makes a few touches on the hologram before she waves and makes it rotate to Rena.

On the holograms Rena saw three symbols, the first one is the symbol with a design of a mono eye under the wave, the second one is three petal flowers, and the third one is the design of a sword in the middle and a shield behind it.

'Ah, what a familiar symbol we got, mostly the two of it I knew very well here, the [๐—ž๐—ฎ๐˜€๐—น๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฎ] and [๐—”๐—ฝ๐—ผ๐—ฐ๐—ฎ๐—น๐˜†๐—ฝ๐˜€๐—ฒ]" Thought Rena as she keeps looking at the Symbols.

"As subject Rena can see, these are the three families who support [๐—ฆ๐—ฐ๐—ต๐—ถ๐—ฐ๐—ธ๐˜€๐—ฎ๐—น] on its first establishment, until to this day they still exist and keep continue still support it" Says Bronya.

"Wow, that long?" Ask Rena.

"Da" answered Bronya "Let's start with the first one shall we?" Says Bronya as the hologram changes to [๐—ฆ๐—ฐ๐—ต๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐—ฎ๐—ฐ] Symbol.

"The first one is [๐—ฆ๐—ฐ๐—ต๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐—ฎ๐—ฐ] Families. In [๐—ฆ๐—ฐ๐—ต๐—ถ๐—ฐ๐—ธ๐˜€๐—ฎ๐—น] or [๐——๐—ฒ๐˜€๐˜๐—ถ๐—ป๐˜†] in English, each family has a role or its representation in the organization " Says Bronya " Schariach has the roles of 'Priesties' or 'Divine Maiden'. The Schariach have excellent abilities to control Honkai energy on their own body, which makes them quite strong fighters in every bloodline"

"How strong are they?" Ask Rena curiously.

"Very" Answered Bronya " In fact there is one Schariach that became Valkyrie by the age of 12 years old in 2011" Says bronya

"12!?" Says Rena in shock.

"Yes, in the [๐—ฆ๐—ฐ๐—ต๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐—ฎ๐—ฐ] family, she is so called a prodigy by her own family and among the Valkryie for being the youngest to become one " Says Bronya " If subject Rena asks one of the students about it, they will recognize her immediately. Now she is said going to be A-Rank anytime soon, with that, her popularity becomes bigger than before" Says Bronya

'Hmmm, becomes Valkryie by the age of 12 and become A-Rank soon?...huh, for some reason this person seems familiar but who tho?" Though Rena as she started to search for a certain person in her memory.

"Other than her, there is another person who is also famous, they even recorded her heroic action from certain events in the past, in fact there is a statue dedicated to her in Saint Freya" Says Bronya.

"Huh, really?" Says Rena who is back from her thoughts and looks back at Bronya.

"Yes" Says Bronya as another hologram appears in front of Rena.

'This is'

"Her name is [๐—–๐—ฒ๐—ฐ๐—ถ๐—น๐—ถ๐—ฎ ๐—ฆ๐—ฐ๐—ต๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐—ฎ๐—ฐ]" Says Bronya. The person has white long hair and blue eyes. In her battlesuit, she wears a horn-like hairpin on her head along with a yellow and black cape with theย Schicksal logo on it, yellow, black and white clothes, a black armband, black gloves, a yellow belt, black shorts and black and yellow thigh high boots." She is known for being the Strongest S-Rank Valkryie and earns the title of [๐—™๐—ฎ๐—ถ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐˜€๐˜ ๐— ๐—ฎ๐—ถ๐—ฑ ๐—ผ๐—ณ ๐—ฆ๐—ฐ๐—ต๐—ถ๐—ฐ๐—ธ๐˜€๐—ฎ๐—น] and [๐—ฆ๐˜๐—ฟ๐—ผ๐—ป๐—ด๐—ฒ๐˜€๐˜ ๐—ฉ๐—ฎ๐—น๐—ธ๐˜†๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐—ฒ ๐—ผ๐—ณ ๐—ฆ๐—ฐ๐—ต๐—ถ๐—ฐ๐—ธ๐˜€๐—ฎ๐—น], not just that, she is also known as Hero" Says Bronya.

"A Hero" Repeat Rena as she is still looking at the woman in the hologram.

"But like every Hero, things are not always good" Says Bronya " While fighting in the second eruption, she sacrificed herself and passed away at the end of the war" Says Bronya.

'Sacrificed my ass, she was murdered!, if only not for that certain asshole who just decided to blow up Siberian like he did try to blow up in the U.S she might survive' thought Rena.

"Even for what she did, sadly the damage was too severe for Siberian till today it's quite hard to stay there, even for the situation before the eruption it was quite harsh too da Bronya heard" Says Bronya seems disappointed that can be noticed by Rena who can only see her silently."Let's continue Shall we" Says Bronya as the hologram changes to a Symbol of a Sword and Shield.

"As Subject Rena can see, this symbol belongs to [๐—ž๐—ฎ๐˜€๐—น๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฎ] Family, Their role as [๐—ž๐—ป๐—ถ๐—ด๐—ต๐˜] in Schicksal, a parallel to [๐—ฆ๐—ฐ๐—ต๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐—ฎ๐—ฐ],Their fighters mainly consist of men, and their patriarchs are often considered the most powerful members of the lineage" Says Bronya.

"Wait the minute, if it is the same Schariac , the reason [๐—ฆ๐—ฐ๐—ต๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐—ฎ๐—ฐ] has the role of [๐——๐—ถ๐˜ƒ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ฒ ๐— ๐—ฎ๐—ถ๐—ฑ๐—ฒ๐—ป] is because the majority are women ?"Ask Rena.

"Yes, [๐—ž๐—ฎ๐˜€๐—น๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฎ] Family have a unique blood same as like [๐—ฆ๐—ฐ๐—ต๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐—ฎ๐—ฐ], but for the [๐—ž๐—ฎ๐˜€๐—น๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฎ] the male who was born from this family always has great capability of control honkai energy that [๐—ฆ๐—ฐ๐—ต๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐—ฎ๐—ฐ] males can't." Says Bronya "But Aside from the gender capability of both male or female to fight honkai, they earn the title of [๐—ž๐—ป๐—ถ๐—ด๐—ต๐˜] because they are born fighters, become both swords and shield Schicksal to defend against the Honkai." Says Bronya.

"If that so, Then that makes Kiana come from noble family then, I mean she also has Kaslana as her last name" Says Rena.

"In a sense yes, she is. Not just by the name, Subject Rena also notices her strength even in a small portion of it. To support that, Most Kaslana also have most known genetic traits like White hair and Blue eyes like yours" Says Bronya.

"Is that so?, do you think I might be also from know what, that might be worse if I'm a Kaslana, If I do, I can't stop to hear the end of Kiana blabbering" Says Rena. "Also, this makes me think, Kaslana has the title [Knight] in the families because the majority are males, are there named for male fighters that fight Honkai aside from the kaslana family Title?, even though there is a small ratio from female, there might have Male one's right?" Ask Rena.

"Yes, there is. They're also called [Knight], any person with the potential to have Honkai energy and withstand it will be called [Knight] if it were male by [Schicksal], If da Bronya is not wrong there seems to be a squad that consists [Knight] in either Germany or London" answered Bronya.

'I want to be a [Knight]. That sounds cool, but sadly the bone of my sword seems to be gone now' Thought Rena sadly.

"Continue on, the [Kaslana] Holds an [Oath] as the sole reason for their fighting against the Honkai" Says Bronya as another hologram appears with a word on it.

[Every Kaslana Bold Must Live By Their Oath. Purge The Vile Honkai And Smash The False Gods.

Your Sires Sleep In The Fields As Humanity's Brave Shields.

By The Judgement Of Shamash, Kaslana's Die And Never Yield]

"Damn, this is cool" Says Rena.

"This becomes the tradition of every kaslana passed down to their young, it is said from the current head of Kaslana, [Sigmund Kaslana], that Oath has been passed down before BC and even more" Says Bronya.

'Damn, that is very old, to think an Oath survives this long and might be forgotten' Thought Rena as another hologram appeared in front of her, this time is a woman with white hair and blue eyes in a nun outfit.

"Like the Schariac families, Kaslana also has special figures that have high regard even in history books. One of which is this person. Her name is [Kallen Kaslana]" Says Bronya as another two holograms appear, one is a golden cross and the other one is a crystal black Box." Kallen Kaslana was born in 1453 as the eldest daughter of Francis Kaslana, the 29th head of the kaslana Dynasty.

At the age of 16 years old, Kallen Kaslana managed to pass her trial and became the captain of the Valkryie, the [THE ANTI-HONKAI MILITARY FORCE OF SCHICKSAL]. And also, she is one of the previous owners of [Oath of Judah].

In the year 1477, Kallen Kaslana stole a black crystal box containing Honkai energy and fled to the far east. There she fell in love with a female priest named [Yae Sakura], who later on will get corrupted by the box. Schicksal found her whereabouts, the crystal was already destroyed along with [Yae Sakura].

After that, she was captured and returned to answer for her crime of theft, during the trial her Kallen Declared 'The herrscher girl is innocent and I was in love with her' " Says Bronya

"Sadly, she was sentenced to death by hanging, but, something else happens instead. Hoards of Honkai beast appear in the city. Instead of taking the opportunity to flee, Kallen decided to help people and died saving a little girl" Says Bronya.

"Well, that is quite a foolish thing of her instead of leaving, but she did live up to Kaslana Oath" Says Rena. 'And thanks to that incident we got into this situation ' Thought Rena.

"That's right, after her death, she became a public figure and a statue was made to honor her in [Kolosten]" Says Bronya before she sighs.

"Something the matter? you suddenly look tired" Ask Rena.

"Da Bronya just remembers the incident before Subject Rena got here, right before Idiotka remedial test we might have history about Kallen Kaslana, but things got complicated at some point" Answered Bronya

'Oh yeah, If I'm not wrong Both Bronya and Kiana go to the virtual world and learn the history there in the manga...Wait, now I think about it, can I borrow those VR helmets from Bronya!? ' Thought Rena. Then Bronya changes the Hologram again to the last symbol that is being shown to Rena.

"Unlike the last two families, this one acts more like the brain than a brawn like [Kaslana] and [Schariac]. The name is [Apocalypse]. They have the title [Overseer] because the apocalypse is weak individuals in physics like most civilians, they're more thinking of making weapons, strategies, politics, and others instead against Honkai directly "Says Bronya "In a certain point in History, the year 1477, after the incident of Kallen Kaslana death, The [Apocalypse] is ruled by [Risa Apocalypse] and [Marseille Apocalypse] as the new [Overseer] after their father [Nikolas Apocalypse] " Says Bronya making another three Hologram appear of middle age men and women along with an elder man in pope clothes. This time Rena took a real interest.

"Till the year 1491, 22 years later after Risa and Marseille Rules, An army consist of normal townsfolk, a rebel group and Valkryie held [Stigmata] suddenly appear under the command of one of Nikolas Apocalypse children who vanished after Kallen Kaslana incident returned, successfully overthrown the both of them and become the new [Overseer]" Says Bronya as she makes another hologram appear, this time its young-looking man with blond hair tied to the side. He wears a purple jacket with a frilly white shirt inside. He has white gloves, a pink necktie, a brown belt, gray pants, and brown boots. The emblem of the Apocalypse Symbols rests on his jacket collar.

'And his face suddenly Pop-ups, wow, this guy is more irritating than I thought it would' Thought Rena."So, who is his name ?" Ask Rena.

"His name is [Otto Apocalypse], the one who Overthrown both Rise and Marseille to become the new [Overseer] " Says Bronya as she showed more pictures inside the holograms" After he becomes the new Overseer, a lot of change happens under his rule, Schicksal become more open than before, Influence a lot of countries besides Europe to gain connection while developing a new way to fight and new Anti-Honkai weapon with the following years," Says Bronya.

"Does that also include the futuristic flying ship-like sci-fi in the tv I see before?" Ask Rena.

"Da, not just ship. Like these holograms and holograms in the auditorium Subject Rena once mentioned is also included, the technology becomes more advanced if not for Apocalypse" Says Bronya. Rena who heard this annoyed me a little."Speaking of the Apocalypse, his granddaughter is the principal of this school, not a lot of people knew her, but surprising enough that she is closely acquainted with Kiana" Says Bronya.

'Oh, is she mentioning her now?' Thought Rena.

"Is that so?, Strange that I haven't met her yet. But then again, she is the principal of this school" Says Rena.

"With the accident that happened two weeks ago in this city, it's still under investigation and the new one is in the process of installation for another few days, so she's pretty much preoccupied on her own desk and papers for the time being, last time Kiana tried to visit her to give her favorite drink, she said there's piles of paper on her desk and more on floor" Says Bronya.

"Ah...That is very sad" Says Rena before she starts asking again. "Umm, Bronya, I might be confused a little, but who do you mean by this 'His' " Ask Rena as she faked her confusion.

"The current Overseer" answered Bronya.

"Who is his name?" Ask Rena.

"Otto Apocalypse" Answer Bronya.

"...His descendent?" Ask Rena.

"No, the Same person who overthrew Rise and Marseille" Answer Bronya.

"...So the guy from history 500 years ago and the current overseer are still that guy?" Ask Rena.

"Da" Answer Bronya.

"Last one...HOW?" Ask Rena with a surprise face.

"No one knew " Answer Bronya as she shakes her head.

'Huh, yeah, that's probably the answer I get after all, Even thought I already know about him I thought I could get another information of it, but the answer probably because that yellow cube and Nano machine [Soulium] of his to stay alived after all. But at the very least know a few new things about it' Thought Rena.

"Well, thanks for telling me about that" Says Rena as she started to get up from her chair with crutches.

"The very least da Bronya can do to help subject Rena with the next subject quizzes," Says Bronya.

"Thanks" Says Rena before she sighs very long" Why does it have to be a quiz, I mean you all just finished the exam just two weeks ago! Also I just got here too dammit!" Says Rena in frustration before she looks around.

"I just realized something, Where are Kiana and Mei?, both of them should be here already" Ask Rena.

"It might be because of the subject Kiana again" Answer Bronya.

"Well whatever the case, I need to go to the toilet" Says Rena

"Do you want Bronya to accompany you" Ask Bronya.

"No need, I will be back before the class begins" Answer Rena as she walked to the door and left the classroom. After Rena left, Bronya took out her smartphone from the yellow Homu bag.

"The class won't start for another minute, better Log-in and do a quick daily mission" Mutter Bronya as she opened the game app from her phone. Not long after, Kiana and Mei entered the class." Ah, Subject Kiana and Mei Nee-sama, you two back" Says Bronya as she looks at the two of them walk to her.

"Sorry Bronya, it took longer than we thought it would be" Says Mei.

"If only there were none of those jerks, gah!, I knew I should have punched them before they left" Says Kiana in anger.

"Kiana, it was a good choice you didn't do it" Says Mei with an akward smile.

"Idiotka, you just found yourself in another problem, this time you got Mei nee-sama involved" Says Bronya in disappointment.

"HEI!, No she's not!" Says Kiana. "While we were on our back from school faculty, I heard something and so I ran to it. When I got there, there were these jerks pushing around this frail girl, as the best Valkyrie I am, I saved her!" Says Kiana in pride.

"That was good of you Kiana" Says Mei as she praises her more and pad her head for a moment that makes Kiana in joy."Oh yeah, where is Rena-chan?" Ask Mei.

"Subject Rena just left after you both entered the class, she will be back before the class starts" Answer Bronya ."Speaking of which, there is a new skin for the Homu game called [Homu Raida code name Black] and [Rx]" Says Bronya as she shows her phone screen.

"Ehhh, for real!? From [Kamen Homu] like in the television show!?" Ask Kiana.

"Better, direct adaptation from manga itself and once being referenced in Kamen Homu the Movie : Paradise lost " Answer Bronya as the three of them continue to talk.


Rena stands in front of the toilet, looking between the male toilet sign and the Female one while thinking.

'...Which one should I use...The Male one or Female one' Thought Rena as she looks at the female one 'If I choose the Female one, my pride as a male will crumble' Thought Rena as she shifts her gaze at the male

'If I were to choose the male one I will keep my pride as a male...but people will think of me as weird' Thought Rena as she then looks at the female sign again. 'But if I were to choose a female toilet no one will think of me as weird cause I'm a female and my sword of promise is gone' Rena then look at the male sign again 'But just because my sword is gone doesn't mean I can't get inside, it's just a toilet but for male...why they even make males one when this school mostly dominated by female... If this school is mostly female then the male ones are pretty much clean as new and all of this for myself...not like my past school...those were gross' thought Rena as she continues to debate in her mind before she sighs deeply and starts to walk away from the toilet.

'Better hold it after I get back to the dorm instead of here' Thought Rena. Before Rena could walk far from the toilet, she could hear a laugh.

Rena stops and looks behind her to where the sounds are from, she starts to walk where the sounds are from and stops in front of the male bathroom.

'...This is where the sounds are from?...' Thought Rena as she still thinks to go inside or just leave. But her curiosity got her and went inside the male bathroom slowly. The laughter was much clearer, Rena hid behind the wall and leaned her head a bit to see inside the toilet. She saw four girls who are laughing and a single person on the floor who dropped her head down. Rena saw this surprise.

'Are they?...' Rena continues to watch.

"Hey Moron!, next time when I told you something, YOU DO WHAT I SAID!" Says green hair girl with a sinister smile.

"That's right, you ugly fuck better know your place !" Says the girl with yellow hair.

"SHE'S RIGHT/ HELL YEAH!!!" Says From two other girls with red hair and purple hair. Then the girl with the green hair squad down and lifted her chin up

"What's the matter? gonna cry?" Says The green hair girl as she leans closer to the person's ear "It's fine you know, nobody in this school will be bothered by your cry, Cause nobody cares IN THE FIRST PLACE YOU SHIT FACE! HAHAHAHAHA" Says the girl as she continues to laugh along with the other three from her words.

"Hey, This ugly shit must be thirsty. How about we give her something to drink, right girls?" Says the red haired girl. The three of them nod in agreement with a smile on their face. As the four of them start to walk to the person on the floor, they all notice the voice of a person by the entrance.

"Hey, how about you all bitches just...I don't, maybe leave that person and fight someone your size" Says Rena as she gets out from behind the wall. All four of them looked behind and saw Rena, there was a long silence before all four of them started to burst to laugh.

"HAHAHAHA, WHO IS THIS CRIPPlED TURD!? HAHAHA" Says the green-haired girl.

"OH GOD, MY STOMACH I CAN'T I JUST CAN'T!!" Says the Red-Haired girl as she holds her stomach while laughing.

"SHIT, HAHAHAHA" Says The Yellow hair as she laughs while holding the sink.

"CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING! HAHAHAHA" Says the yellow-haired girl. Meanwhile Rena was surprised at the unexpected response.

"Haha...ha...ha, I can't, I don't know who you are, but you better leave if you don't want to be part of this. I'm in a good mood" Says the green-haired girl.

"Good to know, but it won't leave. You all will" Says Rena.

"Ho?, And who is going to tell us that? The teacher?" Says The green haired girl as she walks to Rena

"No need to, they better not know what will happen to you all clowns" Says Rena as she also walks closer."This is a warning, I don't like hitting girls. So...Leave" Says Rena in a menacing voice. The green-haired didn't like the way Rena said to her and put on an annoyed face.

"And who do you think you are" Says The green-haired girl who now is in front of Rena "Do I need to remind you that You're just one person while we are four? how about starts learning math you idiot fuck!" Says the green haired as she looks at Rena straight in her face." And also just a crippled girl, what can you even do?" Ask the green-haired girl in confidence as she smiles.

"Easy, I can do everything that brain damaged person from birth defects like you can't " Says Rena as she intimidates the green-haired straight in the eyes.


Suddenly the Green-Haired girl kicks one of Rena's crutches straight to the wall, making the tile crumble down while the crutches are bent and snapped in half.

"Ah, not just a bitch but also bad tampered too" Says Rena in a calm voice.

"You see that, Brat. That is you if you don't want to get hurt" Says the green-haired girl." Now say you're sorry" Says The Green-Haired girl.

"How about you said it to the person behind you instead" Says Rena as she continues to speak in an intimidating voice.

"Heh, you think I will do that to a ugly low life?" Says green-haired girls.

"If you can't say that word cause you too a shame to do it, don't expect someone else to say sorry to you. Cause we both know who's at fault here" Says Rena as sharpening her glare. Then the green-haired girl grabbed the collar of Rena clothes.

"Listen here, I can do what I want and whatever I want, so stop acting so thought, girl" Says the Green haired girl in an angry voice.

"If you think that way, then you're dreaming," Says Rena as she uses her free arm to grasp the wrist of the green haired girl." So you better leave" Says Rena.

"If you think you can just tell to do that then you are also dreaming" Says Green-Haired girl.

"No. Cause I know there are two scenarios this can end" Says Rena.

"And what is that smartass" Says the Green-haired girl.

"First, This night you all can sleep comfortably on your bed or second, you all can sleep comfortably in the hospital bed" Says Rena as she is tightening her grip making the green haired girl wrist hurts.


"So what is it gonna be, your choice" Says Rena as she keeps tightening her grasp.

"HOW ABOUT YOU GO THERE INSTEAD" Scream the green-haired girl as she uses her other free arm to lift it and make a fist, thrusting it forward straight forward to the face.


The punch stopped before it could strike Rena, the green-haired could only frown hearing the school bell playing. She then let go of the collar of the clothes and released her hand from Rena's grip.

"Consider yourself lucky" Says The green-haired girl as she walks away from Rena while touching her wrist with the other arm. She then left followed by the other three girls who looked at Rena with stern looks. After all four of the girls left the toilet, Rena exhaled her breath deeply.

"Haaaaaaah, good things it ends like this" Mumble Rena. Rena then looks behind her and walks near the person who seems to be also a student, the person still hasn't lifted her head and still looks down at the floor.

"Uhh...thank you for helping" Says the person.

"No problem, that was nothing" Says Rena with a smile."Did they do something to you ?...ah!, actually they already did something to you, forgot that question. Did they hurt you somewhere ?" Ask Rena in worry.

"No they didn't, I'm fine" Answer the person" But... Your...crutches" Says The person in a low tone.

"It's fine, I still have the other here. I'm actually more surprised by the fact that she is stronger than she is destroying my crutches" Says Rena as she looks at the damaged wall and crutches broken in half.

"She is a B-Rank Valkryies after all" Says the person in a low tone.

"Heh, B-Rank, A-Rank, I don't care, she's just an asshole" Says Rena.

"She could have done something worse to you if it weren't for the bell" Says the person. Rena who heard just chuckle.

"Oh please, I face much worse than that, what the worse she could do" Says Rena as she looks at the person again "let me say this once, I am fairly strong" Says Rena as she points herself with her thumb. The person seems to be surprised with Rena's confidence after what happened and never once flinched after being threatened.

"Ah, are strong, I can't believe that you are this strong I, envy you" Says the person with a smile.

"Yeah yeah, whatever, you embarrassed me" Says Rena as she blushes a little"You better get up and wash that frown face of your" Says Rena.

"You're right, I'm sorry" Says the person

"Stop saying sorry, just get up" Says Rena with a smile. Then the person gets up from the floor and slowly stands up. As the person slowly stands up, Rena who is full of smiles just now also slowly disappears and only starts to think a few words to describe something in front of her.

'...WHAT THE FUCK!?' Thought Rena as she looked at the person who she just saved. The person has the same Saint Freya Uniform as other Valkryie standards, The person is many times bigger than Rena, and has a body well built like a bodybuilder in her body, same for both arms and legs showing well-built muscles. The person has blonde coils of hair along with a ribbon and ahoge, thin eyebrows, blue eyes, and a cleft chin.


"Once again, thank you for protecting me" Says the person as takes rena right with both hands and do a handshake

", yeah, you're welcome? " Says Rena in confusion.

'Does this person even need me in the first place' Thought Rena as she was still shocked at the person in front of her. The person suddenly realized something and broke up the handshake.

"Ah, what disgraceful of me not to introduce myself" Says the person " My name is Amue Armstrong, the fourth sibling of the Armstrong family, I'm from level 6-B" Says Amue.

"Ah, yes my name Is Rena, Rena Kannazuki level 4-A, nice to meet you?" Says Rena.

"Oh my, to think you are actually my Underclasman, how unsightly of me. You must think less of me cause what happened" Says Amue has become depressed.

"I-it fine Senpai, it was never your fault" Says Rena as she tried to comfort her.

"Ah, what a nice Kouhai you are" Says Amue as she started to tear up."How I envy the courage and pure-hearted you have! if only I'm strong as you" Says amue as she touches both Rena's shoulders.

'Sorry but my heart was never pure, also I think you are already strong, like for real just look at the muscle' Thought Rena.

"I-ehh, I'm very grateful for the compliment but I think we are very late for class now Senpai" Says Rena.

"Ah, How embarrassing of me" Says Amue as she removes her hand from Rena's shoulder" Then I shall not waste more of your time" Says Amue as she starts to walk and stop by the toilet entrance.

"Kouhai, I shall remember what you have done today" Says Amue.

'Please forget it' Thought Rena.

"I'm in debt for your kindness" Says Amue.

'Just consider the debt already paid' Thought Rena.

"One day, I will be strong like you" Says Amue.

'You already are' Thought Rena.

"Shall we meet again when fate crossed our path" Says Amue.

'I hope not, you already a pain actually' Thought Rena as she still look at amue with a blank face.

"SARABA DA, KOUHAI" Says Amue as she run away from the toilet I'm tears of joy.

"...I think I might actually get a migraine after this" Says Rena as she touches her head.


///Saint Freya, School Cafeteria///

Right now Rena, Kiana, and Bronya are at the cafeteria after the class ends, and now sit at the lunch table with three bowls of ramen on top of the table.

"Kiana, I know you're an idiot, but that was one of the stupidest things I have seen" Says Rena as she looks at Kiana.

"Subject Kiana has done a lot more than that, but that's how idiotka works" Says Bronya.

"Shut up Bratnya" Says Kiana as she rubs her red cheeks." Owh, she should have held back a little" Says Kiana.

"You should be thankful that she only pinches your cheeks Kiana, if only you didn't doze off in the middle of the quiz, you might not get pinched at all by Himeko" Says Rena.

"Then how about I pinch you and try what it feels like little sis, free of charge!" Ask Kiana as she looks at Rena with a smile.

"How about no, the last thing I want from you is to rip my cheeks from my face, Kiana" Say Rena.

"It will be a quick one" Say Kiana.

"Still no, you better eat it before it's getting cold" Says Rena as she takes the disposable chopsticks beside the bowl and then tries to split it open slowly after it split Rena looks at the top of the chopsticks not evenly split.

'...Again...Dammit, it still irritates me every time ' Thought Rena as she was annoyed looking at the chopsticks .

"Subject Rena, Bronya hear there's a method to do it" Say Bronya as she showed her chopsticks "It says if you push left and the right stick in the opposite direction of backward and forwards you will get-" As Bronya about to end her word as she demonstrates to Rena, the chopsticks she's having was also not evenly split.

"..." Rena and Bronya just staring silently at the chopsticks it split." It seems Bronya makes a mistake in the process " Says Bronya.

"No, there's no mistake, it's just purpose made that way Bronya" Says Rena.

"Tch, tch, tch, you both clearly do not understand it" says Kiana in a mocking tone as Rena and Bronya look at her ." That's the tip of these chopsticks is actually a rest !" Say Kiana as she points the top end of her chopsticks, bronya and Rena look at Kiana in doubtful look.

"I'm sure it's not" says Rena.

"Just see and watch" Say Kiana as she then snaps the flat top from the rest of the chopsticks " And there!, easy right" Says Kiana with a smug face.

"That's not how you do it, Kiana, haaah, let's just eat" Says Rena. after that the three of them start to eat the ramen.

"This is so good!!! " Say Kiana happily as take the bowl and keep eating the ramen."But I bet Mei-Senpai can make this much better" Say Kiana.

"Kiana, don't speak while you have food in your mouth" Says Rena. then Kiana puts down the bowl and starts to stand up.

" I will go and get another !" Say Kiana as she starts to walk away. Rena who heard this stops eating her ramen and looks at the bowl Kiana has is now empty.

"Huh, she's always fast " says Rena.

"Da, if it was made from Mei nee-sama, then it will be much faster," Says Bronya."Speaking of which. Subject Rena, how are you with the quiz" Ask Bronya.

"Very Very bad, first I got late and then forgot almost everything other than what we talked about" Answered Rena depressed.

"That's right, is there a reason for Subject Rena only uses one crutch now?" Ask Bronya.

"No, I just felt I only need one now that my leg is in good shape than before" Answered Rena.

"Right after Subject Rena got late to the class?" Ask Bronya.

"Yup, don't bother to ask where the ones are . I assure you, It's already in a better place than here, I hope he is happy" Answer Rena as she continues to eat the ramen

"That's quite an unusual way to say it," Says Bronya as she also continues to eat the ramen.

"Should have asked for putting Narutomaki or Chashu here. Maybe some more eggs too. [Slurp][Slurp]" mumbled Rena.


Rena who was surprised by the sound got choked on her own food "HMPH!?" She quickly punches her chest many then uses her strength on the last one before she could breathe again.

"Haaaaaa haaaaa haaaa. Oh God, I think I almost died [Chought][Chought]" Says Rena as she took a deep breath.

"Here, drink some water" Says Bronya as she gives Rena a glass of water, which Rena drinks in a single gulp.

"Haaa, much better" Mumbles Rena before she looks around " And What, where or who causes it!" Says Rena in an angry tone. Bronya raised her arm and pointed to the near cafeteria counter. Rena follows where Bronya pointed and sees three students standing in front of a single one , along with a tray and food spilling from the bowl on the ground.

"Well, it seems someone already got the one who is responsible" Says Ren "Ugh, now I don't feel like eating it " Says Rena.

"Subject Rena, we would go there" Says Bronya as she stands up from her seat.

"Huh?, Why?, just let it be" Ask Rena as she looks at Bronya.

"Da Bronya don't think we can't overlook this, look at the single student over there, Subject Rena" Answer Bronya. Rena then looked again near the cafeteria counter, this time she focused on the person Bronya mentioned, this time Rena could see a Kiana with an angry face.

"Kiana" Says Rena.

"Yes, It seems Kiana got another trouble in her hands again" Says Bronya. Rena then shifts her gaze at the other three students, even though she could see from behind, Rena recognizes them.

'It's her again 'Thought Rena

"Da Bronya will go there before things become worse. Subject Rena can stay here" Says Bronya.

"Oh hell nah!" Says Rena as she immediately takes her crutches and stands up." I ain't sitting here and doing nothing, let's go" Says Rena as she quickly walks along with Bronya who followed second later.

"HAH!? LIKE HELL!!!" Yell Kiana with an angry voice at the person in front of her.

"Oh?, not just denied the fact you stumble upon me, you also refuse to tell the truth that you bullied that poor girl back then? How shameful you are" Says The green-haired girl with a smirked smile.

"BULSHIT!!!, they're the ones who did it!" Says Kiana.

"You mean those poor senpai's who tried to protect her? How could you say such a thing" Says The green-haired girl with a fake sad face.

"Protect her? They were humiliating and said such mean things to her! HOW is that protecting!?"Says Kiana furious "As Kaslana, I must 'protect' the weak and to make them know their place" Says Kiana.

"Kaslana? oh,you called yourself that. How come you just called yourself a Kaslana? Just because that hair and those eyes are the same as them you just can't yourself a kaslana!" Says The green-haired girl as she smirks " You're FAKE, let me spell it. F.A.K.E I tell you that. And protecting the weak? Bitch you are being delusional! Tried to see yourself in the mirror once, when you do. you only see the sad girl you are!" Says the green-haired girl as she pointed her index finger to Kiana.

"How about proving yourself a Kaslana next time imposter" Says the green-haired girl, Kiana who heard this grit her teeth and looked more angry .

"Prove? Oh I got it all right, I WILL PROVE IT ON YOUR FACE" Says Kiana as she starts clenching her hand and making a fist while starting to walk toward the green-haired girl. The green-haired just kept smiling as she already anticipated it, but before Kiana could get any closer.

"Kiana, stop it!" Says Rena.

"Idiotka, don't get provoked by her word" Says Bronya. As both of them arrived, Kiana stopped walking and looked at Bronya and Rena.

"You both. Sorry, but I have a bitch to know her place!" Says Kiana as she looks back at the green-haired girl.

"Yeah, No kidding" Says Rena as walk between the two of the opposite side and looks at the green haired girl.

"It's you again cripple girl, why are you here and ruining things up?, we just had fun a while ago if you didn't come by" Says the green-haired girl.

"Not sounds so fun from what I heard from here" Says Rena in an angry tone." And you have the nerve to pick on her out of all people, didn't you just FUN back then" Says Rena.

"I have zero clues to whatever you are saying" Says the green-haired girl with a smile.

"You better be saying sorry to her this instant" Says Rena as she took a few steps closer" Or I won't show mercy like last time" Says Rena, but the other girls just laughed.

"Hahaha, Last time?. you better know that last time you were lucky I left," Says The green-haired girl as she also takes one step closer to Rena " Cause I will break you like the other stick you have back there" Says The green-haired girl.

"WHAT!?, So you broke my sister's crutches!?, YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!!!" Says Kiana.

"Sister?" Says the green-haired girl as she looks at Kiana and then goes back to Rena again " So she is your sister. Should have realized the hair, now we have two sets of impostors" Says the green-haired girl.

"You should know, I'm here not to cause problems " Says the green-haired girl.

"I say that load of shit" Says Rena.

"It's true. your sister here bumped into me and dirty my expensive brand shoes here. See" Says The green-haired girl as she points out a single drop of dirt

"SCREW YOU!!!, you are the one who suddenly came and flip it !!!" Says Kiana.

"Also one more thing," Says the green-haired girl as she took out a photo from her pocket and then threw it. Rena catches the photo and takes a look at it, Some of the girls are on the ground unconscious and seem to be injured with pain in their faces, but what Rena is interested in is Kiana is the only one standing and placing her foot on a single person back while kneeling. Both Kiana and Bronya who saw this surprised by what was shown in the photo "Interesting, isn't it?" Says the green-haired.

"Huh!?, Wait the minute, I NEVER DONE ANY THIS!!!" Says Kiana.

"Oh?, but the picture said so" Says the green-haired girl. Then she took out her phone and showed it " And there ~Plenty~of~it~" Says the green-haired girl as she grinds.

"But I can forget about it, let it slide. I'm not a bad person you know" Says the green-haired girl as crosses her hands."Under one condition" Says the green-haired girl.

"What are you suggesting here?" Ask Bronya who becomes wary.

"Easy, this cripple Kaslana must kneel down and be sorry for what her sister did to my shoes" Answered the green-haired girl. This shocked Kiana to hear the demand.

"And why do you think I'll let her do that to you!" Says Kiana as she clenches her hand.

"And also I will keep this photo until I'm satisfied, by then you're freed to do what you want" Says the green-haired girl.

"Good one nee-san/this going to be fun," Says both yellow-haired and red-haired girls as they keep cheering to the green-haired girl.

"So It's all down to Blackmailing. What a shameful act " Says Bronya as sternly looks at the green-haired red girl.

"What is so shameful about it, it's an act of kindness. One must know who is on top...and who is at the bottom" Says the green haired girl as then look at Rena in anticipation."C'mon, I don't have all day you know. So just you know, with a single click I can make her life miserable" Says the green-haired girl with brightful smile. Kiana then walked to the green-haired girl in anger but was stopped by Rena who made a gesture with her left arm.

"Haaaah, you can't really make this easy" Says Rena as she then starts to bend down slowly. Both Kiana and Bronya were surprised that Rena moved slowly.


Rena suddenly let her crutches fall to the ground and then stand straight up immediately after halfway to bending down while using her right arm to take a grip on the green-haired girl by the collar, making the girl lift from the ground.

"NEE-SAN" yelled both the yellow and red-haired girls who were surprised that the green-haired girl was being lifted up.

"Kuh!!! THE HELL YOU'RE DOING!?" Says the green-haired girl.

'Bla blah blah, you're all just annoying" Says Rena." I have been very calm, but you just like to make it complicated" Says Rena as she tightens her grip on the collar.

"Didn't you hear what I just said!?" Says the green-haired girl in an angry tone.

"Oh, I heard it alright" Says Rena as she squeezes the photo and tosses it to the ground" it just I didn't buy any of your bullshit" Says Rena. Then the green-haired girl starts to clench her right hand to make a fist but then gets caught by Rena's left hand and grips it tightly.

"You should remember where we are, What do you think the other will-"

"The hell with them, You think I care after what you just said?" Says Rena as she grips her left hand harder.


"You listen closely, by the count of three you better apologize for it, Or this so-called hand turns into mashed potatoes " Says Rena in a menacing voice and looks straight at the green-haired girl's eyes.

"Why would I do that-KUH!?" Before she could finish her word, Rena kept hardening the grip." LET GO OF ME ONCE YOU BITCH!!!, LIKE YOU HAVE THE GUTS TO DO THAT!!!" Says the green-haired.

"One" Says Rena.

"REMEMBER, I STILL HAVE THE PICTURE!!!!, IF YOU DON'T PUT ME DOWN I WILL MAKE ALL YOUR AND HER LIFE LIVING HELL!!!" Says The green-haired girl as she tried to free herself from Rena but failed to do so.


"Subject Rena, I don't think this is a wise solution to handle this" Says Bronya.

"HEAR THAT!, LISTEN TO THAT LITTLE PIPSQUEAK OVER THERE!!" Says the green-haired girl. Rena didn't bother to hear it and continued tightening her grip on the green-haired right arm slowly and never averting her gaze to anything. The green-haired girl became impatient and tried to use her left arm to grip Rena's arm that grabs her collar, no matter how hard she does it Rena never flinches or shown any change in expression.


"FUCK!!! ALRIGHT!!! I'M SORRY!!! THERE I SAID IT!!!! I'M SORRY!!!" Shout the green-haired girl. As she said that Rena let go of her and made her fall to the ground, she quickly held her right arm and pet it.

"There you go, it's not that hard right?" Says Rena with a smile.

"NEE-SAN" Scream Both of the girls as they quickly kneel and look at the green-haired girl in worried.

"Are you fine Nee-san?" Ask the yellow-haired girl.

"Does it hurt?" Ask the red-haired girl.

"What do you think? OF COURSE IT IS IDIOT!? WHERE THE FUCK BOTH OF YOU ARE!?" Answer the green-haired girl angrily.

"We thought you can handle it" Says a red-haired girl.

"OH, DID YOU NOW!, FUCKING MORON!!!" Says the green-haired as the three of them are back standing up.

"That was epic!!!, I never know you have that kinda side sis" Says Kiana in a compliment.

"Heh, that was nothing" Says Rena.

"That was good, but day Bronya suggested not to do it again, preferably not in front of all these students" Says Bronya.

"It's fine it's fine" Says Rena, she then looks at the green-haired girl who seems irritated along with the other two " You better keep that pretty face away and scram. Or do you more than that?" Says Rena sharpening her gaze.

The green-haired girl becomes more irritated and displeased by what happened while gritting her teeth. It lasts for a few seconds before she comes back to her smile.

"You're right, I better leave" Says the green-haired girl, she then turns her back." After all, I have better things to do than dealing with you low trash" Says the green-haired girl.

"Good that you finally understand, we also can't deal with that oversize ego of your " Says Rena with a smile.

"Hmhp, just keep smiling like a fool you're" Says the green-haired girl" Cause next time, you better be ready for what comes for you" Says the girl before she starts to walk away along with the other two.

"Along with what is going to happen at any moment now, better get ready for a bath. Cause it's going to get smelly" Says the green-haired girl.

"What the hell was that about?" Ask Kiana.

"Who cares" Answers Rena with a smile "She might want to have the last word before she left, most people do that," Says Rena.

"But you better be careful, cause you're now on her target list" Says Bronya who is still wary.

"Heh, I don't care what list they had, as long she knows what I'm capable of, she won't act as she likes as before" Says Rena." In the end all it's well that ends well" Says Rena.

"Da Bronya still not sure" Says Bronya.

"Well it's fine then, we better leave now. Cause other students seem still glaring at us" Says Rena.

"Heeeeh, you said you don't care, now you" Says Kiana.

"Now and then are different, we should have walked away the second they left, it's just awkward" Says Rena.

"Booooh, what hypocrite you're, sis, boooh" Says Kiana as keeps doing it.

"Shut up" Says Rena." I mean, what the worst things can they do after all that stunts they just pulled" Says Rena.


Something dropped from above and hit right where Rena is standing, from the look it's food and other things in a liquid that is still hot due to small smoke still coming out from it. Both dirtying and drenching Rena's uniform from the top to the bottom. Both Kiana and Bronya are surprised by what happens.

"I jinx myself again it seems" Says Rena in sarcasm but Kiana and Bronya didn't pay intention to it and quickly walked to Rena.

"SIS!!!, QUICK WIPE IT!!!" Shout Kiana as she quickly wipes Rena with her Valkyrie jacket in a hurry.

"Bronya suggests we should go to the nearest washrooms cooldown the part is burn" Says Bronya.

"Stop stop, it's fine, it might be hot but not the points it's still boiling" Says Rena as she backed herself.

"That soup let out steam for goodness sake! How can that not burn you!?" Says Kiana.

"Subject Rena is also in the middle of healing" Says Bronya.

"ALSO WHO THE HELL DID THAT!?" Says Kiana in anger as she looks above. The two of them also looked up and saw a pink-haired girl who was holding a food tray while looking down with a smile from the second floor of the cafeteria.

'Ah, so there she is...' thought Rena.

"Oh my, I'm so clumsy, I'm So sorry, I didn't mean to!. I will be careful next time. Pwinky Pwomises" Says the pink-haired as she also seems to hold her chuckle.

"YOU BETTER GET DOWN HERE" Shout Kiana in anger. Rena is not interested in the pink-haired as she looks where the green-haired girl from just left.

"Huh, should have realized when she said that. To think she meant literally" Says Rena as she looks at the green-haired girl from afar who she thinks just left still in the cafeteria with a sinister smile.

"Subject Rena, we should leave. Don't get this into your mind. There is still time to change before the next class starts. We can deal with them later" Says Bronya in a low tone

"Don't worry, strange enough I'm not that angry about it. This is going to be sticky if I don't hurry up" Says Rena." Kiana we should-!?" When Rena looked at Kiana's last stand she wasn't there anymore. Rena could hear a running step and looked at the sounds coming, to see Kiana running straight to the green-haired girl at a very quick pace as she closed her palm to make a fist.

"Oh no" Says Rena.

"Subject Kiana is about to strike her" Says Bronya.

"YOU DEFINITELY PAY FOR THAT!!!" Shout Kiana as she was ready to punch her, the green-haired didn't expect the speed of the person she was ready in position and quickly tried to block it. When Kiana was already near the girl she


The sounds of hitting were loud that makes an echo to the whole cafeteria and near it.


The green-haired girl was still in position and did not take any blows as someone blocked it for her, all of the students were surprised by the new person who arrived including Rena who.

"hmm?, is that the person Kiana mentions" Ask Rena. The person has short white hair that is braided, yellow eyes, dark-tanned skin, and a masculine body. she wore a dark clothing shirt, a blue hoodie with arm length only reached to the upper arm, Dark short pants with a blue belt, darkish grey arm sleeve, dark gloves, knee socks reaching over the knee, and dark shoes with heels.

"Yes, Former Schicksal Valkryie specialized in Ground force, Lewis-Sensei" Answer Bronya." And things are not good" Says Bronya.

"Without context, yes, this is bad" Says Rena.

"LEWIS!?" Says Kiana in shock.

"It's Lewis-Sensei!!!" Says Lewis loudly "And what do you think you're doing Kiana Kaslana, suddenly attacking another student?" Ask Lewis.

"Huh!?, that girl over there asked for problem!" Answer Kiana.

"Save your breath you girl , I came here cause there was a commotion, not to hear your complaint" Says Lewis." To think it was you who started it" Says Lewis as she looks sternly at Kiana.

"Me!?, NO, she-"

"Silence, you better keep your excuse" Says Lewis" Now you better leave and go to the detention room at once" Says Lewis as she folds her arms, Kiana who hasn't finished her sentence surprised by the decision made by her.


"Don't make me repeat it, I order you to go now!!!" Says lewis.

"Sheees, I never knew she is this hard to students" Says Rena

"Da Bronya suggests subject Rena sees her by the training ground to see how strict the training is" Says Bronya. Lewis then shifted her gaze from Kiana to both Rena and Bronya.

"That also includes you both too" Says Lewis

"Oh great" Says Rena in monotone.

"But wait! they're not at-fault here!!!" Says Kiana.

"But they're involved with you," Says Lewis as looks straight to Kiana" Now go to the detention class or I will take this matter to the principal" Says Lewis, Kiana wants to argue but stop when Bronya taps her, took attention to Kiana to see bronya shake her head.

"We better leave, Kiana. I know your feelings but it will be much worse if we stay" Says Rena as she walks closer to Kiana. Kiana only sighs in defeat and agrees.

"Good, now go" Says Lewis

"Will do sir" Says Rena as the three of them start walking away. Lewis then looks at the green-haired and her friend

"As for the three of you, come with me, you better have an explanation" Says Lewis with a stern eye. The three of them suddenly look down in terror.

"Yes sir!" Says the three of them.

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"And that's how we got here. After that we are spending most time on mobile games and UNO" Says Rena.

"I...see," Says welt as he adjusts his glasses."That explains how both you and Kiana got stains, and are you sure there were no feelings of burning on your skin?, have you check the school medic" ask welt who becomes worried.

"it's fine, it was warm. So I don't need to be there, well, except bathrooms for a bit to clean my self" Answer Rena. But both Kiana and Bronya shake her head in disagreement.

"If only that crazy muscle Gorilla Woman didn't appear I could punch her!!!" Says Kiana in frustration.

"If you did, you only get yourself into a bigger problem if it happens" Says Welt " You did say she did nothing when you tried in the middle of the cafeteria. if she's ever struck by you, then it will only prove her point" Says Welt.

"Her point?" Ask Kiana.

"That you're muscle brains and violent women in front of a lot of people" Answer Rena."She would use the picture as a boost to make sure that she is right and make your reputation in this school become worse and see you as a bad guy by others" Says Rena.

"Which is it was a good thing that both Rena and Bronya could stop it before you could hit here" Says Welt .

"Da, which is why she changes her tactic to blackmailing instead, even though you tried to strike her for the second time" Says Bronya.

"I see..." Says Kiana as she then remembered the picture again" Wait! It is still on her phone!!!" Says Kiana as she is in a panic.

"It's fine, Bronya said she hacked her phone while no one noticed that flying tablet and deleted the pictures" Says Rena.

"Yes, but it seems there are only two pictures of you, one is the original and the other is what we saw was edited, she lied that there were multiple of it" Says Bronya which makes Bronya relieved.

"Oh thank God" Says Kiana as she sighs.

"That is good to hear isn't it" Says Welt as he then becomes disappointed" But still, I was hoping you would stop her and then left immediately after, but instead you chose threatened her" Says Welt.

"That's what Da Bronya assumes when the subject Rena goes there too" Says Bronya.

"Ehe" Says Rena "But for real, like hell I let her go just like that, so I better teach her a lesson, after all" Says Rena.

'And got complicated for my feeling that as a man I hurt a girl, but at also relief that was a bitch, not just that, she picked Kiana out of everyone, no one in touch all beloved Tuna!' thought Rena.

"Then, you better be careful when encountering them next time, if you do, you can immediately call the teacher for help if anything happens, I'm not saying to run, but better let us adults handle it" Says Welt as he starts to stand up.

"Thank you sir, but I can handle it myself" Says Rena with a grind.

"And hope you don't, cause, how can we explain how a student got her hand fracture? " Says Welt with a depressed face " We'll I better take my leave, you all also can leave, stay out of trouble next time" Says Welt.

"Yes sir" Says all three of them, then Welt walks to the door and leaves the room.

"Good thing we don't need to hear the lecture" Says Kiana. Second later Mei can be seen opening the door while gasping.

"I heard that you all got in trouble, are all of you alright!?" Says Mei is worried as she walks closure to the group.

"Hehehe, of course we are all right. There's nothing I, Kiana can't handle!" Says Kiana proudly as she stands up straight.

"We only got dirty, that's all. Nothing very serious" Says Rena.

"Oh that's good to hear" Says Mei in relief."Let's go back to the dorm, you all must be tired" Says Mei.

"Huh?, don't we still have classes?" Says Rena as she looks at the clock on the wall that is shown it's 1 o'clock " Huh, weird. It's still at one" Says Rena.

"That clock battery must have died out, now it's 4 o'clock" Says Bronya, making both Kiana and Rena look by the window that is already sunset.

"So we spend most of our time and classes here without knowing!?...nice" Says Kiana with a smile.

"Let's go back shall we" Says Bronya as they all started to leave the detention room together.

"And what do you all want for tonight?" Ask Mei.

"Uh!, I want RAMEN!!!" Answer Kiana.

"I prefer not to have something with soup" Answer Rena.

"Da Bronya just wants Tamagoyaki(Egg roll)" Answer Bronya.

As they walk by the hallway and speak to each other, an unknown individual hides behind the wall and peeks at them, but mainly focused on Rena.

"So that's the girl she mentioned, is she really what she said to be?" Ask the mysterious individual to itself before leaving in the opposite direction.













Bronya stops and looks back for a second before she continues walking again.

"Something the matter?" Ask Rena

"Da Bronya detects someone is spying on us for a moment and leaves second later" Answer Bronya.

"It's fine, It must have a student that still has work for their club" Says Mei as she reassures Bronya.

"Hope that is the case" Says Bronya.

"Also, where the hell you got that Exodia card?" Ask Rena as she looks at Kiana.

"Oh, that's also where the UNO card I found, there is a whole deck just made for that card" Says Kiana.

"Really" Ask Rena.

"Yeah, Not just one deck, I check there seems an old deck from the first series to the series that XYZ card I think" Answer Kiana as she showed a black card with the word Utopia

"No way, is stardust and red archfiend decks are also there too?" Ask Rena.

"Yup" Answer Kiana as she showed two white cards and then put it back in their own box

"Not just that, there seems to be a deck like Vanguard, Pokemon, Battle spirit, and other" Says Kiana as she shows a lot of single cards with "Pikachu" holding a fountain pen and a dragon called "Dragonic Overlord". "The note on the card said we can just take it," Says Kiana.

"Great, ain't missing this opportunity to have those. we shall play it later" Says Rena.

" I have a better plan, how about we play cards...On motorcycle" Says Kiana.

"What?" Says Rena." That is stupid, we don't even have motorcycles, and even if we did, we don't have licenses, let alone play cards" Says Rena.

"The indoor training ground has these sweets holograms, so we can make anything we want" Says Kiana as she leans closer to Rena's ears " even make monster in the cards appear like in the tv" Whisper Kiana which makes Rena smile

"Kiana, you're a Genius" Says Rena.