Cold Blooded

Hey, is Blank with another chapter. Hope you enjoy. 

Give me all your comments comrade.


"Shhh-Shh- Shhhit!" my words come out of frozen lungs as a jumble of probably unrecognizable words in as low of a crumble a baby could make. This has also been the only time my father and I have said the same thing at the same time, though, for completely different reasons, it is quite a note-worthy moment. I am hobbled under the floor in the warmest place in the house, technically wearing the most clothes in the house, and under a blanket that covers my whole body! Yet it doesn't seem like they are feeling it at all when they are monster-mashing basically out in the open when it is snowing pretty heavily.

I hope someday they will learn their lesson one way or another, but it is baffling that this cold is not stopping them. I swear it is colder right now than it was on Earth in the dead of winter, and it is not just cause I'm a malnourished baby in a shirt and blanket. If this is not stopping them then I kinda doubt my mother's pregnancy did. I swear to the red-haired woman If he poked me with that pecker of his, I will ask her to cut it off, you bastard!

There is nothing to do right now since it is winter, I can't go outside for obvious reasons, I can't get and weave grass since it is all covered in snow, and I can't do any exercise since my already malnourished body can't take it while relying on the food supply that is even less than I had at the start of my life. All I can do in my free time is listen to those lovebirds up there, and that is unwilling, and that is begging to be maddening.

I may start practicing meditation, it was always an interest of mine but I never really had time for it, I was always busy with something, whether it was cooking, business management, or watching anime with Sarah, or to talk to her about later. Though now seems like the perfect time, not just to block out the hunger, cold, and boredom, but to block out the ,red-haired woman, damn monster mashing above me. Honestly, I hate how this background noise is being saved into my hard drive like memory, never to be forgotten. If there is a limit on my memory and so much of it is being used on this shit, I'm gonna be pissed.

Though back to meditation, I've heard and also experienced while just trying to clear my mind, that the hardest thing is to not fall asleep and or be too unaware of your surroundings for something or someone to sneak up on you. Having either of those happen could be bad. Sleeping too much is bad and if something is able to sneak up on me with potential malicious intent, in an unfamiliar world like this could obviously be fatal. Well, the only place to start is to try it out.




It has been a week since I started, and the results have been, weeell they've been mixed. For starters most of the time I either can't tone anything out and can't clear my mind or I get too into it and fall asleep, which makes sense, I'm just starting it makes sense that I'm not great at it. When I do get it though it is too clear and I can't listen for anything without breaking my trance. I'm not counting getting in too deep as a con for now as I can fix that later as long as I can get into it in the first place. Right now reminds me that I'm still pretty much just a normal guy, makes me wish I had a teacher, sure I remember all those fake guru videos on YouTube but most of those don't work at all and some only a little, trust me I've tried. Plus having someone more experienced than you and a master at their craft, in person to guide you will help you progress 10 fold.

Eventually, though I will get it, and even the bit I have now has helped me immensely with my current problems. Rewarding yourself for the small things is how you stay sain, Eventually this will be over and I will come out stronger. For now, though I should just keep practicing, I'm getting cold again.

I'm approaching 11 months old, and even malnourished I can feel the physical difference. I don't exercise due to the lack of food and the weather but I do flex my small muscles every now and I can definitely feel the difference. Just a note but I'm making sure to stretch too, If combat is at all relevant in this world being flexible and dextrous is a must. If these seasons are like Earth's, which they seem like based on my birth and the coming of fall, then winter should be almost over. I have also dug a small hole, for an adult, with my little strength for more insulation with the dirt all around me. It helps quite a bit, helps me clear my mind from the ney-unbearable cold, now it's only mind-numbing. It was actually quite the task, it took a week of pretty good work ethic to dig, and the permafrosted ground didn't help.

For my quest at meditation, I'd say I nearly perfected it, With me able to remember every thought that I've thunk and what works and what doesn't I can clear my mind in an instant and zone out for hours, I could go for longer but then I would starve to death, if I miss even a single rationed meal I'm pretty sure I will die, even with these stronger bodies, and be aware of anything new that happens around me. Fun fact, my perfect memory gets exponentially useful the longer something takes. Having more and more information every attempt, seeing which combos work and which don't only allows me more to work with, failure is a great tool but even more so for me. Eventually, I combined combos with combos, and then I took what worked and what didn't and tried again. Over and over and over again, with nothing but freetime and a subject that interests me, there is not much that could stop me.

With all this, I was also developing another skill that goes hand and hand with meditation. Focusing, seems simple, and it is but most people have trouble with it, but I'm not even just talking about normal focusing. I'm taking hyper-focusing days on end. Unlike with meditation, I did need to stop this as I ate. Analyzing what works and what doesn't need to stop while eating. For good or worse even after waking up my mind would be back on what it was previously thinking about unless something new was happening then I'd forcefully stop my thoughts and focus on what was new.

To a much lesser extent, however, but still there, I believe I've increased my analytical ability, I think I can think a little faster and a little more in-depth, the latter perhaps only because of habit. That might be because it's been pretty much the only thing I've done for 3 and a half months. I wonder if this will continue at the same rate or at all since I don't remember anything like this happening at all in my last life. I will leave that for future investigation when I have more info.

I think I've handled this winter pretty well, nearly dying every other day is fun and all but I think I had my fill on day 1. After this is over may God fear my productivity! I hope I don't burn out and become a bum. For now, back to my hibernation-esque meditation.