Apartment Agreement Agreed?

Gao Longwei's face fell dramatically.

He had not expected this at all. Wasn't the proclamation he made too child snatcher like? Why was the moon goddess testing him this way… There was no way he could take very much more of this.

An underage mate was fine, but one that was half a decade too young was far too much trouble. He was obviously not going to act on any of his urges, but the moon goddess just seemed to be testing him so much.

He hadn't thought this far.

To him it was natural that if he found his mate that would be no different from finding a carrot or an onion on the roadside. He would pick it up if he was in the mood to, or leave it there if he wasn't. It wasn't going to be something that he was going to debate very much.

At least it wasn't something he thought would influence him this much.

Somehow, though, the tables had turned, and he was the one desperately chasing after his mate while his mate beat him up or abandoned him as she pleased. On top of that she was a whole 10 years younger than him, and a long shot from being an adult.

It was like dangling a carrot, but not in front of an affluent CEO, but a starved pig. The only problem was that the carrot was poisonous and the bite could not be taken.

If Gao Longwei were to try to pursue a romance with his mate while she was still underage, wouldn't that make him like the scummy alphas that he often mocked? Would that not be too hypocritical of him?

Gao Longwei could bear most insults, but a hypocritical pedophile? No way.

"When you come of age you can consider it." he finally sighed after racking his brains for any other solution, and nearly giving himself a mental breakdown.

He rubbed his head awkwardly and stared at the laughing Feng Jiao.

Feng Jiao was full of mirth after torturing a rich CEO. She could read his expressions perfectly even though they were extremely subtle.

First was denial, his nose slightly scrunched up and his forehead wrinkled ever so slightly. If you weren't a movement detecting bot like Feng Jiao there was no way that you would notice these movements.

To someone normal there wouldn't be any movement at all. It was as if he was a statue.

Then was anger, where he tightened his fists and the muscles on his arm began to bulge under his full sleeved white shirt. Feng Jiao had a thing for veins, btu she simply hadn't realized it yet.

Thus it was understandable that she felt overwhelming joy looking at the veins on Gao Longwei's arms bulging. Feng Jiao did have a thing for men taller and stronger and bigger than her. It was the feeling of being protected that she enjoyed, and she didn't really like men weaker than her.

She could tell that Gao Longwei was no easy opponent. Even when she was beating him up, she realized that he was holding himself back from accidentally injuring herself.

While it felt nice to be protected and for once be treated like something fragile and precious, Feng Jiao also disliked it ever so slightly that Gao Longwei wasn't coming at her. It made her feel like he didn't see her as an opponent, and wasn't bothering at all.

She felt as if she was a cat, scratching away at its owner who was simply laughing and petting her back.

The whole truth was that Feng Jiao wasn't too confident of beating Gao Longwei up if he attacked her back.

But… Feng Jiao was completely confident in blowing him up, or stabbing him if she had a knife.

With hand to hand combat it was hard to fight someone far larger than you and heavier at that, but a sword or a bomb would take Gao Longwei out in seconds. A gun was the great equalizer. Or the great tranquilizer.

Feng Jiao had taken out many alphas and dominant alphas of Gao Longwei's size, but somehow she felt helpless against Gao Longwei, as if she would not be able to kill him.

That didn't stop her from beating the shit out of him though.

Now that Gao Longwei had suffered in silence for long enough, Feng Jiao finally gave him an answer like he was waiting for.

"Would that be safe for me? You seem like you would harass an underage girl like me because you're so big and threatening…" Feng Jiao stuttered.

Gao Longwei simply didn't know what to say to that. 'Oh, I'll get smaller and less threatening for you' didn't seem like a reasonable answer.

He stared blankly at her, and then said the only thing he knew as a CEO. Signing a contract.

"I'll sign a contract with you. If I harass you I'll give you my entire company. We can sign the document here." Gao Longwei wasn't exactly in the right state of mind seeing as he was offering his entire company in one shot, but he was desperate.

"Okay!" Feng Jiao laughed as she watched Gao Longwei draft out an entire agreement. This was a great victory in her eyes. Free money for even the slightest bit of an issue, and an agreement that he wouldn't mess with her with high stakes.

She sure was happy.

In his eyes anything that belonged to him would eventually belong to his mate. It was obvious that he would end up with her so it wasn't a big deal. The only problem was when he would end up with her.

If Feng Jiao were to form a nasty impression of him, there was next to no way that he would be able to get married to her any time soon. His best bet was slowly building a relationship with her.

Even if that relationship was bound to the status of renter and landowner.