Feng Jiao Gets Chauffeured Around Town

After Gao Longwei willingly signed over his entire company to his rather fickle mate, he finally looked at the smiling Feng Jiao, and the slightest hint of a smile appeared on his face as well.

He didn't mind Feng Jiao taking his entire company. It really wouldn't be a very big deal. His parents wouldn't care, and in the worst case scenario if she messed with the company in a way she shouldn't have, he could just build a new one for her.

Companies were easy to build, and if you had enough money you could multiply it with enough financial ability.

Gao Longwei most definitely had that financial ability.

If he hadn't had it there was no way he would've been able to take an almost ruined company from its previous owners and build it up from the ground and into the sky.

He wasn't one of those second generation rich boys who had simply had their names signed on to their companies at the time of birth. Sure, he had a company he could inherit from his family, but that wasn't a big deal to him, and he had no plans of inheriting it.

The entire Gao family was a long line of alphas and dominant alphas who owned a huge chunk of the country after the financial revolution. They were basically one of the major stakeholders in the country's future.

While they were on paper, a company that produced energy from multiple sources, they owned multiple companies they had bought out over the years and were thus much bigger than one would think.

Sure, a company that produced 77% of the country's energy would be expected to be big, but Gao Longwei's family owned much more than just that. As the sole child of his father, Gao Longwei was probably going to inherit everything.

His cousins had a chance of inheritance, but they were all too involved in their own career paths to care.

In short, the Gao family would probably not find an heir unless Feng Jiao were to somehow bankrupt Gao Longwei. And that was basically impossible.

Feng Jiao was someone who was satisfied with very little. As an orphan whatever she got in the orphanage was all she got. There was no time for her to cultivate expensive tastes.

Even now, Feng Jiao had a pretty huge amount of money sitting in her bank that she really didn't want or need to spend. The only thing she wanted was some macarons and now that she got them she was done.

After she bought her house, her expenses would definitely increase, but definitely not enough to make a dent in her big fat wallet that had been accumulating money for some time now.

Especially if the most expensive things she wanted were street food and some slippers since her old ones broke. And maybe some of those fancy bath exploding things that were filled with colored salts. Feng Jiao wanted one or two of that as well.

First she had to make sure her house had a bathtub though.

Luckily for her, Gao Longwei was driving her to the house right now.

Gao Longwei had ditched secretary Lan at the realtor's place with his friend and was now driving his rather expensive car to the house they had just agreed on.

While it was quite far from Gao Longwei's own house, Gao Longwei felt some sort of joy in having Feng Jiao live in a house that was technically his. It felt as if they were somehow already in a relationship with him, but he also knew he was deluding himself with such thoughts.

As they drove down the empty streets, Feng Jiao who was sitting right behind Gao Longwei in the car, felt as if she was being chauffeured around.

It was a new and rather novel experience for her, but she was enjoying it quite a bit. She crossed her legs and relaxed as she leaned backwards to get herself into the comfy seats of the car.

The black leather of the car didn't get warm from the sunlight because the car's windows were tinted black like one of a celebrity. Feng Jiao was really feeling like a celebrity at the moment. The car was just so luxurious and comfortable.

Gao Longwei was a little bummed out by where Feng Jiao was sitting.

While he had invited her into his car, and then ran to the seat next to the driver's seat and held the door open for her, by that time Feng Jiao had already sat herself down in the backseat and was looking very very comfortable.

Gao Longwei thus, felt a tad bit of pity toward himself but he was happy enough that Feng Jiao had agreed to sit in his car. After all she seemed like a pretty nervous girl who suspected everyone of having ulterior motives.

Gao Longwei loved that her scent was filling the car. It was a mild peach scent that felt almost sickly sweet. It suited her quite a bit and Gao Longwei suddenly felt a craving for peaches.

While Feng Jiao wasn't a werewolf, she was mated to one, so the pheromones she gave out paired up with Gao Longwei's receptors and thus constantly tempted him.

On top of that Feng Jiao was someone who enjoyed peaches quite a bit. The macarons she had had earlier were peach flavored, her shampoo was peach scented and even her hand cream was peach scented.

Perhaps it was because the peach products always came in her favorite color, a light coral, that she was always tempted to buy those things, but she also liked peaches themselves.

She stared out of the window as they passed by more and more empty roads and finally reached the area near her school, where she had bought her house.

Gao Longwei parked the car out in front of the house and then managed to step out in time to open the car door for Feng Jiao.

"Welcome to your new house!" he said with a slight smile.