Werewolf Hunting Princess Goes on Her First Date (4)

"Please leave your address here, Miss, we will deliver the trees to your house. They're difficult to carry around." the lady at the front desk smiled politely at the couple.

A few workers came out, each carrying a tree between two of them, and grunting as they did that. The trees were big and heavy, big enough to bloom, and heavy enough for the workers to fear letting their legs come directly under the tree, in case it fell on them.

With the size and weight of the trees, if they were to fall on their legs, they would undoubtedly be crushed. It wasn't something they wanted, of course.

But Feng Jiao was in a hurry to get out of there.

She wasn't sure about who hated Gao Longwei enough to stalk him all the way here, but she definitely wasn't in the mood to fight someone random. Fighting was fun and all, but it gets boring real quick when you do it for a living.

And even though Feng Jiao's last mission was quite a while ago, she wasn't exactly looking forward to her next one.

It was definitely going to be something incredibly unfun.

It was lonely at the top. As the best werewolf hunter in the country, she wasn't easy or cheap to hire. Thus, all the missions she got were particularly painful and rather nasty. She always had to fight off a mafia or something of that sort.

It was fun the first few times, but with the agency policing her, watching her every move like hawks, she couldn't do what made it fun to her.

There was no fun in sneaking into someone's room and slitting their wrists and sneaking away. It was far more fun to put fifteen bullets in their chest or blow them up, or even just dump them into the ocean. She was fed up with the number of missions where she had to frame the whole thing as suicide or something of that sort.

She was precise, but sometimes, too precise.

It is a little suspicious when someone is neatly hung in their room, or when someone's wrist has the most perfect line across it. The gangs often realized that it was her work.

If something was too clean, the werewolf hunting princess probably did it, was what the gangs often said. Feng Jiao didn't like how they hunted her down after every single mission. It was a terrible job indeed.

'I should quit and become a nurse or something!' Feng Jiao came to a sudden realization as she pondered about when her next job was going to come in.

She tugged on Gao Longwei's arms seriously, and he bent down to see what she wanted.

He was quite getting used to bending himself to reach Feng Jiao. He was probably getting more flexible as they spoke. It was rather cute.

The height difference only made for a more heart fluttering sight for the many spectators spying in on Feng Jiao's private business. They were quite enjoying this romantic drama playing out in front of them, but they were also setting off every single one of Feng Jiao's alarms in her head.

Gao Longwei looked seriously at Feng Jiao as the intensity of the stares increased.

He wondered if this had something to do with the murderous glares on him. Her face was looking quite serious after all.

As soon as his ears were close enough, she whispered sweetly into his ears, "How much math do I need to become a nurse?"

Gao Longwei thought for a long second before looking Feng Jiao up and down. He looked rather speechless, but answered her anyway, "You need to pass the university exam at the very least."

Feng Jiao had no choice but to pout.

It looked like there was indeed, no getting out of math for her. She was slightly grouchy, but the crowd was quite enjoying this show they were watching.

"Oh, he said something to make her angry! How is he going to appease her!"

"She's pouting, so cute! Why aren't you like that?" a boyfriend asked his girlfriend in the background, "You just hit me when you're angry."

In response to that, he got another smack on his hand from his girlfriend, and he had to take back his words to appease her, "That's cute too. Honey, please don't be mad at me~"

Feng Jiao watched as this played out in front of her, and she wasn't able to hear a single word of what they were saying. But she could definitely see what they were doing. She tugged on Gao Longwei's sleeve again, and pointed at the woman playfully smacking her boyfriend.

"You see that over there?" she asked, and waited for Gao Longwei's nod of acknowledgment and then continued with a knowledgeable smile, "That's called domestic abuse."

Gao Longwei nodded seriously. Indeed, the poor man was being beaten up in public. It was definitely domestic abuse in his eyes, "Should we call the cops?"

Feng Jiao thought for a second, "I'll call them when we're leaving. You go get two of those trees, I'll take the other one. I need one hand free to make the call."

She said this sentence out loud, and the lady at the front desk stared at Feng Jiao curiously, "Miss, your boyfriend looks like he works out, but there's no way he'll be able to carry two of those. And miss, how do you plan to carry-"

Feng Jiao directly walked over to the trees. Their roots were tied up in a cardboard box. They weren't too tall, only slightly taller than her. She didn't see how this was going to be hard to lift.

And under the watchful eyes of every person in the nursery, she lifted the tree with one hand, and then began dialing the police's number as she placed the tree over her shoulder casually.

"Hello, I would like to report a case of domestic violence." she whispered into the phone.