Somebody's Mad (2)

"Excuse me ma'am, you really do have the wrong person." Feng Jiao complained mid jumping jack.

Her stamina was still practically unbeatable, but she was starting to get annoyed. She was being held there for no fault of her own, and the lady didn't seem to understand that she indeed didn't belong there.

She was just there visiting, why exactly was she being made to exercise?

Luckily Feng Jiao enjoyed exercising so it wasn't too painful, but it was still a waste of time from her time allocated for going and seeing the fancy weapons that the military had.

Yes, she had wanted to see the training, but not this close and personal. She was not interested enough to suck it up and do whatever this lady said, for however long she told her to do it.

It looked like the hysterics had calmed down so Feng Jiao didn't mind asking now, but she was still a little bit scared. What if the woman snapped at her? She looked like the kind to snap. She was scared that this Kong Xiulan 2.0 was a lot stronger.

Feng Jiao could tell that this woman was strong.

She wasn't strong enough to hurt Feng Jiao, but she was still much stronger than anyone who wasn't a werewolf hunter at the agency. But then again, anyone who wasn't a werewolf hunter at the agency, was a researcher.

Researchers weren't exactly famous for their body building skills.

Feng Jiao watched the instructor's clean movements and felt like she was wasting time. This instructor was nowhere near as strong as her. She could probably take the lady out with one punch. It didn't make sense for her to stick around here.

None of the people here had enough of a height or weight advantage to offset her pure skill and strength. It was like Newton sitting through the third grade math class because some crazy lady told him to.

The instructor didn't appreciate Feng Jiao's struggles at all.

As Feng Jiao had expected, she snapped at her, "You may be skilled, but that doesn't mean that you can cut class. You will finish the class. You will not be leaving till you complete class and get my approval to leave."

Feng Jiao sighed and continued jumping on the spot.

This was so annoying.

The exercises that were tiring the rest of the soldiers out weren't enough to even make her break a sweat. She wanted to just get done with this. It was like poking at a pillow with a needle for no reason, for hours.

Thai wasn't even going to help her in any way.

If it would help her build muscle or something, Feng Jiao definitely wouldn't be complaining as much. But no, it was simply making her bored out of her mind. She didn't want to do this any longer. It was not fun, and it was not useful.

There was no worse combination. It was pointless in more than one way.

She was getting bored of doing the same things over and over again. This lady didn't even change the exercises they were doing. It wasn't helping the slightest.

Actually, instructor Xi was waiting for Feng Jiao to get tired before she switched the exercise, but Feng Jiao wasn't getting tired no matter how long she waited. It was like Feng Jiao was inexhaustible.

Instructor Xi felt the jealousy rise again as she looked at Feng Jiao's pretty face.

Feng Jiao looked perfect while doing all the exercises. She didn't even have a drop of sweat on her forehead.

Instructor Xi was the kind who sweat easily, and would have all of her greasy hair stick to her sticky forehead and make her look like a drowned rat. The more she watched Feng Jiao, the more inferior she felt. She didn't like it.

She couldn't help but want to make Feng Jiao suffer, but the only one suffering was her.

Feng Jiao kept doing all the exercises like an experienced warrior, while instructor Xi starte tiring out pretty quickly. She really didn't think she could do this any longer. It was starting to hurt her chest, and her breathing was starting to get laborious.

She was doing the exercises with the rest of the recruits in the hope that when Feng Jiao got tired she would see instructor Xi still powering through, and then feel inferior, but that wasn't working in the slightest.

The opposite was happening.

There was nothing to be said to instructor Xi.

All of her confidence, built over all of these years, was being broken down by one tiny lady. And one that appeared to be a new recruit.

It was heart wrenching to be doing your best to make someone suffer, and them not even noticing. Instructor Xi felt queasy just thinking about how she was failing so badly at making Feng Jiao struggle.

Or maybe it was just the exercises getting to her.

Neither would be too unexpected.

Feng Jiao began whining again, talking at a speed that made it obvious that she wasn't out of breath in the slightest. She didn't even look tired. She just looked pissed off.

She had her forehead scrunched up, and she was looking a little bit rabid. She wanted to go see the big guns and cannons and instead she was being held captive to do endless jumping jacks. She really hated it so much.

"Please, you have the wrong person. Let me go already!" Feng Jiao was so done that she began pleading, "This is so boring. I really want to leave."

Instructor Xi was trying to make her plead all along but not like this. This felt like a loss on her part. All of her soldiers were sitting collapsed on the ground as Feng Jiao demanded to leave.

So instructor Xi took her final shot at humbling Feng Jiao.

"Fine. If you're so desperate to leave, fight with three soldiers I chose. If you beat them all you can leave." instructor Xi said with a grin.