Many Generals, Too Much Trouble (3)

Indeed, the chances of Feng Jiao attracting unwarranted attention at school were too slim to actually be true. There was no way that she attracted military attention at school of all places.

Had Feng Jiao been running around doing missions when this came out, the boss wouldn't have been nearly as suspicious, but since it was from her school , he couldn't help but wonder what could have caused this to come out.

"Do you know who might have sent it out?" the boss asked with a frown.

He needed to know which fool sent out a hit order for the best werewolf hunter, to kill that very werewolf hunter. It was ridiculous and the boss didn't want to hear anymore of it. The more he heard, the more annoyed he got.

Whoever sent out the order was in for an earful from the general and also the boss.

The two of them were already a little bit ticked off about having to meet through official work like this. This sort of work was going to cause both of them a lot of paperwork.

For every mission refused, the agency needed paperwork from the boss, and for every mission requested, the military base needed paperwork from the general. This was just one set of paperwork after the other.

Whoever sent out this useless mission was going to be fired or demoted, no doubt.

There were only a few people at the base who had access to sending out missions, and the general didn't need to think too much about where to find them. He could simply call them into the base and grill them till one of them answered.

One of them had to have sent it.

The stamp on the paper that the boss had shown him was from his base, there was no question about it. The only question was which fool stamped it.

Depending on their rank, there was either a demotion or firing in order.

"Call in these three." the general sent out a list of names with a soldier that had been standing guard outside his tent.

He knew that one of those three had sent out the order, and whoever it was, that person was really not going to survive very long indeed. His temper was rising, and the heat wasn't helping. He was frustrated that after meeting a close friend after so many years, itw as because of someone's incompetence.

A fake mission? Whoever sent that out was really tarnishing his name.

There was no point in whitewashing this. Whoever did this knew that they were causing trouble, but still did it. There was going to be a big punishment in order.

The general had lost a lot of face in front of the boss today. It was like saying that he couldn't even keep his own camp in check, and there were people sending out orders without his consent. It was simply ridiculous.

The general was so furious that the guard did not walk, he sprinted.

He instantly ran out to the other generals who were all of lower rank than the general and the boss, and fetched them. They all reported to the general so it was no big deal for them to be summoned, let alone in a big group like this.

None of them even suspected that they were in trouble.

After all, what would the general want to call all three of them for at once? If he had to scold them it would be one at a time. There was no reason to call all of them.

Of course, it could be a public shaming, but the general was far too kind to go through with something like that. He was usually quite lenient with punishments and what not else, so they took him pretty casually when it came to punishments.

But they had long forgotten the strict man that the general could be.

This was disrespecting his authority, so there was no way that the offender would get away with this easily. Whatever they were punished with was going to be quite painful and a lot of work.

Or they were going to get fired.

Or maybe both.

The general impatiently tapped his feet as he waited for the others to be brought in.

"I apologize on our camp's behalf. I am very sorry that you and your granddaughter had to go through the pain of seeing a fake report simply because some fool sent it out without asking."

The boss nodded sympathetically at the general and sighed. He hadn't been looking for an apology from the general at all. He was looking for whichever fool had dared to try to kill their precious werewolf hunting princess.

He was not going to spare that person.

The boss was somewhat harsh when it came to things like this, but he was exceptionally harsh when it concerned Feng Jiao's safety. Feng Jiao was their treasure, their great ancestor. If she got hurt, it was unlikely that anybody at the agency would be able to work like a normal person.

Plus, the agency was mostly used specifically for Feng Jiao and her dominant alpha killing skills.

There was no reason for the agency to be as big or secretive if they were just making and testing ideas for poisons and weaponry.

The three accused slowly enter the hall with their heads hung high. This was infuriating the general even more. He had brought the fools out to scold them, and instead they were gossiping amongst each other.

He truly needed to beat some sense into the men in front of him, or the camp would fall into chaos sooner or later.

He could not trust these careless and foolish men with the future of the camp. He could not keep being relaxed to give them space to grow.

"Which one of you fools sent this out!" he waved the sheet of paper in the air, with fury obvious on his face.