Many Generals, Too Much Trouble (4)

None of the people in the rooms wanted to make eye contact with the furious general. They knew that the second they would, they would lose their jobs.

The general was usually a kind man but when his pride was on the line, there was never a time when he wouldn't bash people till they cried. He could not take disrespect, and placing top secret orders without letting him know was disrespect.

It was ignoring his authority.

He would never want anyone ignoring his authority. After all these years as a general, he had worked so hard to bring the people in the room up the ranks, and this is how they were going to repay him?

He was furious to say the least.

The three people were a colonel general, a major general, and Akemi's uncle. All three had equally guilty looks on their faces and didn't dare say anything.

Every word they said would be damning evidence against them. They knew that it simply wasn't worth it. Not a single one of them thought that the general would let them off the hook after a crime of this order.

Not a single one of them thought that he wouldn't roast them alive and feed them to the dogs.

The boss watched as the general grilled the people in front of him. He would never feel pity on them since this involved Feng Jiao, despite her not committing any crimes. One of these people was trying to use the harshed methods possible, to kill a teenage girl.

The more the boss thought about it, the more angry it got him.

Had Feng Jiao not been part of the agency, there was no doubt that they would have believed the military report. That would have ended in the death of an innocent civilian. It was too ridiculous to think of, and the boss didn't even want to consider the fact that it might have happened before.

It was not his place to be going around trying to investigate the people he had gotten orders to kill. He had to do a bunch of paperwork to refuse an order as well.

The boss was suddenly realizing that maybe his agency wasn't exactly the most just.

The chances of the drug lord dominant alphas that Feng Jiao killed being innocent was slim, very slim. Practically impossible if we were to be honest. But that didn't account for the hundreds of other alphas that had been killed in the name of being spies and what not else.

The boss decided that he was going to have to reinvestigate each and every time a mission came in. He couldn't let another one like this slip through the cracks.

While the chances of the military, or whoever was placing the order messing up was slim, it was never impossible, and he had found this out in the worst way possible.

The boss suddenly wanted to check if Feng Jiao was alright.

He didn't know where it was that she had run off to.

No one was admitting to the crime as the boss's mind wandered off. They were all standing there quietly, heads hunched, as the general waved the sheets of paper in front of their face, still yelling.

He was not going to calm down any time soon.

"If none of you tell me who it was, all three of you will lose your ranks." the general wasn't taking any more waiting. He was done trying to reason with the people who refused to listen to him.

If they weren't going to answer him willingly, he was going to pry an answer out of their mouths forcibly. He was not going to let them just get away with this.

Instantly two of them kneeled on the ground, swearing that they weren't the ones who sent it out. That only left Akemi's uncle, who was standing there with a guilty look on his face. He wasn't sure of what to do right now.

All the leads would trace back to him the second that the general decided to go investigate this deal. There was no point in hiding it.

He hadn't thought that the general would be this furious, but now he knew better. The general still had the temper he had many years ago, he just knew how to control it now. Still, major general Zhou, Akemi's uncle, was not at all worried about what the general would do.

He was too soft to actually do anything.

So major general Zhou bent his head and then began apologizing, "It was my mistake, general."

The general didn't ask for an explanation like major general Zhou thought he would. He didn't even say anything for a couple of seconds.

The two on the floor knew that they were safe now that the real culprit had confessed. They picked themselves up and dusted their clothes. The dirt wouldn't show on their camo clothes, but they did it anyway.

They slowly excused themselves to the back of the room where they stood to watch the drama unfold. This was going to be the most interesting thing that they were going to see in a while.

The previously stifling atmosphere now felt like the suspenseful scenes in a movie hall to the two who were now proven not guilty. Neither had any more worries. They were enjoying watching whatever it was that was going on.

They knew that major general Zhou was in some major trouble. They hadn't seen the general this angry in a very long time. They were almost sure that this was the end of the line for major general Zhou.

And their suspicions were proven right.

The general pulled out a folder full of empty papers and signed and stamped the bottom of one. It only took him a few minutes to fill it out and then hand it to major general Zhou who was standing in front of him.

"Major General Zhou, you are fired." the general barked at Akemi's uncle, "Dishonorable discharge."