Many Generals, Too Much Trouble (6)

All five people in the room turned to look at instructor Xi, who had just barged into the room without any warning.

Even Akemi's uncle, who was begging on the floor, cocked his head to take a look at whatever this lunatic was going on about. Every single person who came into the camp was scanned and checked. There was no way that someone would be able to sneak in without permission.

There were soldiers all over the perimeter.

There was not a single blind spot where someone could sneak in. It was almost impossible to sneak in and out of the camp. Even if someone managed to get in, their chances of getting out were so slim that it was useless sto even try to leave.

The general didn't believe for a second that someone had managed to break in, but these were serious accusations. If there was indeed a spy in the camp, that was a threat to national security, and he couldn't just ignore it.