Many Generals, Too Much Trouble (7)

Instructor Xi thought she had some irrefutable evidence. But the problem was that all of her evidence was trash. It was barely evidence if you thought of it hard enough.

She was simply wasting her time and the general's time right now.

But the smug grin on her face showed that she was obviously proud of finding out whatever it was that she had found out. She was a little too smug for the general's liking, especially after being dragged out when he was reprimanding someone.

He didn't have the energy to deal with this, and now that he had seen the registry, he was even more sure that his camp would fall to shambles if he was to leave any time soon. He needed to train someone new for his position, but there was no one worthy of the rank yet.

It took a minimum of eight to ten years of experience to get a junior general rank, and all the people who had stuck it out, had greed on their minds. He couldn't promote the people he liked simply because they didn't have enough experience.

He didn't know what to do with the camp.

He could stick it out here for a maximum of another five or six years, but he knew that the second he left, the entire camp would go wild and begin doing things that he would never approve of.

The general was so scared of this that he didn't even bother hunting for a replacement.

He needed to go with the flow and hope that someone showed up, who had the skill and passion to become a general, without being motivated by greed

He looked at instructor Xi and saw the greed practically pouring out of every pore on her body. She was lusting after praise and some sort of reward for whatever it was that she had found. Too bad for her, it was a useless find.

"As I expected, it's your card. Feng Jiao came here. It's no big deal." the general said calmly before he turned away.

He didn't say another word to instructor Xi. There was nothing to say. If he talked to her any longer he would most definitely scold her for wasting his time. This was a legitimate concern so he didn't say anything.

At least she had the presence of mind to report something unusual.

The general patted the boss's back and then walked off. There was nothing more to be said over there, he was better off heading back to the room so they could sit down and talk over a cup of tea or some snacks.

They weren't done talking.

This was the second time that they had been rudely interrupted, first by the news of some sort of lunatic sending out fake missions, and now by a false report.

Instructor Xi had no clue of what to do, but soon realized that whatever she was doing was wrong. The man the general was speaking to was obviously powerful. If his card had access to everything, and he trusted the girl enough to give her the card, there was no doubt that they were both quite powerful.

She was better off not saying anything more.

She had lost this one. The fight was over even before she could fight it. They had declared her useless, and now it was obvious that she had no more ground to stand on.

That young lady was so much more high ranking and more powerful than her. There was nothing to be said about how she could face her anymore. She was just too much above her rank for instructor Xi to face head to head.

Instructor Xi wanted to fight Feng Jiao, not physically, since she would lose that for sure, but mentally for sure. She wanted Feng Jiao to feel some sort of anguish, but she didn't know how to make her feel it.

She had no power over Feng Jiao, she had no way to make Feng Jiao feel anything.

She was truly powerless over here. She was not in the position to face off against anyone at all.

Feng Jiao knew that whatever instructor Xi could do to her was pointless. Feng Jiao was above instructor Xi in every way shape or form. She was stronger, smarter, prettier and even cooler.

Feng Jiao had every single advantage in the book.

This only meant that instructor Xi was helpless. She knew that this was not a battle that she could fight so she could only suck it up and lick her wounds in private. No one wanted to see her sulk anyway.

So with a heavy heart, instructor Xi gave up and headed back to her class.

The boss and the general had long reached the room they had previously been sitting in, and the only difference in the room was that there was no one else in there, and now one singular major general badge sitting on the table.

Major general Zhou had been dealt with.

The general and the boss got back to gossiping about their lives after leaving the army troop that they had been in together. The only thing that the boss was waiting for was Feng Jiao to come back so that they could leave.

Both he and the general knew that the military base was one of the most uncomfortable places to be sitting around in.

The chairs were uncomfortable, the weather was uncomfortable, the people were uncomfortable. It was all a painful cycle of not very comfiness. The boss was so fed up with it that he was completely ready to get back home, that very instant.

All he needed was for Feng Jiao to come back.

Feng Jiao, as if she had heard his prayer, had finally found her way to the tent where the boss and the general were sitting. She casually entered the tent with a small grin.

"I'm back." Feng Jiao chortled as she leaped into the chair next to the boss.