Buying Over a Werewolf Hunting Princess (1)

"Looks like you had fun." the boss patted Feng Jiao's head and then looked back at the general as he spoke, "What were you saying?"

The boss tried to resume his conversation with the general, but realized that he was staring at Feng Jiao with undisguised interest. He was specifically staring at Feng Jiao's movements. It was like he was analyzing her movements, and the boss didn't like the look of that.

He was trying his best to keep Feng Jiao hidden, but it was as if she couldn't make herself stand out less.

Her very first trip to a military camp as she was already getting into trouble.

The very first time she came here, and she still dared to run off in different directions, and it looked like she had beaten up that instructor lady. The boss could tell from the bruising on her face, and the way she walked, that the lady had been beaten up.

Who else would dare beat up an instructor other than the great demoness herself, Feng Jiao?

The boss knew very well, the ranks and hierarchies of the military. Nobody would dare beat up an instructor in the fear that they would make them do more exercise or torture them in some sort of covert way.

The only person who wasn't bound to those hierarchies who could've given that lady her fresh wounds, was Feng Jiao.

Feng Jiao was really going wild, yet again, but it was his fault for leaving her unsupervised when he knew how much trouble she usually caused. It was dumb of him to expect her to sit in one place an dnot cause trouble when he gave her free access to wherever she wanted to go.

And even if he hadn't given her that access, she could've easily used her own card to get in.

Her card had just as many access places as his. Amongst all of the werewolf hunters, as the strongest one, and most strategic one who the government couldn't afford to lose, Feng Jiao was given all sorts of benefits.

Her pay was higher, and she had no idea of the benefits that she wasn't making use of.

After all, who was going to explain tax benefits and what not else to a fourth grader who wanted to go punch werewolves or something. Feng Jiao had a rather short amount of patience when it came to listening to things, and it was pointless to explain to her.

The boss made up his mind to sit her down and explain everything to her.

Now that she had her own house, it would be good for her to learn these things. She had to learn to do all these things sooner or later. Right now she didn't have to pay taxes since they were automatically deducted from her salary, but sooner or later she would quit her government job.

Non government job holders needed to pay their taxes by themselves.

Feng Jiao would have permanent tax benefits, but she didn't even know how to use them.

Feng Jiao didn't even know how to file taxes, let alone that she had tax benefits.

He sighed helplessly as the general chattered on with Feng Jiao for a couple of minutes. The two of them were really hitting it off, and they were gossiping more than he and the general had been gossiping.

They were even talking about random things that the boss was no longer interested in. He had thought that as soon as Feng Jiao would come back, they would be able to leave, but it looked like Feng Jiao was having too much fun to leave.

He didn't want to say too much, but Feng Jiao was really having fun.

He hadn't seen her gossiping around like that with someone that wasn't from the agency. He didn't want to stifle her being able to make friends, no matter how old those friends were.

He also knew that the general was a good man, and would never try to make Feng Jiao uncomfortable. He was a good ally for her to have, there was no harm in letting the two of them get along at all.

Suddenly the conversation began shifting as Feng Jiao and the general began showing off their biceps and other muscles.

The boss had long stopped working out, and there was no way that he could compete with the two of them, but it was fun to watch them go crazy over something as innocent as muscles. It was almost funny to watch the two of them interact.

The boss watched as Feng Jiao fell back into her chair with a laugh, and then scolded the general casually.

The boss had suddenly become the third wheel in the conversation going on, and he didn't like the idea of that, but what could he do? He didn't have any muscles to show off. All he could do was hope for them to eventually include him in the conversation.

But it didn't look like that was going to happen any time soon.

Feng Jiao wasn't giving out any details of her being an agent, but she was still spilling all the information about her school life, that the boss had barely heard of, to the general. He was starting to feel a little bit jealous.

The general had his own grandchildren, why was he trying to steal the only one that the boss had picked up? It wasn't fair on his part.

But what could the boss even say?

He just sat there, pouting instead.

But rather than one of them noticing that the boss was pouting, the general said something that made the boss pout even more. He was getting grumpier and grumpier the more the general spoke. It was no fun listening to whatever they had to say.

But what the general was saying was starting to tick him off.

Right in front of him, he was trying to poach Feng Jiao!

"Have you considered joining the army?" the general said with a smile.