Chapter 23

A white wolf was running along side a mountain trail. Soon it arrived on a clearing where it found two people sitting there. They both turned around at the same time and saw her coming.

"Eli how come you are here? " Crystal asked

Elina smiled and sat beside her and said "I skipped work, like you two skipped training"

Lukas laughed "That is good, I thought you are here to drag us back. " He said with a teasing smile at which Elina rolled her eyes.

"Where is Em? " Crystal asked smiling she looked better then before

" She looked tense so Cassius took her out on a date. " Elina replied

"Tense? Is it about Ethan not finding his mate? " Lukas asked

" You know " Elina said surprised

" Yeah we heard about it. I don't think Ethan will agree but their concerns are not wrong either. What is going to happen? " Crystal asked a little worried

" I don't know Crys. But I believe that he will make a right decision. " Lukas said. He has seen Ethan act and he may look like nice and agreeing to anything but when it comes to important matters he can be quite stubborn.

" Forget it. Let's not dwell not it. " Crystal said shaking her head. She turned around and looked at Elina and said " When are starting, did you receive any news "

" There is some sighting of rouges around the areas but just fighting them is not enough, we need to find the source of the problem. " Elina said her voice laced with worry. Unless she does not understand the cause and consequence of the situation she would not blindly engage in a fight.

Lukas frowned and asked " How many packs have been attacked so far? "

" More than 30 and nearly 10 reported of unusually large number of rogues around their territory. Thankfully there is not much loss and barely any lives lost. " Elina replied

" Are they trying to test the borders? " Crystal asked hesitantly

" I am afraid you are right " Lukas said gravely

A tense silence surrounded them.

" But why? " Crystal whispered

Elina shook her head " There is one more thing " She looked a little hesitant and glanced at Lukas then said " I have reports of your previous pack been attack although no one was injured. It is still good to take precautions. If you don't want to go there someone else will go. "

" I won't go either or I will beat that piece of shit the moment I saw him " Crystal said angrily. If it is left to her she would not even help them but they can't be capricious.

Lukas was taken back then smiled slightly " It doesn't matter. There are still people in the pack who looked after me. I will go but not now. "

" That is fine. The pack is strong, it can hold itself if they ask for help we will see it then " Elina said carelessly

Both Elina and Crystal smiled at each other. They wanted the pack to suffer a bit. They could not go there themselves to settle the account so doing this is not wrong either.

While Lukas rolled his eyes and glanced helplessly at them. He knew very well what the two were planning but did not bother with them. He did not hate them neither did he like them all the feelings have long been gone, just him....

" Hey Luke let's go back. It's getting late and I am hungry. " Crystal said standing up

" Why not we hunt today? I don't want to go back." Elina said

The other two were surprised and then quickly agreed. It's been a long time that they have hunted together so there were all ready to go.

When the three returned it was already late and no one was around and the entire house was silent.

" I am going to catch up on some sleep " Crystal said and yawned

" Good Night then. " Elina said

" You are not going to sleep " Lukas asked

" No I have to finish some work. Won't take more than an hour " Elina said

" Let me help you then " Lukas said

" No need. Go to your room and take Crys with you. " Elina said and pointed towards the girl who had fallen asleep in the middle of stairs

The sight of her made both of them laugh, Lukas shook his head and went to carry her up while telling Elina to get some rest soon.

The whole house was dark except for the office in which Elina was working. The only light in the room was from the computer she was working on.

Elina rubbed her neck to relieve the stiffness, she did not know how long she has been working looking at the time she knew she should rest. She sighed and began to clear up the mess on her desk when a notification sounded on her email.

She stood up the moment she saw the content of the message. She almost shouted on the mind link.

' Lukas Crystal in my office now. '

Her heightened hearing picked the sounds of running and at the same time two panicked voices sounded in the mind link

' Are you ok? '

' I am fine a pack has been attacked. We need to leave right now. Bring Cassius and Emma with you. '

After she talked to them, she mindlinked Marcus asking him to get the warriors ready. Before she could settle down the door of her office flew open.

" What happen? Which pack is attacked? " Crystal asked

" Silva pack. It is twenty miles from here. It is a small pack, a little over 500 people. They won't be able to hold for long. " Elina said while she spread the map on the table pointing out the location of the pack

" Then we should run. It will be faster if we take the shortcut from the forest. " Lukas said while looking over the map

" But we do not know that part of the forest. " Emma said

" I know I can lead. " Cassius spoke seriously

" Alright. Let's go " Elina said and walked out of her office. She did not have time to waste. So she almost ran out of the house.

In the clearing right outside of the house she saw Marcus and a group of warriors ready to go. Right beside her Lukas and Crystal came to a stop and behind them were Cassius and Emma.

" Everyone listen a pack is under attack. It is not too far from here so we will run there in our wolf forms. You all should open your mindlink and be very careful. " Elina spoke to the warriors and then changed into her snow white wolf.

Soon the sound of bones breaking filled the space and in no time many huge wolves came into view.

Cassius carried Emma and ran first after him were Elina Crystal and Lukas. Behind them were a large number of wolves. All the wolves ran one after the other. Despite their numbers their movements were quite.

Within an hour they arrived near the boundaries of Silva pack. They saw smoke rising from far which quickened their speed.

On the way to the pack house they saw few dead wolves and some gravely injured ones. Most of them were rogues as their smell was rotten while few of them were pack numbers.

' Beca see if any pack member is alive among them. If they are help them. ' Elina spoke through mind link

' Yes Your Highness ' was the immediate reply

Beca took few people to check the survivors. Emma joined them in helping too. While the rest of them ran towards the place they could they could hear growling and snarls.

Tre trees around the pack house was burning some wolves were desperately trying to stop the fire while the alpha beta and rest of the warriors were injured and yet fighting the rogues.

All the wolves jumped into the fight helping the pack members. Elina pounced on a yellow wolf who was aiming for a small brown wolf's neck. She did not stop and killed rogues.

Soon the rogues realized that they were in disadvantage situation so they turned around and ran.

' Mile take few people and give chase. ' Elina said to a warrior

' Right away Your Highness ' Came the reply and few wolves ran after the rogues

Elina turned back and saw Lukas and Crystal coming toward her, both of them looked serious. Cassius had went to look for Emma. All of them had blood on their bodies.

" Anyone injured? " Elina asked

" No one from our side but the pack members have severe injuries. " Crystal said

" Your Highness " Before Elina could reply she heard a man's voice behind her. She turned around to see a middle aged man who is apparently the alpha of this and a young girl right beside him. They both were looking at her thankfully.

" Hello I am Elina. These are my friends Crystal and Lukas " Elina said and gave a small smile

" I am Jared alpha of this pack. And this is my daughter Rebecca. Thank you for helping us and also for saving my daughter. " The man Jared said

It was then Elina realized that the little brown wolf was this girl. So she smiled " There is no need for that, it is my duty. Many of your wolves are injured I have a witch who is helping with healing if there is anything please tell me. "

The alpha looked excited and repeatedly said thanks and brought all the injured wolves to get treatment. Three of them too gave a hand and carried people to get treated.

Pack doctors were running around while Emma and Elina were treating them with magic. All this while Rebecca followed Elina like a shadow as soon as she saw Elina reaching for something she would give it to her making others smile.

" I have left a boundary spell here so only the pack members could others would need explicit permission from the alpha. " Emm said while leaning on Cassius. She was really tired she had treated many wolves and after spending energy in doing boundary spell she was completely drained.

" I understand. Thank you very much. Please call me if there is any need. " Jared said behind him were some pack members. Like all wolves they recognize the leader who truly works for them and is strong and the girl in front of them fits it perfectly.

" Then we will take our leave " Elina said and shook hands with Jared. It was already morning and people over there must be worried. So they must leave now.

" Your Highness " Rebecca suddenly spoke

" What is it? " Elina smiled at the little girl

" Can I come see you? I want to fight like you, can you teach me? " She asked surprising everyone

" 7 a.m. at Northern Mountains. I will wait for you" Elina said and waved at her turned into a white wolf and ran away. After her ran all the rest of the like escorting her queen.

They all left leaving a cloud of dust in their wake but the members of Silva were still standing shocked.

Rebecca turned around and looked at her father and asked surprised " Dad you heard that Her Highness agreed. Maybe I can fight like her too. "

Jared looked at her and a proud feeling surged into him and said " That does not mean I have forgotten you ran out without permission. " Thinking of almost losing his daughter still makes him scared so he admonished her carefully before telling her to get some rest.

" What do you think Jared? " His beta asked when it was just the two of them

" The tide is surging. No matter what she is better than that one. " Jared said thinking of the time he asked for help and yet there was nothing. If not for her timely arrival they all would have been dead. So no matter what he is thankful.