Chapter 24

Two years later.

"Your left, you are leaving it defenceless. And don't drop eye contact. " Elina said

Rebecca nodded her head while panting, beads of sweat ran down her face after hours of training.

"Come on Eli you are too hard on her. She has improved a lot. " Crystal said while flexing her muscles.

"Not enough. A true warrior does not quit. " Elina said glaring at Crystal.

Everyone felt a shudder run down them when Elina looked at them thataway except Crystal and Lucas who remain unfazed at her anger.

In the past two years, her temper has gone worse and not many wolves like being in her presence. The absence of her mate has sure taken a toll on her health but it was her work and friends who kept her sane.

"She has time to turn into a warrior, for now, come here and fight me. I need some exercise. " Lukas said laughing.

Elina glared at him too but still moved towards after telling Rebecca to get some rest who ran as if she was pardoned from a death sentence.

"You are going to regret this fight, dear Luke. " Elina said smirking, dropping the glare she knew didn't work on her friends.

"Make me. " Lukas said in a sing-song way annoying Elina and her wolf at the same time.

'He is challenging us. Let me show him. ' Liz growled in Elina's mind.

'And I am the short-tempered one. Liz, you need to relax. ' Elina told her and blocked her and

concentrated on the fight.

Alina let out all her frustration through the fight. They fought for more than an hour and finally lay down exhausted on the ground almost everyone had already left.

"That was simply great. " Rebecca said with amazement in her voice.

"You should go back now. " Lukas said while wiping his face.

"Can I stay longer? Please, I can help around. " Rebecca said pitifully.

"Alright but make sure you go back before sundown. " Elina said

"Yes," Rebecca cheered and ran off to find her friends.

"She will be a good Alpha one day. " Crystal said

Elina and Lukas both smiled slightly, over time all of them have become fond of the girl. Specifically, Crystal treated her like her own sister.

"Any news from the spies? " Lukas asked

"There is nothing of concern just Michael who was snooping around the southern border has not contacted me in a while. What do you think of it? " Elina reverted to her serious self.

"Southern border? Isn't the vampire's kingdom beyond that? " Crystal asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Do you think vampires are helping your brother or do you doubt these rogue attacks as they're doing? " Lukas asked with a frown

"I don't think royals are involved but someone is making trouble. More like I have a feeling that people are purposely straining the relationship between the vampires and werewolves. " Elina said

"And where does that trust comes from? I mean we can't trust those cold-blooded beings now, can we? " Crystal asked with slight disgust on her face.

"Now I hear some personal resentment, I never knew you didn't like vampires. " Lukas asserted.

Crystal rolled her eyes and said dismissively, "Feels cold to me that is all. It's not like I am going to wage a war against them or anything. "

Elina smiled "Alright, no one is fighting them not now at least, but be careful of them. And I do not trust them, I just have met their king Orpheus Capuano before, he strikes me as a dynamic diplomat and I feel that he won't attack unless we give him a reason to. But that certainly does not mean in any way that he is weak. "

"Fine, whatsoever, it's not like I have to meet him. Course he could be seen in only those important meetings of the council and I would rather pull out my fangs than sit through that torture. " Crystal said in a bored tone waving her hands dramatically.

Both Lukas and Elina were amused by her words, and they exchanged a glance. Of course, they knew better than putting her to something like that.

"Let's get back I am getting hungry now. " Elina said "And a lot of paperwork is waiting for me. "

"Let me get a shower then I will come to help you. " Lukas said walking beside her.

"Pardon me, my dear friends, I will go and check on the kids. " Crystal said and slipped away.

"She slips fast when it comes to working. " Lukas said with laughter in his voice.

"She never liked sitting in one place for a long time, and she would always get in trouble for this. " Elina said and a small smile crept on her face.

They went back to their previous discussion and walked back to the house or now a mansion they were living in.

"Healer's pack wants to have a meeting with you. They are severely disappointed in your brother when no help was given to them in the last attack. " Lukas said passing a file to Elina.

"Let them wait. They have always been haughty thinking they have Harvey's backing. And I am pretty sure that this request is because of the pressure of some leaders in the pack, their Alpha is a staunch supporter of Harvey. They have been friends for years. Most of the wolves in that pack have supported Harvey. " Elina said

"Isn't it better to not help them altogether?" Lukas asked

Elina sighed "They are, but the people of this kingdom, I can't ignore them. It goes against the values I pursue. "

Lukas pushed aside the papers in front of him, put his hands on the smooth mahogany table and leaned a bit. He looked straight into her eyes and asked "Why don't you say what you want to say? Stop beating the bush around and tell me directly. "

Elina smirked and leaned the same as he was but there was also some helplessness in her eyes which was difficult to ignore. And it bothered him to no end.

"Why are you so difficult to deal with?" she asked

"You still have not answered me."

"We can't ignore them anymore. I have received news that an attack would happen very soon. " Elina said seriously and looked deeply at him she tried not to miss a single expression on his face.

Lukas was taken back for a moment, he had not heard anything about his previous pack or a certain person thanks to Elina and Crystal's relentless efforts. Now that she is bringing it up that certainly means a decision has to be made.

"I will go. I need closure and my brother and mother are not here so they would not know about this. I will take the warriors I have been training. " Lukas said this with such determination that it surprised Elina.

"Are you sure? I can send someone else, if not that I can go myself, there is no need to force yourself. " Elina said softly

"If those people, who you train, heard this they would be shocked to no end. " Lukas said with a smirk.

Elina leaned back on her chair and with a smile, she said "You and Crystal are exceptions to every of my rule. Now, I want you to think it through and I wish you would make a decision that you will not come to regret. "

"Eli, I am not going there for him, I am going because it is my duty. My bond with him is over. I am sure he must have already found someone else by now. " Lukas said indifferently

Elina kept on smiling and agreed to let him go if that's what he wants but there was an obscure glance that she gave him which left him confused but he chose not to question it.