One month ultimatum

Gerard and I ate well but when the food was almost finished, he began to eat slowly, putting lesser quantity into his spoon.

I noticed this act of his but couldn't make any sense out of it. It felt to me like he was already satisfied given that he had already eaten before this.

Soon, the quantity became very little and he put it all in his spoon but instead of putting it in his mouth, he pushed it towards me catching me unaware.

I stared at him blankly surprised by this act of his. His calm bold voice then spoke. "If you don't eat it, I might just be tempted to do so."

I chuckled and ate the food anyway. This was the same thing my father used to do when we ate together. He always reserved the last spoon for me making me feel special.

I smiled and took the plate from the table but he didn't let me go.


"Huh?" I turned and looked at him sceptically. The food was finished so what did he want? Or maybe he wanted more food?

"Sit" he looked very serious compared to his expression a few moments ago.

"Oh!" I sat and clasped my hands together on the table. He looked like he wanted to talk about something very serious but I didn't know what it was.

It took some moment for Gerard to speak but he did after a thousand years of waiting.

"You don't like it here." he started and I wasn't sure if this was a question or a statement.

Come to think of it, compared to the life I lived before, this was actually like heaven but the only difference was I wasn't sitting at home all day doing nothing.

I wanted a life. I want to be someone of integrity and power. Someone with purpose. Even though it wasn't likely, I still wanted to try. And that wouldn't happen if I just seat at home all day doing nothing, would it?

I pursed my lips and although he looked unaffected by what my answer would be, I could read his eyes.

Anastasia and granny were still there but could barely hear the conversation between Gerard and me but they noticed the tense atmosphere.m and wanted to listen better.

"It's okay if you don't want to stay here, I understand but you need to know that the world out there is dangerous and..." his voice was cold yet calm before this who told him I didn't want to stay in the first place?

"I never said anything of that sort." he looked up and me undeniably shocked by my response.

I can't just up and leave now. I don't have anywhere to go and certainly, I will never go back to where I came from. Besides, staying here is not too boring.

"I have no problems with staying here. I must admit that the first month was not easy for me considering the situation that surrounded my arrival but now it's fine." I tried to make him understand that I was not going to run off again.

Anastasia and her counterpart moved closer and heard a little. Anastasia was pissed to hear that I was not leaving.

"Grandma, did you hear her? Gerard is offering to let her go but she still wants to cling onto him like a koala. How shameless." she was almost on the verge of crying as she complained.

The grandma's eyes turned dark. "This girl is a snake. She only looks innocent on the outside but in real fact, she is an unfortunate gold digger." she was breathing heavily like someone who was about to have a panic attack.

"But please I don't need a bodyguard." I said this part looking like I was going to die if I got a bodyguard and deliberately enunciated the 'need'.

He chuckled at my words but soon returned to his normal state. It was fascinating how at this moment, he could be smiling but in the next, he becomes like a man who looked like he would be beheaded for smiling.

"So you want to go alone?" he asked seriously with his brow raised as though he didn't like the idea.

I sighed and nodded. "Don't worry, I won't run off besides, I've got nowhere else to go."

He nodded but gave a condition. "You are allowed to go for a month alone but if I get any complaint in this month, I'll have to send a bodyguard. The outside world is dangerous and it wouldn't speak well of me if I don't watch out for you." I was expecting this anyway. It would be a surprise if he didn't give a condition.

"What are they talking about? Where is she going?" Anastasia could not help but ask but she was glad that I would be gone for a month or more.

"Does it matter where she is going? All that matters is you would have your time with Gerard without this maniac in your way." the granny was satisfied by this arrangement and couldn't hope for more.

"You're right granny. Now I can officially make my move on Gerard without the wench. This is going to be like a dream come true." she smiled widely and they both gave a high five before leaving the scene.

I stood and saluted at him "Ai ai captain."

"Everything is ready. You can start tomorrow." when I heard tomorrow, I was ecstatic. I was going to finally go to another environment tomorrow and that too, like a regular person.

"Really!" I asked happily.

"Ummm. Just make sure you don't get into trouble. And also, you would be taking a test to determine what level would be suitable. I figured you might want to do this your way so I didn't choose the level for you." Gerard could just snap his fingers and Ayla would be given a certificate but he felt that she would want to do it her way.

"Sure. Don't worry, I'll do great."