
After breakfast, he went to his study for some work while I went to my room. I didn't know why Gerard never left the house but I never bothered to ask since that was his business. Also, he spent most of his time in his study so I presumed that he worked from home.

In my room, I walked into my closet and I didn't know why that inner room usually felt to me like Chronicles of Narnia only that this wasn't a different world but a room filled with weapons more like a training room. Whoever used to stay here must have been a hunter or maybe the person just enjoyed having all these weapons.

I stood in front of the mirror and tied my hair in a bun. After Kara left Salem, I was all alone and training was harder than expected.

Unknowingly, I had forgotten a lot of things and this room was my only way of remembering who I used to be.

I picked up a bow and arrow and aimed for the target. Because I liked guns didn't mean I was restricted to only that. I knew how to use other weapons it was just that the gun was my favourite.

I aimed for the target and released hitting the centre. I guess I was still good after all.

I noticed a cupboard in the room and walked over. Of all the things in the room, this was one thing I had never opened.

The cupboard was locked and the key was nowhere in sight but who needed a key anyway?

I found some copper wires and fixed them to unlock the cupboard. Unlike other locks, this actually gave me a tough time but it yielded at last.

Inside the cupboard was a suitcase which was the only thing there. I drew the suitcase out to have a look at what was in it but unfortunately, it was locked and this time, it required a password which obviously I couldn't crack.

I looked at my sore hands and groaned. "All that work for nothing huh?" I returned the suitcase to the cupboard and closed it.

I went back to my training and it took till 2 pm at noon. I wasn't bothered that anyone would come in because this time, I had locked the doors.

After my time in the closet, I walked into the bathroom and took a soothing shower before l went to the table to read.

I would be going to school tomorrow and have limited time to study for that test Gerard mentioned. I needed to study vigorously if I wanted to get a degree and achieve my dreams.

I read till the late hours of the night and to my surprise, no one bothered me. Not even to eat. Strange.

When I checked the time, it was already 8 pm in the night and I felt as though I hadn't even covered enough.

I decided to continue reading when I heard a knock on the door. Reluctantly, I walked up to the door and opened it.

It was Gerard. He was standing by the side of the door with one of his legs to the wall. He was downed in his usual black coloured outfit.

"Oh! Hey." I wasn't expecting that it would be him because I had anticipated that it would be Lucy.

"I was told you haven't left your room since morning." his usual cold yet calm voice resonated in the silent house.

I scratched my hair and looked at the table where I was studying. "Well, I was studying for tomorrow. I don't think I'm ready yet." this was harder than I expected but I was determined to pass.

"That's enough. Come down and eat." he didn't sound as though he was requesting this of me.

"But I still have to check the..."

"No! Have you seen your face? You look like a walking dead." with that, he began to walk away and I couldn't phantom if this was an insult or not.

I pouted and walked behind him. I couldn't deny that I was hungry anyway.

Dragging my feet, I went downstairs and on the dining table was a serving for one. Gerard was already seated in his usual chair and seeing the small quantity of food, I groaned.

"Really? I'm starving and why is it only for one person?" I sat on the chair adjacent to his frustratedly. This was like waking up the demon in her with this small food.

"Well, you just said you wanted to continue reading, didn't you?" I looked at him and pushed my lips forward making a pitiful face.

"That puppy face won't work on me," he said while putting his spoon into the food.

I stared at him like a wicked man who was being stingy with food. He raised his head and looked at me with a confused expression.

"What are you waiting for? Dig in." it only when he said that that I realized there were two spoons in the food.

I grinned happily. I didn't even think much about it and just began to eat so that I wouldn't receive the lesser portion. I didn't realize I was this hungry till now.

"Eat slowly. You wouldn't want the food to pass through the wrong pipe right." his voice was still cold but he sounded worried for me.

"I have superpowers. I can't be affected by these petty things" I spoke through a full mouth.

"But you get scared when I touch you don't you." I choked and began to cough uncontrollably.

He passed me a glass of water and patted my back as I coughed. Why would he even think about such a thing?

I glared at him after I felt better. "What gave you the notion that I would be afraid of you? The only thing that scars me is..."

I was yet to finish talking when sentence when I heard the thunder strike. "Ah!" I didn't know when I grabbed Gerard as my life depended on it.

I was shivering like a scared kitten but the thunder did not stop and struck again.

"Ah! I'm going to die. I thought the rainy season was over" I almost peed on my pants.