“If you continue this way, I'll not let you take those exams."

Gerard stared at me surprised as I clung onto him like a koala. I couldn't care what he thought of me at that moment. All I knew was I definitely didn't want to die from thunder and lightning.

After a few minutes, I didn't hear anything again and looked up to find myself in Gerard's arms.

He had his brow raised and I broke free from this unplanned hug then looked at everywhere else but him.

"Really, thunder? What are you two?" he looked at me surprised that I was scared of thunder.

"What? We all have different fears. I'm sure that what you fear is probably more absurd than mine." I retorted while having a feisty look on my face.

He raised his brow but said nothing and just looked at me as though he hadn't wrapped his head around me being scared of thunder.

"You should get some sleep. Tomorrow is a big day." tomorrow was indeed going to be a big day and it was only then that I remembered I hadn't covered everything.

I placed my palm in my face and began to panic. "Oh... I'm not ready. What if the exams are tougher than I anticipated? What if..." Gerard saw that I was panicking and held my hands.

"Hey...hey... It's alright. I'm sure you do great." he tried to comfort me but I still felt the need to study.

"I must return to my room right now. I haven't mastered the demand and supply curves how..." I didn't stop panicking.

Gerard punched the space between his brow "Would you rather I tell the school that you are no longer interested in going to school?"

His words made me hush. No longer interested? When did I say anything like that?

I shook my head knowing that he wanted to change his mind because of my persistence.

"Then go and sleep quietly. No more complaints." he was very serious and I nodded.

"Good." I went to my room and he went to his study but Immediately I locked my door, I flew to my study table and began to read again.

Just as I was reading, the lights went out and I almost screamed. I was afraid of the dark so why did this have to happen to me?

Slowly, I found my way to my bed and closed my eyes to sleep. I thought I would have a hard time sleeping but it turned out I was exhausted and also sleepy.

In Gerard's study, he held a remote control and rubbed his eyes. "Now let's see who's smarter."

He had already sensed that I would not sleep and all that was just a pretence to get him to let me go.

In the morning, I hugged my pillow tightly while in my sleep and perceived the sweet scent that it had. I felt like eating it up because it was like a special cake but hard.

I rubbed my head on it and hugged it even more not willing to let go. "If you continue this way, I'll not let you take those exams."

I heard the pillow talk but because I was still half asleep, I took its words as a mere threat.

"How do you intend to do that?" I asked still snuggling in the pillow, perceiving its enticing scent.

"Do you really want to know?" the pillow spoke again this time, its voice was getting more familiar.

"Try me." was all I could say. The pillow reached for my waist and grabbed it gently. Suddenly, our conversation replayed in my head and I remembered that today was the day for the exams.

I got up abruptly "Oh my God, the exams." I turned and saw Gerard laying on the bed with his brows curved.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I ran to the bathroom after seeing that the time was far spent.

Gerard just stared at the direction I took without saying a word. "Damn it, Ayla."

Quickly, I brushed my teeth and showered as fast as I could. Rushing out, I spotted the time which was already 7:30 am. Only God knows how far the school is from here. How on Earth will I make it on time?

I dressed faster than the flash and rushed down. Lucy passed me a brown package saying that I could eat it on my way going. I rushed out and got into the car that was waiting for me.

Because I was rushing, I didn't notice that Gerard was in the car until I had closed the door.

"Ah! You frightened me."

Gerard was seated with one of his long legs placed on the other and a newspaper on his thigh.

"I thought you said I can't scare you," he replied.

He wore a grey three pieced tuxedo and I didn't notice the spectacles that rested on his ears until he turned to look at me.

I chuckled "What are you wearing?" I have never seen him with spectacles but I must say, it made him look more attractive. Somehow, I thought he was trying to seduce me. Oh, what does that even mean?

He turned back and continued reading the papers without answering me. This is the first time Gerard would be leaving the mansion ever since I came or it's possible that he usually left but I never take note.

After a while, he dropped his papers and removed the glasses as well. He turned to me and took the rubber band from my hand.

"Huh? What are you doing?" I asked when I felt his hands on mine.

He turned me around and packed my hair in a ponytail. I was surprised by this act of his but then again, he's Gerard after all. A make full of surprises.

When he was done, I pursed my lips. Saying thank you is one of the hardest things for me so instead, I complimented his glasses.

"Those glasses look good on you, you know?"

He placed them in again and picked the papers. "I know."