Why did you come

"Can I borrow your friend for a minute?" Derick asked and instantly, I turned and glared at him.

"Hey... What are you talking about?" I gave him a death glare but he just ignored and focused on Kel instead as though asking for her permission.

"Um... Yes, I guess." Kel responded hesitantly. Because the lecturer had not arrived yet, stepping out for a moment wouldn't be too bad.

I ignored both of them and just faced the board that was situated in a far distance.

"let's go?" he asked but didn't wait for my answer before grabbing my hand and taking me out.

"Hey... Hey..." I yelled and everyone turned to look at the both of us as we made our way to the exit.

As soon as we were outside the hall, I jerked my hand back and glared at him as though he was a criminal.