Don't go away

"Huh? Mrs Elizabeth..." I rose to my feet and greeted her politely. "Good day ma'am. What brings you here?" I asked, delighted to see her again.

"Oh well, I own the restaurant." she casually responded leaving me awed.

"Huh?" Kel jumped off her chair and looked at Mrs Elizabeth delightedly.

"Oh... I'm sorry. This is Kelly my friend from school and Kel, this is Mrs Elizabeth." I introduced both of them and Kel had a bright smile on her face. She looked quite enthusiastic to meet Mrs Elizabeth.

Mrs Elizabeth on the other hand didn't look so pleased. She was rather surprised to see Kel and I could have sworn that it felt as though Mrs Elizabeth had seen a ghost.

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs Elizabeth." Kel happily street he'd out her hand at Mrs Elizabeth for a shack but the woman didn't take Kel's hand.

"Um... Ma'am is everything okay." I asked seeing that she was dazed.