I don't remember

Kel laid on the bed for a long time. She was sleeping soundly and didn't even know that she was in someone else's house.

Derick went to his room to check on her and found her still asleep. He walked to the bed and sat beside her. To his surprise, even K was still sleeping. It was uncommon for his cat to sleep for so long but he guessed that this was because of the presence of Kel.

He sighed and looked at the duo before turning to leave but just as he turned, his hand was held by Kel's. Frightened, Derick turned around only to see Kel awake and K's eyes were also opened.

His first thought was to shout for help but the image he saw wasn't of a person who wanted to hurt him rather, it looked at though she was just tired.

Derick sighed and helped her sit up. "Are you alright? You have been sleeping for a while now." he gently spoke to her but Kel looked lost.