Battling court cases

"Um... She woke up a few minutes ago but everything is fine. I even want to go to the office now since there is nothing left for me to do here." Gerard reported to Ayla.

A sigh could be heard from the other end. "That's a relief. But are you sure leaving them alone there is good? I mean, we don't know if something bad might happen. What if she begins to act out of character again?" Ayla was worried for Kara because they couldn't just leave her with Kel who tries to kill her before.

"It's alright now. Kara has Qin and her father is also here. I don't think your friend would want to do anything out of the ordinary. She doesn't even remember anything that happened from before." Gerard assured her and Ayla nodded in understanding.

"We have a lot to talk about when I get back home. For now, I'll just finish up some work in the office and go to visit Derick's house," she spoke while checking through the many files on the desk.