The king's arrival

Marcus was left speechless by what he heard from the room. Nowhere in a million years did he think that a day like this would ever come when he would be sacrificed to a man to end a war.

He rushed off from the garden and returned to his room the words of his mother echoed in his ear remind him of the decision the king had made.

It was something that not even he could have imagined to happened. He laid down on the floor with his eyes staring into nothing while thinking about his future.

Since he was a child he had been raised only for the mare purpose of becoming the king of Narsia. But now his own father was giving him up for marriage.

If it was a queen he was marrying ,it would be understandable but he was being married off to a man. That too someone that he has heard only bad things about.

A man who has no heart and jas caused a lot of chaos to them. He had tortured so many of his people and now he will have to form a re relationship with that very man.

The thought of it send shivers down his spine. Being in a relationship with a man was not just crazy but also insane. He had heard of such relations in society but not to the extent of understanding it.

"Marcus," he heard his sisters voice followed by a knock on the door. "Marcus, come out. Let us go for a ride," she requested.

Marcus ignored her and continued to wallow in the pit that his father had dug for him. It was the worst day of his life.

The King was a man who upheld righteousness and stood his ground no matter what came his way so he was surprised to find that he actually agreed to something like this.

"What is it that he stands to lose that he made this arrangement?" he asked himself trying to understand the situation.

The more ge thought about the issue the harder it was to believe that he was to be married to a werewolf king.

"Your highness, your presence is needed to welcome the guests of the palace," he heard from the door.

Marcus frowned finding the news irritating. He was in the middle of a midlife crisis and they are asking him to go and welcome some tests that have arrived.

He sucked it up and stood up from the ground. There was no way that he was going to accept to get married to the king of Zayion. He decided to speak to his father and refuse the proposal.

He opened the door to his room and stepped out. He wiped the sad look from his face and wore a bright smile to appear welcoming.

As the crown prince of Narsia it was his duty to be a good host to his guests. He made his way down the stairs taking one step at a time.

"Introducing the one and only king of Zayion. King Morpheus Xanaz Dundragon," the page announced as he reached the end of the stairs.

Marcus froze in his steps hearing the name of the man that he was set to marry. His hand grabbed on to the handrail and held it tightly.

His heart was drumming in his chest sending him into panic. What were the chances that the king would return with the news of the alliance and a few hours after the king of Zayion would arrive at the palace.

He didn't believe in coincidences as they rarely were coincidences in life. He gazed at the door as an entourage wearing the emblem of Zayion entered the room.

He drew a deep breath hoping the page made a mistake and only his entourage came. But his wish was not so as next the king walked in full glory with a few men to his back.

"This is not happening," he heard his mother say as she took her place right next to him and held his hands.

"Who would have thought that one day we would open our doors to our enemies?" his grandmother questioned.

"This shouldn't be happening. It is wrong," his mother said her hands holding him tightly.

Marcus could only agree with them. What was happening wasn't right at all. He was a prince and a man, how can he marry a man. How will that relationship even work?

What more was the fact that he was only human being married to a wolf. It was not going to be easy to deal with a creature like that.

"He should leave," Marcus uttered being scared of what the future held for him if they entertained the king of Zayion in their house.

"I know dear but we can't just ask him to leave our house. It will rude of us anf unethical," he mother let out.

Marcus could not believe her words. She was busy speaking of ethics when his life and future were in danger. She didn't want anything to do with the king of Zayion.

"I am going for a horse ride," he said.

He got out of his mother's hold and walked towards the exist to his left away from everything. He didn't want any part of what was going on and he wasn't going to let anyone talk him into agreeing to the madness.

He heard footsteps chasing after him and sighed. He should have known better than to think they would let him off so easily.

The sound of the boots told him that it was a man that ran after him. With the king of Zayion present his father would want to keep appearance so he was the one who ran after him.

He massaged his forehead from the stress he was feeling. If someone had told him this morning that his life was going yo turn upside down. He wouldn't have believed them but would have probably ran for tge hills nonetheless to avoid the problem.

"Father, you can't convince me yo stay here. And forget about you plans to get me married to that man, I will do no such thing," he uttered sternly.

"We will see about that?" he heard a strange voice say to him. He turned around to check the source of the voice. His eyes widen when he met the king of Zayion starting back at him.