First kiss

Marcus glared at the king with bitterness in his eyes. He couldn't stand the face of the man that was ruining his future.

He knew it was rude to turn his back to a guest but at the moment he could care less. All that mattered to him was getting away from the man before he hit him.

As he walked further away out of the palace he could hear footsteps chasing after him. He just couldn't believe how dense the king was not to pick up the fact that he didn't want to be disturbed.

"What is your problem," he asked turning around to face the king of Zayion.

"I have no problems but rather I am offering a solution to your problems," he said to him calmly. He didn't seem in the least affected by Marcus's outburst. He was just calmly standing before him.

"Really and your way of solving my problems is to ruin my life?" he questioned to him.

"Who said anything about ruining your life?" the king asked intrigued. "I am here to make it better," he added.

Marcus scoffed at his reply. It made him angry to see the king smile at him, if only he wasn't the king of werewolves then he would have certainly chopped his head off and used it as decoration for his room.

"How can you make my life better by marrying me. I am a man and you are a man, how will that even work?" he inquired being confused by the whole thing from the start.

He just couldn't wrap his mind around the fact of him marrying a man. What would the the outcome of that be?

If it was on a normal occasion he was sure that even his people would despise the idea but seeing as it wasn't normal circumstances. He was sure the very people wouldn't mind throwing his under the bus if it meant that they would be free from the war.

The war had terrorized many people and taken many loved ones from their families. People were scared and they would settle for anything that would end the war.

Marcus blinked getting out if his thoughts feeling something warm on his lips. When he looked up he saw the werewolf king kissing him.

'Wait, what?' he panicked and froze. He couldn't move to push the man away or move away from the kiss.

His entire body was stuck, he couldn't move a finger. His eyes were wide open watching everything that was going on.

The King didn't depend the kiss and soon backed off. "Like this. We will make it work," he said like it was so simple.

Marcus remained frozen before it registered in his mind that the evil king had just stolen his first kiss. He bit his lower lip angrily. The anger unfroze his body, his eyes wondered around until they caught sight of a rod.

He walked to the rod funding mad at the fact that a man had stolen his first kiss without permission. It infuriated him, that too a man that he disliked.That little act increased his hatred for the king.

The King of Zayion watched him make a move away from him. He was curious as to wear the male was going. The boy's reaction to his kiss was understandable, it was his first time kissing a person of the same gender and strangely enough, he didn't dislike it.

He watched the prince pick up a rod and his eyes widen with an intriguing realisation that the male was planning to beat him up.

He bit back a smile at how cute the male was. He found that he wasn't regretting the decision that he had made in haste. He only intended to propose the alliance since the man had saved his life and tended to him.

He looked so cute working so hard to treat him and hide him from everyone in the palace. All he wanted to say thank you for that by sparing his people more blood shed, he didn't expect to grow to like the male.

His anger was cute beyond words. It made him smile in the end.

"Are you mocking me with your smile?" Marcus asked holding the rid tightly in his arms. 'I will teach you not to mock me,' he thought and ran towards the king with the rod.

Morpheus remained unmoved from his position. He wasn't fazed by the prince's anger, rather he found it cute and alluring.

It made him happy, something that he hadn't been in a long time. Marcus swayed the rod in the air and aimed it at the king's head to hit him. The King grabbed hold of the rod with his hand, he pulled it out of Marcus's hand with no effort at all.

With his super strength no matter how tightly Marcus had held on to the rod, it was futile. He threw the rode away and grabbed hold of Marcus's hand and twisted it behind Marcus's back.

Marcus hissed in pain when his hand was held behind his back by the king. "Are you trying to upset me?" the king whispered to his ear.

Marcus whispered hearing his deep scary voice. He gulped but still felt angry. Angry at the king for being stronger than him, angry at himself for not getting g justice for his stolen kiss and angry at the world for his circumstances.

"You have successfully done that with me so why would I copy you?" Marcus asked angrily.

"What? I didn't do anything to you," the king defended the accusations.

"Right," Marcus said sarcastically trying to break free from the king.

"Tell me, what have I done to offend you. All I have done is be patient with you and I see no fault in that," the king mentioned.

"No fault?" Marcus mocked feeling even more irritated. "How dare you say that after stealing my first kiss from me," he uttered and stepped on the king's foot angrily.

The King raised his eyebrows in surprise. He didn't feel any pain from Marcus's little act of rebellion but he was shocked to learn that the boy had never kissed anyone before him.