

I understand the Queen's anger. She had not expected to find the king by my side. Even I didn't know of it.

"You did this intentionally," she tells to me. I don't get what she is accusing me of. I have not done anything wrong and I find it rude that she is thinking this is my fault.

The only fault I have is the fact I didn't realize when the king had joined me on the bed. This is the only thing that could make me guilty in this situation.

"I swear to y..."

"Enough," the queen screamed loud enough to awaken the dead. And sure enough her scream got the attention of the king who was starting to wake up.

It is good that he is waking up, he could at least tell the queen that I am not responsible for any of it. That he was the one that cane to him.

I looked to the king in hopes that he would explain things. His opened eyes looked at me, he himself said nothing to me. He took some time looking at me and the queen.

"It's so early in the morning. Why in the world are already screaming?" he asked letting in a word.

The queen moved to the table, she picked up the kettle and poured the hot tea to the cup. 'Is she going to have tea at this time?'

Just as I expected her to bring the cup to her lips. She turned around and aimed the cup at the king.

"Arghh," the king let out fully awake. Who wouldn't wake up when hot tea was poured on them? The queen's calm aura had disappeared. Her face was like that of a dragon just waiting to devour us to pieces.

I moved a step back. She was a dangerous woman with the tea right beside her.

"What has gotten into you this morning Reina?" the king asked getting up from the bed. In no minute he was standing in front of his queen his eyes piercing at her.


I heard a loud sound, my jaw dropped when I witnessed the woman slap the king on the face. She gritted her teeth matching the king's gaze.

The werewolf king raised his hand to his cheek. He looked at his queen not saying a word. He didn't blink while looking at her and I could swear the room was so silent you could hear a pin fall to the ground.

The air was so tense in the room. The King had many women in the palace and she even suggested to him that he can spend time with them. So I didn't get why the Queen was overreacting about me and the king sleeping on the same bed.

It's not like anything happened between us.

"Why are you hurt?" the king asked the tone of his voice going down. His voice was soft and sweet.

"Why? Do you want to know?" she questioned to the king. The King nodded his head.

She grabbed hold of the king hand and pulled him along. They matched right towards me, my breath caught, she was the king's favourite. If she accuses me before the king then I am doomed.

"Him, he is the reason that I am angry," she said.

I was barely able to breath when I heard her statement. God knows that I have done nothing wrong and yet she was accusing me.

"No," I let out. "I have not done anything wrong. Tell her please that it was all you," I pleaded to the king.

The King looked to me and back to his Queen. His brows were furrowed. He scratched the back of his head with a cheeky smile on his face.

I couldn't believe that he could find it in himself to smile at such a time. And I didn't seem to be the only one, his queen was also not happy with his smile from the glare.

"Do you mind talking me through what is going on," he said. "It's hard to decide who is right and who is wrong when I don't even know what is happening," he added.

Reina shook her head to him. She grabbed my hand and forcefully pulled me closer to the king. She tilted my head to the side and let the king gaze at my neck.

The king's eyes were popping out of their sockets when he saw the mark on my neck. I don't get why these people are making such a bog deal out of the mark on my neck. It was just a bite mark.

"Who di..."

"You," the Queen answered.

The king stumbled back hearing her reply. He held on to the bed post to prevent himself from losing balance an falling to the ground. I was tongue-tied. Surprised by how greatly the people here feared hickeys.

They were normal among lovers, at least that is what my friends told me.

"How could you do this to me Morpheus?" the queen asked him. "I never demand anything from you or question you about your affairs. All I ever wanted wa.." she bit her lip and stopped talking.

"I didn't do that to him," the king said to her. "If I marked anyone then it's you. I was with you in the night," the king said which surprised me.

The queen scoffed at his reply. She didn't buying any of it and who would blame her, the king was lying right through his teeth.

"I got a little drunk yesterday and I can't to you. I followed the scent of your perfume and as you know, only you wear that perfume in my palace and I can never mistake," the king explained to her. "I marked you Reina, it's true," he added.

Reina turned her eyes to me, she strode over to me and took a deep breath on my neck. Her jaw dropped.

"Why are you wearing my perfume," she asked to me. She let out a laugh right after.

Her question surprised me but her laugh terrified me. The King too didn't seem pleased with me, he was looking at me with eyes that said 'This will be your end.'